People's vocabulary varies greatly. A student, a scientist or a handyman differ from each other in erudition like Ellochka the cannibal from a modern person. And it doesn't matter whether we are talking about scientific terminology, youth slang or ordinary Russian obscenities. Today we will tell you about what "albedo" is and what role it plays in various situations.

If we talk about the true meaning of the word "albedo", this is a physical quantity that characterizes the reflective properties of the surface. The surface albedo will differ for different wavelength ranges of light and spectral characteristics of the body. If you go into details, this value can be broken down into three different types.
Normal albedo
True (normal) albedo is a factor that indicates how much incident light scatters due to reflection from a surface. It can be calculated through the ratio of the incident light flux to the reflected one. In spite ofthe fact that there is a formula and tasks for calculating this coefficient, in a normal situation, this value is determined either using a device (albedometer) or using a ready-made table with the most common substances.

When it comes to astronomy magnitudes of this scale, it is very difficult to say anything. Speaking of astronomical values, albedo is the ratio of illumination near the Earth's surface and the amount of illumination that could be obtained by placing an absolutely white screen of the same size and in the same phase instead of the planet. In most cases, the albedo has already been calculated and can be taken from ready-made tables.
Spherical albedo is a value determined by the ratio of the scattered light to the flux incident on the body. It can be calculated both for a certain range and for the entire spectrum. These values have also been calculated for a long time. For example, the Earth's spherical albedo is approximately 0.29.
At first glance, it may seem that now we are talking about some kind of mechanism or device, but this is not so. All the same astronomy. An albedo detail is an area on a celestial body that stands out brightly against the surrounding background, regardless of whether it is darker or brighter. Usually this term is applied to formations that cannot be explained in terms of the geology and topography of the planet.

This concept is gradually becoming obsolete. With the development of telescopes and otherequipment that helps to study celestial bodies, temporarily unexplored areas of the surface began to be called a detail, and the term remained only in the use of amateur astronomers.
In the game "The Witcher 3"
The beauty of a word, its pronunciation and its "mysteriousness" often influence the developers of games and entertainment applications. This fate did not bypass the word "albedo". The game "The Witcher 3" also uses this concept, but far from its original meaning. And not even metaphorically, to point to something significant, standing out.
In The Witcher 3, the word in question is used to refer to an alchemical mixture that is needed when creating various potions, bombs and equipment. Even the dirty gray powder itself looks more like gunpowder than dust from distant planets.

How to get in the game?
This important question worries many gamers, because without this material it is almost impossible to complete the game normally - without good armor you will be constantly killed, without strong explosives it is difficult to destroy groups of monsters, and without potions the sword will cause little damage to bosses. There are two ways to solve this problem.
- Buy an ingredient. Advanced herbalists and innkeepers have impressive reserves of this substance. In addition, you can get material from an old friend Keira Metz.
- Do it yourself. The albedo recipe can be found in the starting location "White Orchard". It is located in the eastern part of the map, slightly west of the house, withtwo soldiers on a secondary quest in which you have to look for the missing soldiers on the battlefield with a dog.
However, making the powder is not easy. You will need many different ingredients. Which ones?
- Elixir "White Seagull". Its creation will also require an incredible amount of reagents from the player and, first of all, alcohol.
- Raven Eye.
- Zarnik root.
- Mistletoe.
- Double arrow flower.
- Senjigron.
As a result, by the end of the game you will be able to cook only a few handfuls, but this will be enough to meet all the necessary needs.

It is unlikely that a person who manufactures medical equipment or medicines actually knew the meaning of the word "albedo", but its euphonious pronunciation did not escape the attention of one advertising department, as a result of which we have a company engaged in the production and sale of medical equipment.
Ultrasonic inhaler "Albedo" - a device that allows you to make an aerosol from a liquid medicine. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find true reviews about this device, so we will limit ourselves to a general description.
Inhalers "Albedo" serve as a stationary device for both home use and medical institutions. With the use of special accessories, you can even make your own halochamber or a room for group therapy. Naturally, similara multifunctional device cannot be too cheap. The price range fluctuates around 20,000 rubles, which can be a problem for a typical consumer, but budget enough for medical organizations.
Board game
Fans of games in reality also have something to profit from. Albedo is a comic book series about furry worlds that ran from 1983 to 2005. This is a sci-fi story about a remote area of space inhabited by amazing anthropomorphic animals. The main events unfold around the political situation.
The board game "Albedo" has rather complex rules, which have been described in separate magazines and books. There are three editions in total, the latest of which dates back to 2005. Despite the fact that the games belong to the same series, they focus on different components. For example, the first edition from 1988 stands out for its random character generation. The second part is more like classic computer RPGs like Fallout 1. As for the third edition, it focuses on the interaction of tactical groups. One of the main "chips" of the series was the mortality of the characters. In addition, it uses not only the physical parameters of the characters, but also such qualities as stress resistance and motivation. At one time, this was a whole breakthrough in the industry of board games.

Unfortunately, this game has not been released for a long time. You can only find it at private auctions or in resale on sites likeEbay.