The script is the foundation of any film. But is it worth it to understand the meaning of this word so narrowly? Find out today.

As always, to start a more or less substantive conversation, you should open an explanatory dictionary and see what it says on this subject. The irreplaceable book contains the following values of the object of study:
- A work of literature detailing the action from which a motion picture is created, as well as a television and radio program. For example: "Stephen King rarely writes screenplays of his own books."
- List of characters in the play, indicating the time of their appearance on stage. It's a special term.
- A pre-prepared plan for doing something (meaning figuratively). For example: “Scenario of a social event.”
Of course, the first and third values are in use, so we will focus on them. By the way, when it comes to the third meaning of the word “scenario”, this does not always mean only the action plan of a holiday, sometimes a “failure in the program” also happens in people’s personal lives. For example, the husband has planned something for the evening: stay at home, drink some wine, listen to romantic music, especiallythat Friday evening, and the wife took and bought tickets to the theater for the same reason. Can we say that everything did not go according to the script? It's easy, because the plan was in the man's head, even if he did not transfer it to paper.
When a word is unknown, you want to bridge from it to already familiar definitions. Since this is a simple and simple operation, let's do it. So the list looks like this:
- plan;
- work;
- forecast;
- scheme.
Only the last two synonyms need clarification. Why is a scenario a forecast? Let's return to the married couple, which was discussed a little higher. After all, when the husband and wife planned to spend the evening in a certain way, they predicted precisely this development of events. But, as they say now, something went wrong. Their expectations, and hence their forecasts, did not match.
As for the scheme, one way or another, the script is only a scheme of the events of the film or personal, social life. As it will be in reality, no one knows. When it comes to a work of art, the action plan must be filled with concrete content by the actors with their performance. That is why reading replicas gives pleasure only to aesthetes from cinematography and literature, and film scripts are published in the last volumes of collected works of writers. Surely few of the readers get to them. These are the synonyms for the word "scenario".
Intrigue is the hallmark of good films

How can you talk about the object of research and not talk aboutgood, from this point of view, films? No way. Therefore, we are waiting for an analysis of why some films are beautiful, while others are not so wonderful.
When a person picks up an adventure book, then, of course, the main thing is intrigue. It's the same in most films. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the plot is known or not, only one thing is of paramount importance: whether the work can keep the audience's interest. For example, let's write five films that contain some kind of intrigue.
- "Illusion of Deception" (2013).
- Code of a Thief (2009).
- "Awakening" (1990).
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975).
- "Good morning Vietnam!" (1987).
When it comes to clever scammers, then there seems to be no question of why to watch. In addition, in such films, the ending is usually unpredictable. That is, to prove the existence of intrigue in them is meaningless. Another thing is films with elements of drama. What intrigue can there be in the latter? Everything is very simple. The last three films of the list have in common that their characters each struggle with the system in their own way.
In "Awakening" Dr. Malcolm Sayer tries to conquer the disease, McMurphy, the hero of the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", opposes the management of the hospital. Of course, Ken Kesey, the author of the original text, encoded in this rebellion a metaphysical uprising of the individual against society, that is, the viewer sees a fight with the authorities of a mental hospital, but understands that this is a battle for freedom. And finally, the resourceful DJ from the fifth film on the list, Adrian Cronauer, wants to kind of change the armyorders. There is only one intrigue in films: whether the heroes will be able to celebrate the victory or not. What does the script mean in such masterpieces? A lot, but without acting he is nothing.
Stamps and archetypes

Interestingly, the two nouns placed in the subheading mean the same thing: a repetitive action. But for some reason, clichés arouse disgust in the audience, and archetypes - delight and admiration. What is the reason for such injustice in relation to the cliche? Everything is very simple. Archetypes, as K.-G. Jung, these are the most ancient ideas of mankind. Therefore, they cannot get bored, just as their father's house, for example, cannot be disgusted. We are happy to fall back to the roots and watch fairy tales. It was in the plots of the latter that the prototypes of all scenarios in the world lurked - both human destinies and works of art.
A stamp is an archetype without its antiquity, depth and charm. The myth cannot get bored, but the cliché gets bored after two viewings. For example, Hollywood action movies with Jean-Claude Van Damme. They have one scenario: at first the hero is an outsider, then he trains a lot, then he will definitely lose in the final battle, but when he is about to go to intensive care, he suddenly rises on moral and volitional grounds and wins. Why is it absolutely impossible to watch, although it seems to be based on the archetype of the hero? Because the victory looks strained, unrealistic. We remind you that we are not watching a fairy tale, but a serious action movie.
Another thing - "Pretty Woman", another incarnation of Cinderella. Despitedespite the fact that according to the script the heroine represents an ancient profession, there is no vulgarity in the picture, everything is cute and fabulous, in order to charm the viewer, the energy of the idea of success is used.
Scenario of human destiny

You can't talk about the meaning of the word "scenario" and not talk about fate. Yes, one could refer to the books and theoretical constructions of Eric Berne, but we will not do this. More interesting is the suggestion of Blaise Pascal, expressed by him in his most famous book, Thoughts. A remark of this kind: the fate of a person is actually reduced to a trifle, a trifle, an accident. Our destiny is a set of accidents that we, only looking back, can tie into a harmonious pattern, as, for example, Steve Jobs did in his famous speech to Stanford graduates. The deep meaning of the scenario of fate is this: when a person goes forward, he does not see the system in his actions. But if a certain result is obtained, a person looks back and understands: there was a meaning in all his actions, which eventually led to the final (or intermediate) point. We ourselves determine the degree of fatefulness of certain events, but this does not mean at all that there is no predetermined scenario.