What are structural diagrams? Why are they being developed? Under what conditions? Block diagrams of computers, enterprises and management - what are their features? All this will be discussed in detail within the article.
What are block diagrams?

They define the main functional parts that a product, business or division will have. The issues of assignment and interconnection are also being worked out. The stage of development of block diagrams is carried out at the initial stages of design. The result should be a display of the principle of operation in the most generalized form.
What does it give an idea of?

The structural diagram does not take into account the location of the constituent parts. Also, the method of communication between them is not specified. Structural diagrams of departments, enterprises, electronic machines should give an idea of:
- Components.
- Sequences of interaction of individual functional parts of the object under consideration. They are depicted as rectangles with conventional graphic symbols. They, as well as the type and name of the object, fitinto a geometric figure.
Arrows are used to indicate the course of processes that occur. They connect functional parts. On simple diagrams, a linear way of displaying from left to right is usually used. Where there are several working channels, use parallel horizontal placement.
What to do when working with complex systems?

If there are many functional parts, then the elements can be designated by one number in an ordinal sequence. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a list of decryption. But the disadvantage of this scheme is the deterioration of visibility. Moreover, detailing can be carried out, which consists in the fact that a separate block diagram is developed for each functional part. It also contains characteristics, diagrams and explanatory inscriptions. Certain parameters for individual points can also be specified. Thus, structural electrical circuits may contain values of voltages, currents, impulses and other properties. Data is usually placed in a free field or near graphic symbols. The result is included in the operational documentation so that future maintenance personnel can familiarize themselves with the facility.
Classification schemes

It is carried out depending on the goals and the object. So, allocate:
- Organizational. This includes structural diagrams of enterprises, organizations, political parties, and so on.
- Technical. This includesstructural electrical diagrams of computers, industrial machines and so on.
How is the construction done?
Structures are usually designed from the top down. That is, first, the goal and the end result are distinguished, and then they are disassembled into separate parts, of which the scheme will consist. In the form of a list, the design stages can be represented as follows:
- The object is divided horizontally into wide functional blocks.
- The ratio of rights and opportunities for influence is established.
- The responsibilities of each entity are defined.
To consolidate knowledge, we propose to consider the structural diagrams of the organization. We will also look at how it is managed.
Organizational structure of the enterprise
Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it must be able to adapt to the changes that occur in the external environment. It must be understood that the organizational structure of an enterprise is a set of links (divisions) and links between them. The following factors influence its formation:
- Field of activity.
- Type, nomenclature and range of products.
- The organizational and legal form of the enterprise.
- The scale of the company (calculated in terms of production volume, number of employees, cash income).
- Markets in which the enterprise operates or enters when carrying out its business activities.
- Technologies that are used in the production process.
- Information flows thatcirculate within and outside the firm.
- Degree of resource endowment for production.
Types of subdivision structures
The success of the enterprise largely depends on the quality of their organization. Structural diagrams of divisions can be as follows:
- Linear.
- Functional.
- Line staff.
- Divisional.
- Linear-functional.
- Matrix.
Line diagram
It is characterized by the presence of a vertical type of connections. There is a senior manager who manages the line. They, in turn, give orders to the performers. Of course, the structure can be much more complicated. So, you can add separate functional units. But this is typical for large companies. The linear structure is based on the allocation and transfer of functions to specific people or departments. This type of management structure is simple and allows you to specify responsibilities, but requires qualifications.
Function diagram
The organization is divided into separate elements that solve a certain type of tasks (finance, production, service). There are interlevel and vertical connections. But a significant drawback is a certain blurring of the functions of the leader. This type of organization is highly specialized but not flexible enough.
Line-staff scheme
Almost the same as the first type. But there is one caveat - there is a special headquarters (board of directors, consultants, etc.)advice to top management on how to proceed in order to get the best result. An important advantage of this type is that before making a decision, all the pros and cons are very carefully weighed. Therefore, the possibility of taking actions that will have negative consequences is reduced.
Division scheme

Used in large firms to eliminate associated management problems. According to this scheme, the distribution of responsibilities is done by regions of work or product categories. Divisional units, in turn, are divided into smaller constituent parts according to one of the options given here.
Linear-functional diagram

Here, the division goes through connections. The main channels are linear. But there are also additional connections that are functional in nature. A significant disadvantage of this scheme is the presence of several leaders. Therefore, for a clear and well-coordinated work, a precisely regulated system of priorities is needed.
Matrix scheme
Its essence lies in the fact that in the already existing structures create temporary working groups, to which personnel from all over the enterprise can be subordinated. This organizational approach is used to quickly complete a certain type of task to accelerate something (release of new products, renewal of fixed assets of production, etc.).
Here it iswe have considered the main structural schemes of enterprises and divisions. Within the framework of the article, you already have a general understanding of the state of affairs, so there will be no difficulties in interpreting this concept.