Nitrogen is a well-known chemical element, which is denoted by the letter N. This element, perhaps, is the basis of inorganic chemistry, it begins to be studied in detail in the 8th grade. In this article, we will consider this chemical element, as well as its properties and types.

History of the discovery of a chemical element
Nitrogen is an element that was first introduced by the famous French chemist Antoine Lavoisier. But many scientists are fighting for the title of the discoverer of nitrogen, among them are Henry Cavendish, Karl Scheele, Daniel Rutherford.
Henry Cavendish as a result of the experiment was the first to isolate a chemical element, but did not understand that he received a simple substance. He reported his experience to Joseph Priestley, who also did a number of studies. Probably, Priestley also managed to isolate this element, but the scientist could not understand what exactly he received, therefore he did not deserve the title of discoverer. Karl Scheele did the same research at the same time, but did not come to the right conclusion.
In the same year, Daniel Rutherford managed not only to obtain nitrogen, but alsodescribe it, publish a dissertation, and state the basic chemical properties of the element. But even Rutherford did not fully understand what he had received. However, it is he who is considered the discoverer, because he was the closest to the solution.

Origin of the name nitrogen
From the Greek "nitrogen" is translated as "lifeless". It was Lavoisier who worked on the rules of nomenclature and decided to name the element that way. In the 18th century, all that was known about this element was that it did not support either combustion or respiration reactions. Therefore, this name was accepted.
In Latin, nitrogen is called "nitrogenium", which in translation means "giving birth to s altpeter". From the Latin language, the designation of nitrogen appeared - the letter N. But the name itself did not take root in many countries.
Element abundance
Nitrogen is perhaps one of the most common elements on our planet, it ranks fourth in abundance. The element is also found in the solar atmosphere, on the planets Uranus and Neptune. The atmospheres of Titan, Pluto and Triton are composed of nitrogen. In addition, the Earth's atmosphere consists of 78-79 percent of this chemical element.
Nitrogen plays an important biological role, because it is necessary for the existence of plants and animals. Even the human body contains 2 to 3 percent of this chemical element. Part of chlorophyll, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids.

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless transparent liquid, is one of the states of aggregation of a chemical substance. Liquid nitrogen is widely used in industry, construction and medicine. It is used in the freezing of organic materials, cooling equipment, and in medicine for the removal of warts (aesthetic medicine).
Liquid nitrogen is non-toxic and non-explosive.
Molecular nitrogen
Molecular nitrogen is an element that is contained in the atmosphere of our planet and forms a large part of it. The formula for molecular nitrogen is N2. Such nitrogen reacts with other chemical elements or substances only at very high temperatures.
Physical properties
Under normal conditions, the chemical element nitrogen is a gas that is odorless, colorless, and practically insoluble in water. Liquid nitrogen in its consistency resembles water, it is also transparent and colorless. Nitrogen has another state of aggregation, at temperatures below -210 degrees it turns into a solid, forms many large snow-white crystals. Absorbs oxygen from the air.
Chemical properties
Nitrogen belongs to the group of non-metals and adopts properties from other chemical elements from this group. Generally, non-metals are not good conductors of electricity. Nitrogen forms various oxides, such as NO (monoxide). NO or nitric oxide is a muscle relaxant (a substance that significantly relaxes the muscles without causing any harm or other effects onhuman organism). Oxides containing more nitrogen atoms, such as N2O, is a laughing gas with a slightly sweet taste that is used in medicine as an anesthetic. However, oxide NO2 has nothing to do with the first two, because it is a rather harmful exhaust gas found in car exhausts and seriously pollutes the atmosphere.
Nitric acid, which is formed by hydrogen, nitrogen and three oxygen atoms, is a strong acid. It is widely used in the production of fertilizers, jewelry, organic synthesis, the military industry (the production of explosives, rocket fuel and the synthesis of poisonous substances), the production of dyes, medicines, etc. Nitric acid is very harmful to the human body, leaving ulcers and chemical residues on the skin. burns.
People mistakenly believe that carbon dioxide is nitrogen. In fact, due to its chemical properties, an element reacts with only a small number of elements under normal conditions. And carbon dioxide is carbon monoxide.

Application of a chemical element
Nitrogen in liquid state is used in medicine for cold treatment (cryotherapy), as well as in cooking as a refrigerant.
This element has also found wide application in industry. Nitrogen is a gas that is explosion and fire safe. In addition, it prevents rotting and oxidation. Now nitrogen is used in mines to create an explosion-proof environment. Gaseous nitrogen is used in petrochemistry.
In the chemicalindustry without nitrogen is very difficult to do. It is used for the synthesis of various substances and compounds, such as some fertilizers, ammonia, explosives, dyes. Now a large amount of nitrogen is used for the synthesis of ammonia.
This substance is registered as a food additive in the food industry.

Mixture or pure substance?
Even the scientists of the first half of the 18th century, who managed to isolate the chemical element, thought that nitrogen was a mixture. But there is a big difference between these concepts.
A pure substance has a whole complex of constant properties, such as composition, physical and chemical properties. A mixture is a compound that includes two or more chemical elements.
Now we know that nitrogen is a pure substance because it is a chemical element.

When studying chemistry, it is very important to understand that nitrogen is the basis of all chemistry. It forms various compounds that we all encounter, including laughing gas, brown gas, ammonia, and nitric acid. No wonder chemistry at school begins precisely with the study of such a chemical element as nitrogen.