Moral and spiritual values change according to world influence. We alth comes first. The fact that happiness is not in him has long been forgotten, now there are other principles and mottos. But even Horace said: "Whoever has not learned to live, being content with little, will always be a slave."

Rejoice at the bare minimum: good or bad?
What is hidden under the expression "to live well"? Owning a luxurious mansion, buying another car, diamond caviar for breakfast? People, guided by the principle of consumer life, tend to surpass others. By and large, why does a person need another apartment or cottage if he lives alone or has a small family? To rent out, earn income and forget about work. The prospect is tempting, appetite comes with eating, as they say. One day, the proceeds received from renting an apartment will not be enough. There will be a desire to acquire another one, so that it generates income. Then the income from both apartments will no longer be enough, the needs will increase.

A person strives for we alth, considering it a release from hateful work and the need to count pennies. But having lost his means, what such an individual will do is a mystery.
To be satisfied with little, according to many rich people, a sign of inferiority. A person cannot be happy while living in poverty. It's bad to be poor, obviously.
What do the poor themselves think about this, no one asked. Meanwhile, many of them are happy, not possessing even a hundredth of the we alth, without which life seems unsweet to other people. And the concept of poverty is quite loose. For some, poverty is one apartment, two cars per family, comfortable furniture. Others consider the absence of twenty mansions on Rublyovka to be poverty. This is exaggerated, but the concept of poverty can be different - a fact.
Small joys make great happiness. The ability to be content with little, to notice a miracle where others will pass by, is worth a lot.
Turning to Christianity
"Be generous, be content with little" - a statement in the spirit of gospel parables and stories. The Lord Himself said that the rich will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, He ordered His disciples not to hold on to earthly goods, caring about tomorrow. Jesus taught followers a simpler life, without the pursuit of gain, in modern terms. Tomorrow will take care of itself, but there are birds that are content with little. They do not remain hungry, for the Lord feeds them.
There is a parable in the Gospel that tells about a rich young man. He was going to become a disciple of Christ, to followNim. When the young man expressed his determination, Jesus offered him to sell his estate, only then would it be possible to follow Christ. The young man was saddened, for he was very rich, and departed from the Savior. Money turned out to be more precious than the Lord.
The article is not a call to give everything away and live, hoping for a miracle. There is an old saying: trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself. Of course, people must work, earning their livelihood. But there is no need to get involved in the financial component, there is enough for a certain standard of living - and thank God.

Children and their demands
Should we be content with little when there is every opportunity for a better life? Sometimes this is useful, especially for today's children.
Every parent strives to give their child the very best. The prospect of living at work is not the most pleasant, but it does not frighten many, because the desire to satisfy the needs of the child, to provide him with a comfortable childhood prevails over everything else. Parents work, the child lives in abundance, but grows like burdock in a roadside ditch. Left to himself, he is deprived of the company of mom and dad, simple family joys. Parental love and attention cannot be replaced by any luxury.
A child needs to be content with little, so that mom and dad have enough time for him. At the very least, it is simply necessary to instill such a skill. When a child, swearing and indignant, demands another expensive thing, this is a good reason for parents to think about his upbringing. The child grows up spoiled, he does notused to being rejected and manipulating relatives, arranging ugly scenes.
Baby money
Another burning question for many families: is it worth giving money to a child? This is at the discretion of the parents, they know their offspring better than anyone. The problem is not money, but the level of consumption and saturation with it. If it’s not enough for a child that he has, tantrums and whims begin, he should be deprived of pocket money or given a minimum. Let him learn to be content with little.

Happiness is easy
In all religions there is a mention that you need to live simply. For example, in the Koran you can find the phrase: "Be content with little and you will not need." It seems unreal, because it is impossible to live, cutting yourself in everything, and not feel the need. And who wants to be content with a minimum given the current capabilities of people?
As mentioned above, happiness is in the little things. People who are obsessed with the pursuit of we alth simply do not have time to notice it. Life passes by, days are similar to each other, emptiness appears inside, and there is no joy from earned money. Age limits pass, a person ages. This is where the awakening comes, looking back, our hero is horrified. All his life he was running somewhere, doing something, achieving and striving only to receive an award with crisp pieces of paper.

Money can't buy happy moments in life. New Year's snow is not for sale, and the trees are not dressed up in it by order. Worth a look at New Year's Evedecoration, when all the trees and the roofs of the houses turn white, like a fairy tale feeling. Previously, such nature, only without high-rise buildings, was shown in cartoons and children's fairy tales. Sometimes you need to put aside work, look out the window or go out into the yard to touch the beauty.

What is hiding under the little one?
Be content with little, what does that mean? Be happy with what you have, be grateful for what you have. To be happy, not looking at other people's lives, but to appreciate and enjoy your own.
In order to smile and feel happy, you need a little: a warm, summer and sunny day, a butterfly on a flower, a drop of morning dew, the smell of freshly cut hay, a glass of fresh milk.
People living in villages and villages know how to be happy. They rejoice in what they have, the feeling of envy is unknown to them, and their position in life can delight city dwellers. You can learn a lot from the villagers in terms of attitude to life.
To be satisfied with little or strive for heights is a personal choice of a person. Everyone has their own path, life goals and tasks.
At the end of the article, I would like to point out that the ability to stop in time in a crazy race for benefits is very important. The day may come when a person will regret neglecting simple pleasures.