Russian is one of the most difficult languages in the world. A rich lexical fund, a complex morphological system and syntax - all this greatly complicates the life of people studying it. Quite a lot of material is devoted to the vocabulary and phraseology of the language, so let's pay a little attention to such categories as the noun - common noun and proper, as well as such a category as the gender of nouns.
There are two large groups in Russian - proper nouns and common nouns.

So, let's start with something simpler. Let's take a look at the common noun. Almost all nouns that denote objects and concepts belong to this class. They do not exist in one copy, there are many of them. For example, a cup, chair, door, sky. These concepts only designate some objects.
As for the second group, this includes nouns that denote certain concepts and objects that exist in one instance. These can be the names of people, various nicknames of animals, as well as the names of newspapers, magazines, variousastronomical, geographical realities. If a common noun is always written with a small letter, then a proper noun is always written with a capital letter. It is also worth noting that, unlike common nouns, a proper name is used only in the singular. This is one of the golden rules of the Russian language.

The study of proper names deals with such a science as onomastics. It is she who singles out classes and subclasses of proper names, describes their functions in Russian.
It is worth noting that a common noun can turn into a proper noun. For example, the Zvezda newspaper, the Yagodka store. At the same time, any proper name can turn into a common noun. For example, the physical quantity volt learned its name from the name of the famous physicist Volta, the same happened with the names of weapons such as colt, maxim, mauser, which came from the names of the people who invented them.
Another important thing is the gender of nouns. Usually nouns are divided into three groups: feminine (shovel, woman, pan), masculine (horse, table, neighbor) and neuter (sea, sky, luminary) gender. There is also another group of nouns that belong to a special general gender. This includes those words that serve to name persons, both feminine and masculine. For example, crybaby, orphan, touchy.

The gender of nouns is determined only in the singular. It is worth noting that nouns that do not havesingular, categories of gender do not have. This is very important to remember, especially for schoolchildren.
It is also worth noting that the gender of nouns is determined by the end or by the rules if these are words of foreign origin.
The ability to distinguish a common noun from one's own, to determine its gender is one of the most important in the Russian language. Only a literate person who knows the rules of the Russian language will be able to draw up documents correctly, express themselves beautifully and clearly, avoiding offensive and stupid mistakes, such as “black coffee.”