Non-state universities of Moscow with accreditation

Non-state universities of Moscow with accreditation
Non-state universities of Moscow with accreditation

Non-state universities are an integral part of the educational system of our country. They began to be created during a period of serious state reforms. Many non-state universities are located in Moscow. Every year they offer paid educational services to applicants. Existing private educational institutions in the capital have a wide variety of speci alties, ranging from economics to medical.

How to choose one thing from a huge number of offers? To make the right decision, it is worth considering non-state universities that have an accreditation certificate.

Why is accreditation important?

In recent years, Rosobrnadzor has conducted a huge number of checks in non-state universities. Many of them were deprived of state accreditation certificates and even licenses. Those educational institutions that still have a license continue to function without a certificate of state accreditation. However, applicants who are going to enter such universities should consider their decision. Certificate of state accreditation -this is an important document. It allows the university to issue state diplomas and provide students with a deferment from military service.

Educational organizations that do not have a certificate of state accreditation may issue standard diplomas. With such a document, it is more difficult to get a job. With him, you can’t apply for positions in the budgetary and public service, you won’t be able to enter graduate school.

non-state universities
non-state universities

Non-state universities in Moscow: rating

In 2016, the rating of private educational institutions compiled by the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia was published. This list includes not only Moscow educational organizations, but also regional ones. If we choose only metropolitan institutions that have accreditation, then it turns out that the best are the following non-state universities in Moscow. List:

  • Russian School of Economics (NES);
  • Russian New University (RosNOU);
  • Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. M. A. Litovchina (GITR);
  • Institute for Humanitarian Education and Information Technology (IGUMO);
  • Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (MVSES).

Let's take a closer look at the universities listed above and consider their merits.

non-state universities in moscow rating
non-state universities in moscow rating


In 1992, such an educational institution as NES appeared in the capital of our country. The goal of the educational organization was to provide qualitytraining specialists for the economic and financial areas of life. Over the years of its existence, the school has been able to achieve recognition. Today it is one of the best non-state universities in the country. Graduates build good careers. Statistics show that they work not only in Russian, but also in international companies.

NES specializes in graduating masters. The training program for specialists of this level is designed for 2 years. In the course of training, future masters master microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics and other sciences more deeply. Particular attention is paid to the in-depth study of the English language. When studying at NES for a master's degree, students choose the specialization they are interested in. These can be finance, economic development, data analysis, industry organization theory and trade, advanced macroeconomics.

non-state universities in moscow
non-state universities in moscow


Non-state universities in Moscow include RosNOU. It is a large educational organization founded in 1991. Since its inception, it has been improving the material and technical base, strengthening the teaching staff, and making changes to the educational process. Thanks to all this, the university was in the ranking.

RosNOU can train bachelors in 12 enlarged groups of areas of study listed in the certificate of state accreditation:

  • mechanics and mathematics;
  • information and computer science;
  • IIWT;
  • psychological sciences;
  • management andeconomy;
  • social work and sociology;
  • jurisprudence;
  • regional and political sciences;
  • Media and Information Librarianship;
  • tourism and service;
  • pedagogical sciences and education;
  • literary criticism and linguistics.

RosNOU conducts quality educational activities. This is an important feature that many non-state universities do not have. The institution in question is equated to large state educational organizations. Due to the good results in its work, the educational institution received the APC (Admission Targets). This means that the Russian New University has state-funded places for applicants.

non-state universities in moscow list
non-state universities in moscow list


Non-state universities of Moscow with accreditation include GITR. This institution of higher education appeared in the capital in 1994. It was founded by Mikhail Litovchin. This man was a Soviet and Russian director of theater, cinema, television, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasiliev brothers. Today, the university trains specialists for work in the field of radio broadcasting and television. Applicants are offered several areas of training and speci alties:

  • "Journalism";
  • Cinema operator;
  • "Film and television directing";
  • "Sound engineering of audiovisual arts";
  • "Painting";
  • "Graphics";
  • "Production".

The institution, which is part of non-state universities in Moscow, has a goodmaterial and technical base. The institute has pavilions for filming, sound processing studios. The necessary television and sound equipment, lighting equipment are available.

non-state universities in Moscow with a deferment from the army
non-state universities in Moscow with a deferment from the army


IGUMO has existed in Moscow since 1993. In this educational institution, you can get secondary vocational and higher education. To receive secondary vocational education, applicants enter the "Publishing Business" and "Teaching in Primary Schools". Higher education is offered in 9 areas of undergraduate training:

  • "Psychology";
  • Jurisprudence;
  • "Management";
  • "Journalism";
  • "Linguistics";
  • "Public Relations and Advertising";
  • "Humanities and Arts";
  • "Design";
  • "Personnel Management".
private universities in moscow with accreditation
private universities in moscow with accreditation


Non-state universities in Moscow with a deferment from the army in 1995 were replenished with a new institution. A higher school was opened - MHSES. The founders planned to turn this educational organization into a university that would be comparable to the best foreign universities. The founders of the school succeeded. The educational institution is a Russian-British university that trains masters and bachelors in such areas as "Psychology", "Management", "Sociology", "Jurisprudence", "Political Science", "History".

Students are offered by an educational institutionlots of possibilities. Firstly, upon graduation, you can get a British master's degree, because the school is aimed at training specialists who are in demand at the world level. Secondly, students can improve their foreign language, go on business trips abroad. Thirdly, the school offers flexible programs, because individual curricula are allowed.

non-state universities in moscow reviews
non-state universities in moscow reviews

Advice to applicants

Before entering the university you like, chosen among the listed educational institutions or other educational organizations, you should definitely ask the employees about the availability of a certificate of state accreditation. The fact is that any institution that had this document yesterday may be deprived of it tomorrow. Rosobrnadzor periodically conducts unscheduled inspections, as a result of which certificates of state accreditation and licenses are withdrawn from inefficient private universities.

It is also very important to remember that non-state universities in Moscow receive very often negative reviews. Do not pay attention to them, because the level of knowledge cannot depend on the educational institution. If people want to learn something, then they can do it in absolutely any educational organization (even if they enter non-state universities). Thus, everything depends on your own desires and aspirations.
