The history of Moldova has a huge amount of archaeological, linguistic and other data confirming the many-thousand-year path of development, genetic, anthropological continuity of the people of the modern Republic. These lands have been inhabited by humans since the early Paleolithic period. The natural conditions of the Earth changed, peoples and empires appeared and disappeared, leaving their indelible mark. The history of Moldova from ancient times to the present day proves that this hardworking, proud people had an original culture, statehood, and an independent path of development.

Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization
There is a scientific and historical hypothesis, subject to genetic, anthropological, archaeological data that the Balkans are the center of the first appearance of man in Europe. The first people, the owners of haplogroup I, became the creators of Neolithic buildings, the most famous of which is Stonehenge (this is the official version of the appearance of mankind on the planet).
During 6-3 thousand BC. e. there was a Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization. It occupied vast lands from the Carpathian Mountains to the middle reaches of the Dnieper River. A huge area of settlement of representatives of thisculture was located on the territory of modern Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. And this is 350,000 km2.

The ancient history of Moldova boasts the presence of proto-cities, according to archaeological excavations, with an approximate population of about 20,000 people. Such settlements had a rather serious defense, embodied in wooden walls, ditches around the perimeter. The settlers ensured their livelihood through agriculture and cattle breeding. A high level of ceramics production culture was recorded. The use of bronze tools became widespread. These ancient tribes disappeared unexpectedly, giving rise to many mysteries.
Bronze Age
The end of the III - the beginning of the II millennium BC is marked by a smooth transition from nomadic pastoralism to settled agriculture. In those natural conditions, there were two zones: forest-steppe, steppe. The steppes belonged to the Cimmerians - nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes. The forest-steppe zone was occupied by tribes conventionally called noua by archaeologists. They had rectangular houses, numerous household pits, and were engaged in cattle breeding. The history of Moldova has very scarce information about this period.

Infiltration of the Thracian tribes
Blue-eyed fair-haired Thracians began to penetrate the territory of the Dniester-Prut interfluve in the first half of the 1st millennium BC. e. These are representatives of a militant people who despise labor, preferring to get their means of livelihood by robbery.subsistence. Later, around the 4th-3rd century BC. e. among them stood out representatives of groups of North Thracian tribes, which are known as the Getae.
Their social system was a military democracy: the leader was elected for the duration of the campaign. Often they acted as mercenaries in the conflicts of various states, earning themselves the glory of skillful, fearless warriors.
"Influence" of Rome
Approximately for the 1st - 3rd centuries A. D. e. characterized by the creation by the Romans of the province of Moesia Inferior. Traces of the Roman legions were found even on the lands of the modern Odessa region. After two bloody wars, the province of Dacia was formed. However, the territory of Moldova was not included in this province. Nevertheless, this allowed some of the most odious "historians" to declare that the Moldavians and Romanians are the descendants of glorious Roman legionnaires who married local Dacian women. There is no confirmation of this fact in ancient sources.

