The Vatican is the smallest state that spiritually unites Catholics around the world. A small enclave is located on the territory of Rome.
Legislative, executive and judicial power are concentrated in the hands of the Pope. The famous Vatican has many rules and traditions. The population of the state is mostly local residents, and 35% are visitors from other countries.

The Vatican chose yellow, gray, red, green, white as the main colors for its symbols. The flag of the Vatican is colored with yellow and snow-white stripes, the emblem of the country - crossed keys - are located strictly at the bottom of the pope's tiara.
The conclusion of the Lateran treaty on the creation of the state of the Holy See by Pope Pius XI made us come up with state symbols. The flag of the Vatican was chosen for a short time, on June 7, 1929 it was officially approved. Symbolism means the main keys to the gates of Paradise (Rome). The tiara above these signs indicates the unshakable papal authority. And the three crowns are symbols of the Holy Trinity.

Coat of arms
So, in the third decade of the twentieth century, the coat of arms of the Vatican was approved. The shape of the heraldic symbol - with sharp corners depicted with attributescatholic church, papacy. In some cases, a small coat of arms is marked on the banner of the state and institutions.
To the successor of the pope upon the transfer of the throne, the monogram is divided: the tiara accompanies the funeral procession with the remains of the deceased pope, and the keys, as a symbol of the permanent church government, go to the symbolism of the assistant to the cardinal. The key opens the gates of Rome and leads to heaven.
The followers of the pope abandoned the tiara, it has become a commemorative symbol of the state. At the beginning of the 12th century, a crown was added, showing the sovereign position of the papal cloister. The next crown was added two hundred years later. And after several decades, the collection was enriched with another crown.

All three royal attire indicate the advantage of the pope over other scepters as a clergyman, teacher of his flock and steward. The emblem of the Vatican is revered and respected throughout the Catholic world. This symbol has a special meaning, therefore it is forbidden to use any signs of state symbols for advertising and other purposes. Desecration and desecration of the cloth will result in severe punishment.
Population of the country
The Vatican is considered a small state. The population is about 1000 people. More than half of them were citizens of the state, the rest were visitors from other areas and countries. Basically, these are diplomats, service personnel.
The Lateran Agreement regulates the statutory rules on the acquisition of civil rights, lost citizenship and documents,permitting stay in this country. Citizenship of the Vatican can be obtained by those people who are associated with the civil service, occupy responsible positions. When the contract is closed, not only the position is lost, but also the inherent citizenship, it is possible to retain the right of an Italian citizen. The Vatican has its own rules and regulations. The population here is replenished infrequently.
A spouse or spouse, as well as their children, are equated to citizens of the country and receive a document allowing them to stay in the Vatican. When the spouses divorce, this civil right is lost. When the children reach the age of 25, when they become able-bodied, or the daughter gets married, the issue of loss of citizenship is resolved. You can't just go to the Vatican. The population is strictly counted, the family relations of the wards of the state are even more closely monitored.

Passport regime
Diplomatic and official passport of the Holy See of the Vatican can be issued to a person working abroad. But this does not give the right to freely enter the great Vatican, remain in it or have citizenship.
Formally, there is no strict passport regime in the country. You can only get to the city through Italian lands. Immigration rules apply to this area as well. Any citizen of the Vatican can obtain a document proving his identity. With it, the entrance to the border passes without any delay. Only the current governor, cardinal, as well as their close associates, who are listed by name in the correspondingdocument.

Currently, more than 600 citizens and 350 people who have not received this right live in the enclave. Many of them are people with dual citizenship, mostly Italian.
State currency
The Vatican is a state within a state. It has its own banknotes. Lira equals 100 centesimo.
- banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 30, 50, 100;
- Coin denomination - 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50.
The country has a special status of the euro. Vatican coins are prized by collectors, especially those dating from the last and earlier centuries. Special auctions sell these items for thousands of dollars.

Historical reference
Initially, metal cash appeared in the 1st century. To this day, it keeps the appearance of the Pope. The embossed epigraph reads: "Rome is the capital of the world." Later, Cardinal Curius brought money for circulation. The history of the Vatican is fascinating, so many people dream of getting here to get to the sacred archives.
Coins were used to pay wages, and they were placed in unusual boxes. 200 years later, Pope Eugene IV put into circulation the ducats of the Venetian coinage. Four hundred years later, the lyre appeared. The monetary scheme gradually began to change.
Money was perfectly equipped with protection against fraudsters. The color of the coins, which had distinctive features, was also exquisite. In 2001, Pope John Paul II signed a decree on the introduction ofenclave of the new monetary currency - the euro.
A state within a state
The great city became independent from Italy in the 30s of the XIX century. It is located on the right bank of the Tiber, in the west of Rome. This is the smallest state on the planet. Its area is only 0.44 sq. m.
Today the population is 1000 people. The city is located on a hill and is surrounded by walls built during the Middle Ages. Beautiful palaces adorn the gardens. Museums, art galleries fill the state. Many tourists are attracted by the many-sided and exciting Italy. The Vatican is the top place to visit. To see the most interesting places, it is worth booking a tour.

Main attraction
The Catholic Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican attracts tourists from all over the world. This is the most unique monument of architecture.
The construction of the cathedral took a long time and is associated with the names of more than five famous artists and architects. Started to be built in the 4th century AD, the cathedral acquired its final appearance only in the 17th century, after the construction of a large square in front of its entrance for the gathering of citizens, which was designed by the famous architect Bernini. It received its name in honor of the martyr Peter, at the burial site of whose remains it began to be erected. Now the cathedral is known for its original design and decoration and is located on the territory of the Vatican. The facade of the cathedral is very beautiful, it is decorated with large sculptures of the holy apostles, Jesus himselfChrist, and also John the Baptist. Inside the cathedral is the famous "Pieta" by Michelangelo.
The interior decoration strikes with its harmony and grandeur. The viewer is amazed by the many statues, tombstones and altars. Here is a statue of St. Peter, to touch which believers come from all over the world. Each headstone is the work of the great masters of the past and is made with great art and finesse.
The dome crowning the cathedral is visible from afar and is the largest in the world. From the inside, it is painted with frescoes by Renaissance masters. Everything in the cathedral speaks of the skill of builders and artists. This majestic building is a must see for anyone visiting Italy.