What is work? This is a service, labor activity aimed at obtaining money. Work can take place in various conditions, be hard or not very hard, tense or calm. For each person, working conditions are of great importance. Work is divided into mental and physical. Consider these two types.
Physical work
During the performance of physical work, a person experiences a strong load on the musculoskeletal system, respiratory, musculo-nervous, cardiovascular, and other systems. Such work often contributes to the development of muscles, stimulates metabolic processes that occur in the body, however, he also has bad sides. What exactly? A person, for example, may develop some kind of ailment of the musculoskeletal system. The likelihood of this trouble is especially high if the work is too hard for the worker or improperly organized. You need to take care of yourself and think about your he alth. The definition of the concept of “work” sounds, one might say, optimistic, but in reality everything turns out to be not so rosy. Many people are forced to work hard.

Mental activity
Mental work is aimed at absorbing and processing certain information and requires concentration, good memory, and the inclusion of thinking processes. Such work is dangerous because of too much stress on the psyche. Mental work is remarkable in that the person performing it usually moves very little. Physical inactivity can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases in a worker. Prolonged mental work has a negative impact on mental processes - attention and memory are reduced, the functions of perception of reality suffer. The condition of a person and his he alth to a large extent depend on how reasonably organized work is. Also of great importance are the features of the environment where the mental work of the individual takes place. All this must be foreseen in advance. And purely physical work is now a rarity. The vital activity of an individual involves the expenditure of energy, which directly depends on the intensity of labor. Now you know not only the lexical meaning of the word "work", but also what types it is. But the work is further subdivided into several categories. Let's take a look at them.
Mechanized labor

Mechanized work, as a rule, does not require a large expenditure of energy and stress on the muscles. But at the same time, it is characterized by a significant speed and uniformity of the movements of the worker. From monotonous work, people quickly get tired, their attention deteriorates.
Pipeline work
Such work is remarkable even moreuniformity and great speed. Of course, this is not good. An individual working on an assembly line performs one or a couple of actions. Since he is a link in a chain consisting of other workers, his every movement must be made at a strictly defined time. It is not difficult to understand that this is very exhausting. Monotony and the enormous speed of work can also cause fatigue. Reading the meaning of the word "work", people working on the assembly line would probably be indignant that the definition does not say a word about the loads that many have to endure.
Auto production
Automated production is characterized by less energy and not as terrible tension as the assembly line. In this case, work is the regular maintenance of mechanisms or the implementation of simple actions, such as supplying raw materials, turning machines on and off.
A little about intellectual activity

There are many types of mental (intellectual) work. This is creative, and managerial, and camera work. This also includes the work of teachers and doctors. Many of them work six days a week, tirelessly. They really know what work is. Schoolchildren and students are also busy with a kind of work. The profession of an operator involves strong emotional and mental stress and great responsibility. Not everyone is suitable for this type of activity. The work of schoolchildren and students is characterized by a high stress of the main functionspsyche - attention and memory. They know firsthand what work is. Also, children often have to deal with stressful situations, which include tests, exams and creative tasks. Some kids can't take it all and get sick.
Work for creative people
The most difficult kind of intellectual work is the one that scientists, inventors, poets, musicians, artists perform. Such activity involves high emotional and mental stress. Young professionals who have barely started working in any of these areas immediately understand what work is. According to them, this is hard labor, forcing you to literally plow to exhaustion. Of course, it sounds a little harsh, but it's true.