The study of the history of the Republic of Moldova (at the present stage) is turning into a dirty political tool to influence the minds and moods of the population. In such a simple way, the pro-Romanian political forces play their card without even trying to bring credibility to the subject under study.
Returning to the descendants of the Roman colonists who got stuck in Dacia or hurriedly left it under the blows of the Goths, we can state the complete absence of any data or mention of them. Ancient authors do not explain anything on this fact. All that remains are the unsubstantiated fabrications of local nationalists andthe famous monument in front of the National Museum of the History of Moldova.
How did this beautiful country come about?
Moldova: history of origin
Vlachs is the ancient name of the Moldavians, which appeared on the historical arena of the forties of the XIII century. This courageous people was invited by the king of Hungary from Transylvania to repel the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Foreigners call Moldovans "Vlachs". But in modern Romania, in an incomprehensible way, a redistribution of concepts is carried out. Now the word is translated as "Romanian".
What do authoritative historical sources of the Renaissance say about this? They unanimously affirm that the Moldavians are the descendants of the Volscians. This people occupied the central part of the Apennine Peninsula. Fought with the Romans. Unsuccessful battles prompted the ancestors of the Wallachians to leave their homeland - Vlochia - as the Slavs called it.
They moved to a new land, which was already called Muldaue. This land was named by the Goths. Thus, the Volsci (Vlachs), having migrated, became Moldavians.
Contacts with Slavs
Slavs also had an impact on the history of Moldova. Penetrating into the Dniester-Carptian lands, they moved to the Balkan Peninsula, assimilating the local population along the way. This is archaeologically confirmed by ceramics of the Chernyakhov period and thirty settlements dated to approximately the 6th-7th centuries AD. e. These were representatives of the tribal unions of Antes and Sclavins, who terrified Constantinople.
Mention of them is found on the pages of the "Tale of Bygone Years", the works of Jordan, the chronicles of Byzantium. WithWith the appearance of the Polovtsy (XI - XIII centuries), the Slavs significantly lost their dominant role in these lands. As a result of clashes with nomads, the number of settlements is sharply reduced.
But a new threat was coming from the east - the Golden Horde. A new, hitherto unprecedented threat required the mobilization of the forces of the entire society.

The emergence of the Moldavian Principality
The Tatar-Mongols, taking advantage of the feudal fragmentation of the Russian principalities, defeated them. Now the way to the West was open. With fire and sword, the Golden Horde marched through the Dniester-Carpathian lands. Conquest, assimilation, inclusion in the new state - such was the fate of the defeated peoples.
Approximately in the XII - XIV centuries there was a gradual resettlement of the Vlachs to this territory. But they were not yet ready to expel the presumptuous Golden Horde invaders, so they gathered forces, waiting for an opportunity. The unrelenting battle for power within the Horde itself has significantly crippled its strength.
Dragos, governor of the Hungarian king, after a brilliantly executed campaign forced the invaders to retreat across the Dniester. Bessarabia was conquered. In 1371-1373. there were very unsuccessful attempts to Catholicize the population, which ended in the complete victory of Orthodoxy.
Peter I Musat brought Moldova to the international arena. Now Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and other states were looking for friendship with her.

Incorporation into the Russian Empire
Speaking of historyMoldova briefly, starting from the reign of Peter I Mushat and until the signing of the Kyuchuk-Kainajir peace in 1772, at first state affairs were going well. But this country could not leave anyone indifferent: the Commonwe alth, the Ottoman Empire and other neighbors eagerly looked in its direction, dreaming of including it in their sphere of influence. Turkey finally succeeded in the 15th century.
Russia's military successes, despite all the protests of European states, allowed Bessarabia to be included in the empire.
Inclusion of Moldova into the USSR
The October Revolution of 1917, which brought the Bolsheviks to power, redrawn the world political map. Territories began to move away from the former Russian Empire, the peoples of which wished for independence. A new turn was outlined in the history of Moldova - in 1918, Bessarabia desired reunification with Romania. Of course, there was no bloodshed. The Soviet state did not recognize such a reunification as legal, rightly regarding it as an annexation.
The presence of these territories as part of Romania revealed all the rot of the bureaucratic apparatus. Bureaucratic lawlessness, a tough policy of assimilation of the local population - such events characterized the presence of Moldova under the rule of the Romanians.
However, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, according to which this territory passed to the USSR, allowed another historical injustice to be committed: part of the territory was torn away from the MSSR, transferring it to Ukraine. Thus, over half a million people and about 10,000 km were lost2.

Modern Republic of Moldova
After the collapse of the USSR and gaining independence, the state found itself in a difficult economic situation. As a result, an unprecedented growth of nationalism is observed. Books on the history of Moldova, with rare exceptions, become conductors of the policy of keeping silent about the glorious pages of the past. The obvious forgery of historical facts, the manipulation of one's own history for the sake of the interests of neighboring states is a path that does not inspire optimism for the further beneficial development of society.