Science covers all spheres of human activity. In order to consider in detail the society and natural phenomena, separate disciplines were created. Within the framework of the article, pedagogy is of the greatest interest to us. What does this discipline study? What are the object and subject of pedagogy? What tasks does it solve?
General information

So let's start with the definition. Pedagogy is a science that studies the patterns of the transfer of social experience from older generations to younger ones and its assimilation by the latter. She is engaged in the upbringing, training and education of people. She is also interested in teaching activities. This is the professional activity of specialists who, through various means of influencing students and through interaction with them, solves problems in finding the best approach to teaching, upbringing and education.
Subject, object and goal

Fundamental components of any science. The subject of pedagogy is education, and if you look more broadly, then a conscious and purposeful organized processlearning. Essences, regularities, tendencies, principles, prospects, theory and technology of realization are investigated. Since the subject of pedagogy is education, the activities of students and teachers play an important role in this. The object is understood as the reality that determines the formation and development of an individual human individual under the influence of society and the educator. An example is a purposeful learning process, which is carried out in the interests of the individual, society and the state. It should be noted that pedagogy studies the methods of upbringing, training and education not only for children, but also for adults. Regarding the goal, we can say that it consists in identifying patterns and developing the most optimal methods for the formation of a person. And if we add to this the object and subject of pedagogy, then we get a whole range of knowledge about the influence of discipline on the formation of an individual.
Functions, tasks and questions

Of course, pedagogy is not limited to the above information. It is a very well developed discipline. It should be noted that in this case everything is connected, and it is pedagogy that plays an important role in the preparation of the future generation. Its subject and functions are also interconnected. There are two directions, each of which has three levels. Each of them has its own characteristics. Thus, the theoretical function is implemented at the descriptive, diagnostic and prognostic levels. She is preparing research material. The technological function has the following levels: design, transformative and reflective. She is involved in the implementation of developments. Regarding the tasks, we can say that they are as follows:
- Find patterns in upbringing, training, education and management systems.
- Study and generalize the practice and experience of teaching.
- Predict the development of the future.
- Putting research results into practice.
It's all about answering certain questions:
- Why and why is it necessary to teach and educate?
- What should be taught and what ideals should be instilled?
- How to teach and educate?

This is the name of the basic concepts and terms of pedagogy. We will not consider everything, we will focus only on the most important:
- Training. This is the name of a purposeful, organized and controlled process of interaction between a teacher and students. It is aimed at obtaining and assimilating new knowledge, skills, ways of cognitive activity, developing mental abilities and interests.
- Education. This is a process based on purposeful influence, the main goal is to help the child accumulate the social experience necessary for life in society and form a system of values in him that allows him to live in society.
- Education. This is understood as the process of familiarization with the system of scientific knowledge, skills, abilities, as well asthe end result, which is expressed in the form of the formed worldview, moral and other qualities of the individual. At the same time, the goal of developing creative abilities is also achieved.
- Formation. This is the name of the process during which the formation of the individual as a social being takes place. At the same time, it is influenced by a large number of factors: ideological, economic, social, psychological, and so on.
- Development. This is understood as the realization of the inclinations of a person, which are inherent in him from birth.
- Socialization. This is understood as self-realization and human development. It should be noted that this process occurs throughout the life of the individual.
Pedagogical interaction

This is the creation of intentional contacts during which communication between the teacher and the child takes place. The purpose of such actions is to change behavior, activities and attitudes towards something or someone. Here is an interesting answer. The subject of pedagogy is, we recall, the process of education. Therefore, many aspects of educational activity are being studied. So, for example, we can say that deviant behavior is the subject of pedagogy. And it will be absolutely true. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that not only ordinary people are being studied, but also researchers and educators themselves. Thus, the thesis that the subject of pedagogy is the psychology of the teacher is also absolutely correct. It should be understood that this discipline is inseparable from otherhuman sciences. Therefore, there is a constant accumulation of new knowledge, experience, work skills, and so on.
What does pedagogy do?
In order to get an answer to this question, you should remember what directions it has. Philosophy serves as the foundation for this discipline. It is complemented by the history of education. This is followed by general pedagogy, which deals with the theoretical foundations, didactics and school studies. It is taught in universities for the general development of man. Then, in order of complexity, comes age-related pedagogy. They are engaged in preschool, school, vocational and higher education. Social pedagogy is used to solve the problems of education and assistance to society. It deals with families, re-education of offenders, prepares for learning and memorizing data, and also teaches a person how to present himself. In addition, there is also a special pedagogy. She deals with particularly difficult cases, such as teaching deaf children or children with developmental problems.
Interscientific links

It should be noted that pedagogy is developing along with psychology, physiology, sociology, philosophy, history, geography, literature, cybernetics and medicine. As you can see, this is a real complex of sciences. And all this is aimed at educating a person in whom society is interested. Moreover, it should be noted that they act in close interpenetration, and one can often observe such a situation,when the boundaries between sciences are erased, and it is not possible to determine what belongs to which discipline.
Practical application
When can pedagogy be useful? It will seem surprising to many, but it is used not only and not so much in schools, vocational schools and universities. Since education is the subject of pedagogy, it is also used in various organizations. Let's take a company as an example. The owner of the company is interested in that it works with maximum efficiency, and for this it is necessary to make sure that there are no problems within the team. To do this, he hires a manager with a pedagogical talent who can find an approach to any person and solve the problem before it has time to escalate significantly.

So, we found out that the subject of pedagogy is education and other concepts that will form the basis for an individual who suddenly has a desire to look into the recesses of the human soul. True, it must be remembered that knowledge in itself, without their practical application, is of little value. But at the same time it is necessary to have certain limits. For example, many believe that one should not strive to become a skilled manipulator. Learning to defend against them is, yes, a useful thing. But it is necessary to act within reason, and if power over a person falls into the hands, do not abuse it.