In terms of equality and stability, Sweden is perhaps one of the most exemplary democracies in the world. Created by Carl Gustaf XVI, the monarchy and the royal family in this country have fairly strong roots and great public support.

The head of state is considered the most important symbol of Sweden. The king is not interested in politics, he has no official powers since 1974. All his duties are mainly ceremonial and representational. The monarch, having lost his last right - to appoint a prime minister - has turned into a "trade symbol" of the state, "promoting" its business interests around the world.
The Swedish Royal Family is one of the oldest in the world. Monarchist traditions in this country have existed without interruption for a millennium. According to the Constitution, the royal family passes the succession to the throne to the eldest descendant of the monarch, regardless of gender. Therefore, the head of Sweden in the future will be Crown Princess Victoria, and not at all her brother Carl Philip, who is younger than her.

In the fightDuring its existence, the royal house went to great lengths: including changing the laws of succession to the throne. Today, members of the Swedish royal family, in addition to Carl Gustaf XVI, are also Victoria and her husband, Prince Daniel, Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine, who loves to visit the USA. But the royal house and the royal family are two different things. The first also includes other close relatives of the king - his sister Birgitta, as well as his uncle's widow.
The Swedish royal family enjoys the well-deserved love of their subjects. The king constantly visits the municipalities, makes the so-called "eriksgatur" - visits to the province, thereby showing his closeness to the people, who respond to him with adoration. A huge crowd of people from all over the country gathered to see with their own eyes the wedding of the Crown Princess in Stockholm in 2010.

The royal family is also actively involved in charitable activities, which is very much appreciated by the Swedes. They enjoy watching all the programs related to the royal house. For example, the broadcast of Victoria's birthday broke all rating records in the country. And what jubilation was when in 2011 it was announced that the Crown Princess was pregnant! One of the Swedish parent sites even posted a picture of an embryo wearing a crown. However, sometimes the Swedish royal family accepts very unusual signs of love: for example, rugs and can openers with the coat of arms of the royal family are sold in the Stockholm Museum.
However, today in Sweden the number of protestersfor the abolition of the monarchy is gradually increasing. This is mainly due to the scandals in which it turns out

royal family lately. Although the main population of the country is still calm about all the negative news that began to appear with enviable constancy. It is possible that the royal house will undergo new reforms in the future.
At present it is difficult to say something definite, but the flexibility and pragmatism with which the royal family lives, trying to change outdated traditions all the time, is truly the "lifeline" of the Bernadotte family. However, in spite of everything, there is no need to wait for the "renaissance" of the Swedish monarchy.
Although without its symbols - the list of which is headed by the royal family - this country will be different. After all, Sweden simply cannot be imagined without monarchs, as well as without a blue and yellow flag, bright red houses and the character "Pippi - Longstocking".