Thousands of years of Egyptian history is usually divided into certain periods, such as Prehistory, Predynastic Egypt, Early Kingdom, Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom, Late Kingdom.
Each of these chronological segments has its own specific features. The period of the Old Kingdom ended with the collapse of the country into semi-independent regions. But that doesn't mean the story ends there. A new stage in the development of Egyptian society was coming, known as the era of the Middle Kingdom (2040-1783 BC). You can learn about what she was remembered for, what features she had, from this article.
Chaos and devastation
The fragmentation of the once mighty Ancient Egypt affected all spheres of life. The irrigation system was the first to suffer. Egypt has always been subject to the whims of the Nile. When the canals became clogged, famine set in, driving people to despair. Have reached our daysmonstrous reports of cannibalism. This is no coincidence: after all, along with the destruction of water distribution, the well-established state grain storage program, designed for crop failures, was also destroyed.
The possibilities of the nobles of that period became more than modest. This can be clearly seen from the surviving tombs. Although they are erected locally, the tombs of local semi-independent nomarchs cannot boast of luxury. The period between the eras of the Ancient and Middle Kingdoms is perhaps one of the most mysterious in the history of Egypt. One can only guess about all the violence that happened then: popular riots, their suppression, “squabbling” between neighbors in an attempt to take control of the territory they liked.

Picking up the pieces
Two centers of power claimed the role of unifier of disparate lands: the cities of Thebes and Heracleopolis. As a result of a fierce struggle, the Theban nomarch Mentuhotep II emerged victorious. The power of the pharaoh was overthrown and Heracleopolis submitted.
There was a lot of work to be done, and the first thing that the country's leadership paid attention to was the restoration of canals that feed the fields with water. The population increased, so it was decided to develop the swampy areas of the state. All necessary work was carried out to improve communications within Egypt. All the ways in the desert, along which the caravans passed, were equipped with wells.
The situation in the era of the Middle Kingdom stabilized: economic and military power increased, so the policy of conquest and development was carried outnew territories. The most striking example is the expansion of Nubia and penetration into the Eastern Mediterranean. Trade has made great strides, opening up new partners.

It had a primitive natural character. In the era of the Middle Kingdom, there was an improvement in the tools of labor (the appearance of plows with a sharp inversion, grain grinders inclined on a stand, etc.). In addition, cattle breeds are being improved, lands that were recently swamped are being put into operation. However, the methods of agricultural work themselves were rather archaic. Here's what it looked like.
As a rule, after the recession of the flood, the soil was one continuous liquid mud. Without further ado, the sower simply threw grain under the feet of domestic animals (rams or pigs) released into such a field in order to trample down the crops, and at the same time compact the soil. This operation replaced the actions of the harrow. To improve the result, the control action was the work of a team of bulls pulling a wooden plow. But she did not loosen the earth, but covered the sown grain with earth.
If the earth quickly dried up, overgrown with weeds, then such large clods of earth were loosened with a hoe, then the plowman harnessed a couple of bulls and pushed small clods into shallow furrows with a plow. Only after that was the work of a sower of grain, which was also trampled into the soil with the help of livestock, allowed. The final stage is the work with a hoe: it levels the ground and covers the crop.
Harvesting wore a ritualcharacter. Even musicians were attracted to it. While the reapers, armed with wooden sickles with flint teeth inserted into them, were doing their work, they were inspired by a flutist and a singer for labor exploits. Judging by the preserved relief of Tia's tomb, the singer, with an eye to the accompaniment, was ready to perform any hit of that time (mostly hymns dedicated to God Osiris). This was the art of the Middle Kingdom, in the service of its people, ready to support them in the most crucial, important moments.

Slavery and "little" people
Developing an aggressive policy, Egypt acquires a lot of workers, in which it was in dire need. Trade, agriculture, successful military campaigns - all these conditions contributed to the advancement of the middle strata of the population in society. Documents of the Middle Kingdom call them "small" people. The image of a person who himself has achieved success, honor in society becomes the most attractive. If you draw parallels - the "American dream". The same roots and motivation: to achieve success so that later other people work for you.
Therefore, very often there are posthumous inscriptions dating from this period, where, along with various property, “heads” are also listed. This term meant slaves. The average we althy cattle breeder, dignitary, merchant could have several dozen of these "heads". They were bequeathed, distributed as a reward. In general, the position of slaves was disenfranchised. The situation of ordinary people was only slightly better.

Social relations in the era of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Nomarchs - representatives of the highest local nobility - in order to strengthen their power, they had to enlist the support of the priesthood. Although there was a unification of Egypt under one supreme power of the pharaoh, the real situation of the local "princes" has changed little. They were also strong locally. But the position of the peasantry actually deteriorated. During the Old Kingdom, "royal" people - a category of persons (free farmers) engaged in harvesting on the nomarch's farm - are now increasingly serving labor service from other large farmers.
In general, Egypt is characterized by a high organization of labor resources. The documents often mention "detachments" of stonemasons, "detachments" of sailors. Craftsmen are united by occupation, but few of them could boast of high incomes. In general, there is a huge gap between different segments of the population. This played a key role in the further weakening of the country, and the subjugation of its peoples, collectively called the "Hyksos", who are at a higher technical level.

Under the heel of the invaders
It is generally accepted that the Hyksos are an association of peoples who came from the territory of modern Syria. They also include the Khurites and the Hittites. This 110-year period of control by the invaders of a large territory of Egypt is called the "Second Intermediate Period", it is located in the chronology between the Middle and New Kingdoms.
Hyksos withchariots, complex composite bows, fine armor and excellent warfare tactics, exploited the enmity of individual Egyptian nomarchs. In order to expel the invaders, it was necessary to adopt their weapons, create a material base, and rally allies around them. The main disasters from the actions of the invaders experienced the areas of the Nile Delta. Thebes at this time were preparing to fight.
Liberation of Egypt
A legend has come that mentions the name of the Theban king Seqenenre. Having received broad support from the masses, having huge resources, he came out in an open struggle. Military luck was not on his side. The mummy of this commander, which has survived to this day, has significant damage. Apparently, he fell in battle, but his work was continued by his son, known in history as Kames.
But even he failed to destroy the capital of the hated invaders. The Nubian rulers were too independent, stabbing the advancing Theban troops in the back.
Only his brother - the founder of the new 18th dynasty, from which the period of the New Kingdom of Ahmes originated, finally drove out the Hyksos.

Spiritual legacy
The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt can rightly be considered a classic period of the heyday of science and culture. The Middle Egyptian language is being formalized, and hieratic writing is further developed. The God of the Underworld, Osiris, was identified with every deceased, although in the era of the Old Kingdom, only the pharaohs enjoyed such a privilege.
Preserved portrait sculptures lessidealize the rulers of Egypt. Unfortunately, not many architectural monuments have been preserved. This is the memorial temple of Mentuhotep, the chapel of Senurset. The basic building style has been revised in favor of the new needs of society. He became less pompous.
Medicine is developing. Works such as the papyri of Ebers and Edwin Smith reflect the knowledge of the Egyptians about human anatomy, its circulatory system. There is one noteworthy detail: in the works of this period, magical terminology is inferior to practical.

The heyday of the Middle Kingdom fell just at the time of the reign of the 12th dynasty. Despite the successes in the economic and military spheres, the main task - the complete unification of Egypt - was never completed. This played its sinister role in further disasters. The fight against the invaders was the unifying platform that rallied the Egyptian society. The era of the New Kingdom has begun, but that's another story.