Language learning is indispensable in today's world. Your social status and position at work depend on your knowledge. Without languages, you won't even be able to have a good rest abroad. And the more and more extensively you know languages, the easier it will be to establish contact, understand people from different countries, broaden your horizons, that is, develop.
The most common and most popular languages to learn are: English, French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese. But where to start? This article covers the basics of the Spanish language: who is it easier to learn and how long will it take to master? You will also learn how to count up to ten in Spanish, and then up to a million.

Let's start with the fact that this language belongs to the Romance group. Spanish will be easy for those who have already studied or are studying French or Italian. They are very similar in structure,grammar and pronunciation rules, as well as a large number of similar, if not identical words.
But still, it is best to start learning Spanish with the alphabet and reading rules. Despite the fact that this language uses the Latin alphabet, the pronunciation of the letters varies greatly. For example, the letter j in English is read as [jay], in Spanish it is pronounced [hota].
Spanish reading rules are pretty easy: how to spell and how to read. But we turn to the alphabet and see that first you need to learn how individual letters sound.

You can also try to read simple texts. You do not need to understand them at all: this is how the rules of reading will be deposited in your head. And later it will be easier to memorize new words. Gradually, you will also memorize frequently occurring words.
But if you have already passed this, then you can start memorizing simple phrases, for example:
Me llamo … [Me yamo] – My name is….
Yo vivo en Rusia [Yo vivo en Rusya] - I live in Russia.
Yo tengo … años [Yo tengo … anos] – I am … years old.
But to tell how old you are, you need to deal with numbers and numbers.

Spanish counting up to 10
First, let's deal with the numbers, from which we can later build complex numbers. As mentioned above, it is easier to learn the material for those who have already learned Romance languages. The Spanish account is practically the same as the French one.
0 - cero [sero] (emphasis on e).
1 - uno [uno] (emphasis on y).
2- dos [dos].
3 - tres [tres].
4 - cuatro [quatro] (emphasis on a).
5 - cinco [sinko] (emphasis on and). The first letter is pronounced between t and s.
6 - seis [seis].
7 - siete [siete] (emphasis on e).
8 - ocho [otcho] (emphasis on the first o).
9 - nueve [nueve] (emphasis on the last vowel).
10 - diez [dies] (emphasis on the first syllable).
To quickly remember the Spanish score, repeat the numbers first in order, and then randomly. Or ask someone to ask around randomly. This should be done with absolutely any information in order to better assimilate it.
Children's songs are a great way to remember something, as they have a simple motive, catchy words and a melody.
Spanish Counting: Tens, Hundreds, Thousands and Millions
Numbers will be a little more difficult. There are no songs on the Spanish account after 20, so you should rely only on yourself. To memorize the numbers, just call them every day, for example, up to 100. When you do them, count in Spanish from 100 to 1,000. Below is a table with numbers and numbers from zero to a billion.

As you can see, numbers are formed by adding an ending to the stem of numbers from 1 to 9.
The ending -nta is added to tens, except for twenty (veinte), where -nte is added, ten is just diez.
As for complex numbers from 20 to 99, for example, forty-one or seventy-six, they are all formed in the same way, except for those between 20 and 30. Twenty -a kind of exception to the rule, such numbers are written in one word (vientiuno - 21). Starting from 30 and ending with 90, they are written in 3 words (cuarenta y seis - 46). A ten is taken, then i or y, a digit is added.
Hundreds take a digit and add -cientos. For example, doscientos, if translated literally, would be two hundred. You also see that the variant doscientas is possible, which refers to the feminine gender of the subject being spoken of. In Romance languages, it is customary to indicate the gender of an object using numbers and verbs. In Spanish, there is the pronoun ellos (from el - he), that is, they are masculine, and there is ellas (from ella - she), they are feminine.
And how to correctly say a large number, for example, 4 million; 145 thousand; 1593? The sequence is exactly the same as in Russian: cuatro millones; ciento cuarenta y cinco; mil quinientos noventa y tres.

So, this article discusses the numbers in Spanish, where to start learning them and how to remember them better. Children's songs and short simple stories help to learn and understand the language more easily. Also parsed Spanish score with pronunciation from zero to a billion.
And in order to learn and understand the language, you need not only memorize the rules and words. It takes practice, a great desire and complete immersion in this environment.