The glory of Russian weapons has been forged for centuries. The valor of the Russian people at all times commanded respect from the most powerful world powers. Even sworn enemies could not sometimes hide their admiration for the stamina and strength of the Russians. Large

credit for Russia's military achievements belongs to its great military leaders. Such famous generals as Alexander Nevsky, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov are forever inscribed in world history. In this article, we will dwell on another outstanding personality - Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.
Contribution to military science
Suvorov was a great military thinker of his time. He was well versed in the history of the development of tactics and strategy of warfare. In addition, he brought a lot of new things to military science. His literary works seriously influenced the views and principles that Russian generals of the 18th century professed. The methods of conducting armed confrontation developed by Suvorov were far ahead of their time. They showed a refusalclassical linear tactics and cordon defense. Emphasis was placed on active attacking actions of troops at maximum concentration of forces

on the main directions. Suvorov's views on the education of soldiers were also interesting. He considered the most negative qualities for a military man to be the fear of responsibility, lack of initiative and a formal attitude to business. A soldier should not carry out an order without realizing the essence and goals of his actions. Suvorov demanded a complete understanding of the tasks assigned to the army and the personal participation of each soldier in their implementation. The subordinate could not follow the order of actions determined by the commander. The manifestation of the initiative was allowed if it was aimed at the performance of official duties. This approach was contrary to the principles that the famous generals of Europe adhered to. In European armies, exact following of orders was valued. The military doctrine of the Europeans is vividly characterized by the statements of King Frederick the Great of Prussia. He believed that all military personnel - from officers to ordinary soldiers - should not argue under any circumstances.
The Capture of Ishmael
At that time, the fortress of Izmail was considered an impregnable barrier for any army. Sheer stone walls were defended by well-chosen Turkish troops. The assault on this fortress was included in all history books, many famous commanders from different countries admired it. During the siege of Ishmael, 26 thousand soldiers of the Turkish a were destroyed

rmii. 9 thousand were taken prisoner. The Russians got huge food supplies, 265 guns, 3 thousand barrels of gunpowder, 10 thousand heads of horses. Suvorov's army lost 4,000 killed and 6,000 wounded. The Russian Empire received a strategic outlet to the Balkans.
Crossing the Alps
The end of the 18th century was marked by the coming to power in France of a new leader, a talented military leader, an ambitious dictator - Napoleon I Bonaparte. Well-known commanders of that time were inclined to think that it was Suvorov who should take the lead of the united army against the French. And so it happened. In 1799, under the leadership of Suvorov, Northern Italy was liberated. However, the most epic event that shocked contemporaries was the passage of the Russian army through the Alps. Not having sufficient experience in combat operations in mountainous terrain, being under constant enemy attacks, the Suvorov soldiers accomplished a real feat. Having descended into the Mutenskaya valley, the Russian army was under the threat of encirclement. However, the exhausted soldiers went on the offensive and inflicted a crushing defeat on the French, putting the enemy to flight. Having not suffered a single defeat in his entire career, Suvorov rightfully entered the literary works of his contemporaries as the most famous Russian commander. Russia and the whole world were presented with the invaluable science of life - "The Science of Victory"!