Recreational geography is part of a complex science that studies the territorial issues of tourism and recreation aimed at restoring human strength. This discipline studies the interaction of the tourism industry with the components of nature and society. But this is only an encyclopedic concept, for a detailed acquaintance with this branch of geography, let's consider the subject, methods and tasks of the discipline.
General idea of the geography of recreation and tourism

It is necessary to approach the organization of recreational activities in a comprehensive manner, because it is important to establish a coordinated interaction of all constituent elements: natural complexes, potential tourists, the service sector, labor resources, technical infrastructure, etc. Recreational geography is engaged in the study of these issues. This science was formed at the intersection of physical and socio-economic geography, and successfullyhas been developing since 1960. If we analyze the term in detail, then the word "recreation" here means "rest", as well as the restoration of the physical and emotional strength of people in specially designated places. Thus, we can conclude that science is studying the features of the location and management of territories that satisfy the needs of the population for recreation.
Industry Subject

The subject of recreational geography is the basic concepts of recreationology (the science of the types of recreational resources), as well as the specific features of the placement of recreation and tourism facilities in the world. Science can consider issues both general and specific to a particular area. Depending on the territory under study, state and global recreational geography are distinguished. The first is limited to the area of a particular country, while the second studies the specifics of recreation and tourism around the world.
Basic concepts of discipline: object, subject, activity

The basics of recreational geography as a science are represented by the object and subject of its study:
- The objects are various structures of recreation as an integral system. This includes recreation and tourism resources, recreational complexes, as well as activities related to the direct organization of the process.
- Recreators (tourists, vacationers) and recreators (service personnel, touristagencies, holiday organizers).
Research methods
Like any other science, recreational geography and tourism has its own research methods. Here are the main ones:
- Method of system analysis. Used in most theoretical sciences. It has several standard techniques: Component - the basis is the study of all systems and relationships, then the information is analyzed and filtered, which allows you to highlight the main thing. Functional - territorial and recreational complexes are divided into smaller subsystems, and then their interaction with each other is studied. Historical - the current information is being studied, as well as previously received information. Then, on this basis, forecasts for the further development of the industry are built. Cartographic - no geographical science can do without a graphical representation of information.
- Method of mathematical modeling and analysis. Used for economic calculations, charting, etc.
- Sociological method. It involves the collection of information through direct contact with the population. The following tools are used: questioning; interview; surveys on the Internet and the media.

In the 9th grade geography program, recreational economy is considered in conjunction with tourism. The commonality of these areas allows us to highlight the primary tasks of this discipline:
- First of all, this is the study of geographical differences in the development of recreation and tourism. After allthe specifics of the industry depends very much on natural conditions, the level of economic development and even the political regime of the country where services in this area are provided.
- The second task is the scientific substantiation of the territorial organization of activities that deal with issues of recreation and tourism.
- The last task is to ensure a harmonious combination of recreational activities with acceptable nature management regimes.
The main stages of the development of the industry
This science developed especially rapidly in Russia. Recreational geography began to develop back in the days of the Soviets, and managed to go through several significant stages even before the collapse of the USSR:
- The first developments in the field of recreation and tourism appeared in the 70s. Then academicians Mironenko, Mints and Tverdokhlebov de alt with these issues. Their research focused on industry issues.
- The first stage involved the collection of theoretical information and an assessment of the country's recreational potential.
- In the second stage, work in the field of tourism and recreation began to be considered as a specific type of human activity.
- The third stage continued until 1995. The branch of science began to be considered in an interdisciplinary sense, interdisciplinary connections appeared.
- From 1997 to this day, the recreational direction in geography is a priority, and is becoming an important point in the global economy, along with other types of economic activity.
Territorial and recreational system

The main object of study of the discipline is the geography of recreational systems and TRS (territorial-recreational systems). These are specialized territories that provide recreation and tourism services and receive the corresponding income.
TRS includes:
- All recreants (tourists and vacationers) who visit, have visited or plan to visit this territory for recreational purposes. Data on the number of tourists are collected by special departments of statistics and forecasting.
- Unique natural objects and a favorable combination of natural conditions that help attract recreants to this territory.
- Objects of educational tourism: architectural monuments, historical sites, attractions, etc.
- A set of recreational facilities and infrastructure: resorts, boarding houses, hotels and entertainment facilities. This also includes institutions that organize and provide these services (travel companies and agencies).

- Transfer organization. Providing transport services that will help vacationers to easily reach their destination. These can be not only specially organized services, but also all types of public transport that the recreant can use.
- Recreators - people who work in this area as service personnel or provide other types of recreational services.
What can be said in the end? Recreational geography is younga complex science that is rapidly developing in a modern economy. After all, demand creates supply. People have become more concerned about their he alth and are willing to spend a lot of money to restore strength. The service of the services provided is getting higher, because fierce competition makes it necessary to keep the brand. More and more new recreational facilities appear, which means that the discipline has something to study and compare.