What are dimensions? Surely many have heard this term in conversation, but not everyone knows its exact interpretation. First of all, when pronouncing this word, a person has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of something. In this article, we will consider all aspects of this concept.
Dictionary description
The dictionary describes several options for what dimensions are. Let us consider in more detail these interpretations:
Extreme, maximum permissible outlines of any object, as well as the gap between various structures

- The value of dimensions in railway transport is extremely important. One of the interpretations of this term is described as a special frame that matches the contour of the object (cargo) being transported. With its help, the transported cargo is measured to determine the permissible dimensions. Before transporting any object by rail, the cargo itself is measured using this frame - the dimension.
- The distance from the rails, which is measured in the horizontal and vertical directions. Closer than this distance, any installation of various designs is prohibited. Rail dimensions according to the rules should not exceed a distance of 3 x 2 meters.
- Dimensions in the plural are the linear dimensions of any object, in most cases they include the width and height.
Other values
The definition of "overall" applies to automotive lighting technology. Each car is equipped with parking lights. They must be turned on in the event of an emergency stop. In the event that one of the marker lights does not work, a reflective sign (triangle) should be installed.

Answering the question of what size is, it is necessary to mention models in museums. So, for example, in museum expositions you can find models of guns, or parts of a ship, which are called dimensions.
Dimensions are the limiting outlines (contours) of the object being processed, for example, on a lathe or woodworking machine. In this case, the dimension determines the cross section of the part. Also, the dimension is called a device with which the part (workpiece) is installed and fixed as necessary on the machine.
Etymology and synonyms
Having considered the meaning of the term in the dictionary, it is worth talking about the synonyms of this word. These include such words: measurements, dimensions, contour, outline. In a more simplified version, these are the width, length and height.

Having clarified the question of what dimensions are, it is necessary to turn to the origins of thisthe words. It came to Russian from France, it is written in the same way as it is heard - gabarit, and in translation means "template, size". You can see that this word has not been transformed at all and has remained in its original form, both in spelling and in meaning.
Use and meaning
In order to better understand the meaning of the word "size", it is necessary to pay attention to how it is used in everyday life under various circumstances.
So, for example, the dimensions are typical for machines and mechanisms, as well as moving segments of units in machines (machine tools) and vehicles. Those parts that are motionless, and inside of which there are moving mechanisms that have their own contours. The dimensions in this case are necessary for the correct operation of the internal mechanisms.
The value of the dimensions is especially strict for those machines that have a certain trajectory. For example, railway transport and trams, which are limited to rail traffic, or trolleybuses, "tied" to electric wires.
There are vehicles that have a variable trajectory of movement, however, in this case, it is necessary to observe the dimensions. It should be noted that in this situation, compliance with the dimensions is simplified compared to rail transport and trolleybuses.
Dimensions in railway transport
When studying the question of what size is, it should be noted that this term is used quite widely in human economic activity. However, most often this wordcan be heard on the railway. In particular, the term "size" is used in the following cases:

- Dimensions for rolling stock, which must fully comply with strict requirements.
- Dimensions for approaching various structures (the rolling stock itself must comply with them for unhindered movement).
- Unloading-loading dimensions, which are used in all CIS countries and mean the limiting characteristics (outlines) necessary for transporting and securing various cargoes.
- Overall dimension - the maximum allowable parameters of the cargo in width, length and height.
- Oversized cargo is a non-compliance of the item (cargo) with the required standards.
From the above, you can see how widely the term "dimensions" is used, and how important they are in one area or another. It is important to remember that compliance with the requirements for dimensions is mandatory. They are aimed at the safety and preservation of human life.