Publicistic style is one of the functional varieties of language, which is widely used in quite a few areas of public life. This is the language of the media (newspapers, magazines, television), public speeches (including political ones), political literature for mass reading, documentaries, etc.
Often journalistic style is called newspaper-journalistic (newspaper) or socio-political. However, all these definitions are less accurate, since they define only certain areas of the functioning of this variety of literary language.

The name of the style is associated with journalism and characterizes the features of the works related to it. It is understood as a special combination of literature and journalism. It deals with topical literary, legal, political, economic, philosophical and other problems of our time in order to influence public opinion and political institutions. Journalism is often used in both scientific and artisticworks.
Publicism and journalistic style are not identical concepts. The first is a kind of literature, and the second is a functional kind of language. This direction may differ in works of different styles. And the journalistic style (text, article) may have nothing to do with journalism due, for example, to the irrelevance of the problem.
The main functions of this style are informational and influencing the mass addressee. And if the first function is inherent in almost all other styles, then the second is a backbone for works that are characterized by a journalistic style.
Genres of the entire direction are usually divided into three groups: analytical (article, conversation, correspondence, review, review, review), informational (report, reportage, note, interview) and artistic and publicistic (essay, feuilleton, essay, pamphlet).
Let's consider the features of the most common genres most often used in newspaper journalism.
Chronicle is a genre of news journalism, a selection of messages, a statement of the presence of an event in time. Messages are short, extremely informative, with obligatory time signals: "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday".
Reporting is also a news genre. In it, the story of the event is conducted simultaneously with the unfolding action. The means of conveying the presence of the speaker in the thick of things are used (for example, “we are in …”), the composition captures the natural course of the event.
Interviews are classified as a multifunctional genre. These can be news or analytical texts, which are united by the form of a dialogic discussion of the problem.
The article belongs to the analytical genre. It presents the results of an investigation of a problem or an event that has occurred. The main stylistic feature of this genre is reasoning on the basis of theses with their argumentation, logical presentation, and conclusions. Opinion articles can be oriented towards scientific, conversational or other style.
The essay belongs to the artistic and journalistic genre. It is characterized by a figurative, concrete-sensory representation of facts, problems, topics. Essays can be portrait, event, problem, travel.
Feuilleton refers to the artistic and journalistic genre, which represents the journalistic style. In it, the problem or event is presented in a satirical (sometimes humorous) light. Such works are targeted (make fun of a certain fact) or unaddressed (denounce negative phenomena in general).