When the coldest season of the year is approaching, people have a winter mood that directs to creativity and gives the muse. Silver flooring underfoot, magical hanging piles of snow on trees, ice icicles varying in shape and size - all this is the way to real works that give people faith in a dream come true.
Winter mood - inspirational essay
Writers are always inspired by gifts made by nature itself. Everyone has their own winter mood. A series of short stories will help you fully express your attitude towards this time of year.
He walked through the forest and watched how nature changed and changed after the onset of winter. On the familiar edge, where the green grass had recently erupted, huge snowdrifts grew, all covered with silver highlights. The heavy piles of snow hanging on the branches tilted them, forming a magical and unusually bewitching path leading to the house.
The forest has completely ceased to look like the one that was literallyrecently. Golden, red, yellow leaves flew from the trees, and fluffy snow covered their bare crowns. Everything around was so, as if not in reality. It seemed that he was in a fairy tale and is its main character.

The blizzard swirled and began to envelop everything around it. When I was walking home, for a moment I felt like I was in a real fairy tale. The winter mood was in full swing when fluffy, patterned snowflakes fell smoothly on the head and palms. "What is this miracle?" I thought. But after a little reflection, I realized that this is a miracle of nature. How interesting and beautiful all the seasons are. And winter makes you fall into another dimension, measured by snowdrifts and snow-white snowballs.
The little girl saw snow for the first time. At first she was a little scared and did not understand what was happening around. But when her parents began to boldly pick up fluffy cold cotton wool, she realized that there was no danger. In order to fully experience the unusual fluffs she saw for the first time, she collapsed into a snowdrift and began to laugh with pleasure and interest. A winter fairy tale came to her and settled in her soul. Now the girl is already an adult, but she still remembers her first snow in her life.
Winter Fairy Tales
When parents themselves compose fairy tales, children are especially interested in listening to them. The winter mood, which is evoked by snow-white whirlpools, helps them in this. We present to your attention a fairy tale about a lost bunny.
“It was a beautiful, truly winter day. Butsome could not find a place for themselves. Trouble happened in the forest - the little animals lost their friend the bunny and could not find him in any way. First they went to the squirrel to see if their friend had visited her.
Squirrel asked: “What color and size is it?”
The hare's comrades answered in chorus: "He is gray, still very small, a little bigger than you."
Squirrel answered: “No, I haven’t seen this, look for someone else.”
So the friends of the hare went to all the houses, nests, burrows to find their little comrade. But everything was useless. It was already dark, and the animals decided that it was time to go home. In order not to experience the loss alone, everyone went to the bear - he has a big house and everyone will find a place to sleep. And then the hedgehog saw that someone was galloping in the distance, very similar to their gray friend. He came closer and could not understand anything: a hare like them, but the color … he was all white.
Then the bunny ran up to the hedgehog and said: “Hi, thorn! What are you doing with the bear? Did you come to visit? Why so late?”
The hedgehog now realized for sure that this was their friend, whom they had been looking for all day, but was a little out of his mind with surprise.
Hedgehog: “Hare, why are you white? Are you sick? Or did you get into the paint? Or maybe you need to see a doctor?”

The hare fell into the snow with laughter, which made him even whiter. He could not calm down in any way to properly answer the hedgehog. All the other friends came out to the noise, they also opened their mouths and could not understand what was happening. When they toldhare today's story, he began to laugh more than ever. And said:
"I saw a squirrel today, ran with it into the forest for nuts, and an owl, and a woodpecker, and everyone except you forest dwellers."
But the animals were looking for a gray bunny, but found a white one. What's the matter? They couldn't understand it at all. When the hare finally came to his senses from his insane laughter, he told his friends that everything was actually very simple. After all, with the onset of winter, bunnies change their fur coat to white, and in the spring they become gray again. Apparently, this is how their nature protected them from various troubles, so that it would be easier to disguise themselves. And today, apparently, the disguise was a success, because even his friends could not find him. Miracles happen, but sometimes they overstep the bounds.”
Essays for kids
You can come up with riddles for your child or a squad of children in order to have a pleasant and useful time. When there is a winter mood, composing problems will be easy and relaxed. For example:
Trees in a white cap, All around in silver, Guess soon, What a miracle is everywhere?
She steps in confidently, Snow falls on everyone measuredly, Makes white fluffy drifts
And the New Year calls to the threshold.

Everything becomes magical
White, soft and fluffy.
Everything feels soft
And beautiful, clean, clean.
Poems about winter mood
Winter gives us inspiration, Patterns on windowsswirls.
Beautiful moments of happiness, How beautiful it is around white.
New Year is just around the corner, Kohl she entered the law.
Showering miracles, Snow-white snows
Create for your kids, and for yourself too. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and more mysterious than the inspiration of winter.