The vocabulary of the Russian language is very large. Not a single linguist has yet been able to compile the most complete dictionary in which absolutely all words would be reflected and interpreted. Even Dahl's famous dictionary, which contains the largest number of lexical units of all existing ones, does not cover the language completely. Words appear in the language in the course of human activity, when he masters or invents something new. Along with those lexemes that are familiar to many, there are also those in the language that are used by limited groups of people. They will be the subject of our consideration. In the article we will reveal what words are called dialectisms, professionalisms, jargonisms.
Common vocabulary
The bulk of the words used by the majority of Russian speakers are commonly used, that is, those that are understood by everyone. Tower, house, table, chair, sea, book, forest, field, river and many, many others. They are used by everyone without exception, regardless ofprofession, area of residence, lifestyle and age group.

All these words are divided according to their meaning and grammatical structure into parts of speech: adjectives or verbs, nouns or numerals, pronouns, adverbs.
In addition, such words are suitable for each of the styles of speech: they are used equally in colloquial, official and journalistic style.
Vocabulary limited in use is another matter. These restrictions may apply to a certain territory, profession, age or social group. Before using them in speech, it is necessary to determine the situation of speaking for yourself and clearly know which words are called dialectisms and which are professionalisms. These words differ in that they are incomprehensible to the layman and difficult to understand even in context.
It is customary to delimit non-common vocabulary depending on the principle by which it is limited. It will depend on this which words are called dialectisms, which are professional, and which are slang. First, let's take a look at the first.
Russia is a very large country, it is inhabited by a lot of nationalities, and in each territory there are such lexemes that are understandable only to its inhabitants. It is noteworthy that they all have an analogue among commonly used words, and speakers clearly understand which words are called dialectisms. When talking to a person who is unfamiliar with the lexical flavor of their area, the carriers of such words"switching" to common language.

We have already explained what words are called dialectisms, their examples are very numerous: the Don Cossacks call a house a kuren, and only sprouted rye is called winter in the north of the country.
Types of dialectisms
It should also be said about groups of dialect words, depending on their origin and grammatical content, they are:
- Lexical. Those that represent a completely different word, completely different from the equivalent in common language: beetroot - beets, sash - belt, tsibulya - bow and others.
- Ethnographic. These words have no analogues in the language, understandable throughout the country. Most often, these are the names of dishes, cultural and ethnic features: kalitki - Karelian pies made from rye dough, manarka - a piece of clothing and others.
- Lexico-semantic. These are those that in a certain locality were endowed with a meaning different from the common one. So, in some places the word lips means all mushrooms, except mushrooms, and the word bridge refers to the floor in the house.
- Phonetic. This group of dialects is a variant of the pronunciation of bull words. So, tea is pronounced with the first consonant [ts], and the farm - with the initial [xv]. There are such dialects in the southern and northern regions.
- What words are called derivational dialectisms?Those that have changed their style or pronunciation by adding or removing various affixes (the root, where the meaning of the word is contained, remained in the same form): guska - a female goose, pokeda - bye, darma - for nothing.
- Morphological. The word has undergone grammatical changes in its form. So, a 3rd person verb can have a soft ending: she go[t] (norm) she go[t], or personal pronouns in the instrumental case acquire the ending e in the singular: me (norm) - me.

Speaking about which words are called dialectisms, it should be noted that they can often be found not only in specific localities, but also in literary works. For example, there are many of them in the works of F. Abramov, V. Astafiev, M. Sholokhov, N. Gogol. This is necessary for the author to convey the special flavor of a particular area, village or farm.
We gave a definition and analyzed what words are called dialectisms. What professionalism is considered? What is their difference, and why do they occupy a special niche in non-common vocabulary?
These words are limited by society: profession or scientific knowledge of any particular area. Such lexemes are divided into two large groups: terms and professionalisms. Let's look at the first ones first.

Terms define any scientific concept, a phenomenon characteristic of various fields of knowledge (science, art or production). In the previous sections, speaking about which words are called dialectisms, we did notpointed out that each of them has its own definition or definition. This is precisely the difference between terminological vocabulary: a clear, concise, but capacious definition of the reality that this word denotes.
Types of terms
Among the whole variety of terms, two groups can be distinguished:
- General scientific. These are those that can be applied to any field of knowledge: hypothetical, experiment, reaction. These words are used most often.
- Special. They belong to a particular scientific field: linguistics (a complex syntactic whole), biology (stamen, chord), geometry (straight line, plane), psychology (phlegmatic, sensations, perception).

Another difference between the terms is their extreme informativeness. It is unlikely that one such word can be replaced by another similar one, only a phrase or a sentence. The penetration of terms into everyday speech can be considered a characteristic quality of the modern Russian language. So, we, without hesitation, use the words river, reservoir, atmosphere in everyday life. But these are all geographical terms that have definitions in this science.
We analyzed almost all the words from the passive stock, talked about terms, about which words are called dialectisms, which ones are professionalisms. Examples of the latter will be discussed in more detail in this section.
So, the words that are used in the process of production or scientific work will be called professional. What is their difference from terms? The fact that the latter have their own definition, which professional words cannot have. They are used most often in oral speech and denote a tool, process, raw material, etc. Such words are intended to facilitate communication between workers in the workplace.

By the nature of their use, professionalisms are divided into areas in which they are used by people of certain occupations: miners, doctors, printers, builders, etc.
A separate group is occupied by vocabulary belonging to certain social groups: youth (slang), professional and camp jargon and the so-called slang - a special language within the Russian language, which is used by thieves, vagrants, and so on.
Most often you can hear slang - the language of youth and students. Words like teacher, dorm, tail, cool, super are ubiquitous in this group.