The human body is a very complex system that is engaged in the implementation of a variety of processes. One of them is mineral metabolism. It is worth noting that this process is a combination of several separate smaller procedures occurring inside the body.
Basic information

It is worth starting the analysis with the question of what it is - mineral exchange.
As noted earlier, this is a combination of several other processes, namely: absorption, assimilation, distribution, transformation and excretion from the body of certain elements that are inside it in the form of inorganic components.
A feature of mineral metabolism is that when substances are combined with a biological fluid, they will create the internal environment of the body. This environment will have some constant physical and chemical properties. Thanks to this, the constant normal operation of both cells and tissues will be ensured.
Mineral metabolism is also important fordiagnosis of many diseases. What does it mean? This means that by the content and concentration of a certain number of mineral components in body fluids, one can draw conclusions about the state of human he alth. Naturally, if this process is disrupted, then there will be either a lack of some components, or their complete absence. In some cases, mineral metabolism, or rather its violation, can be the initial cause of the development of the disease, while in others it only causes consequences.
Education of components
The process of absorption of mineral components occurs in the human digestive tract, from where they enter the blood and lymph. If we talk about the quantitative content of these elements in the human body, then the largest part is occupied by chloride, phosphate and carbon dioxide compounds. These include s alts of calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium. In addition to these substances, the body contains several other trace elements involved in mineral metabolism. These include compounds of iron, zinc, copper, manganese and others.
As for the main source of these elements, it is food. However, not all food is equally saturated with these substances. The highest content of these substances is characterized by meat, milk, black bread, as well as vegetables and legumes.

During the mineral s alt metabolism inside the human body, these components are mixed with the aquatic environment. In this way, completely soluble or partially solubleconnections. After that, such components begin to exist in the form of ions.
It is worth noting that during mineral metabolism in the body, not all compounds dissolve or partially dissolve. Insoluble compounds may also form.
Excess mineral components
It is natural that a person cannot accurately assess the amount of substances in the body and no longer use unnecessary ones, and therefore an overabundance of any components is inevitable. The withdrawal of an excess amount of components is carried out, in particular, with the help of the work of the kidneys and intestines. Mineral metabolism in the body is carried out due to the large amount of fluid, as well as the withdrawal of significant excesses. If you consume large amounts of table s alt, it is possible that such components in the body increase too much, and an increase in drinking water consumption is required to restore balance.

Water and s alt exchange
These are two inextricably linked procedures. Since water-s alt is an integral part of the complete exchange of mineral components. What is meant by this?
Water-s alt and mineral metabolism means the totality of the process of entry of these components into the body and their further distribution in the internal environment. And also withdrawal. The main component in such an exchange is the NaCl compound. Maintaining a normal metabolism of these substances provides a person with a constant volume of blood and other important fluids, a stable osmotic pressure, andmaintains acid-base balance. The regulation of osmotic pressure, for example, is carried out due to the participation of sodium in metabolism. Scientists have found that approximately 95% of the total osmotic pressure of plasma is regulated by this element.
Briefly about the functions of minerals
All minerals, in addition to participating in the exchange, perform several more important functions:
- Providing such an important process as blood clotting.
- Create a potential called a membrane potential, as well as an action potential for excitable cells.
- By themselves, minerals are contained in the structure of various human organs. Inorganic components related to mineral substances can appear in the form of insoluble compounds. Such compounds are found mainly in bone and cartilage tissue.
- Mineral substances are actively involved in redox reactions and some others.

Biochemistry of components. What is the role?
The biochemistry of minerals is one of the most important in our body. This is due to the fact that the components involved in such processes support human life. They are the most important link in the transmission of the electrochemical signal in human muscle fibers and nerve tissues.
In addition, mineral components are considered catalysts for the occurrence of many biochemical reactions, are considered building materials forskeleton. It is very important to note here that the human body itself is not capable of producing minerals, and their reserves are quite small. It is for these two reasons that it is necessary to carefully monitor the sufficient intake of all the necessary mineral components in the human body along with food and, if necessary, drink a course of vitamins.

Macro and micronutrients
All minerals involved in metabolism can be divided into two categories - macro- and microelements.
If we talk about macronutrients, then the need for these substances per day is quite large. It is measured in milligrams, and for some components even grams, which is considered huge amounts for the body. If we talk about trace elements, then the need for them is much less. It is worth saying that an ordinary person rarely experiences a lack of minerals, since there are a lot of them in food. There are very few trace elements in the human body and they are calculated in tens of milligrams or less. However, the distribution of these substances is very uneven. For example, the most mineral-rich tissue in the human body is tooth tissue, which contains 98% of these components.

The role and exchange of water in the body
The human body is approximately 65% fluid (60-70% of total body weight). It is known that water is in three liquid phases -intracellular and extracellular fluid, as well as transcellular. The main amount of fluid is inside the cells, it is approximately 40-45% of the entire water component. The extracellular fluid structure includes plasma, lymph and intercellular fluid. If we talk about the percentage of the total body weight of a person, then blood plasma - 5%, liquid - 16%, lymph - 2%. Transcellular fluid, on the other hand, occupies only 1-3%, and in its composition it is similar to the extracellular component. This type of fluid includes cerebrospinal fluid and intraocular fluid.
The distribution of water entering the body when drinking water (1-2 liters), food (about 1 liter of liquid) is carried out between all three phases. The distribution process depends on the quantitative content of osmotic substances in each phase.
Meaning of liquids
Inside the body, fluids perform another very important role - it is the maintenance of ionic asymmetry between the intracellular and extracellular components. The balance between them is an important factor for the stable and proper functioning of all cells of all organs and systems.
Other biological fluids are also actively involved in mineral metabolism. It should be noted that in their ionic composition they differ significantly from blood plasma. In the end, we can add that the most significant role in the process of water-s alt metabolism, which is part of the mineral, is played by the kidneys and some special hormones from the same group.
In order to maintain the metabolism of these substances at the proper level, certain rules should be followed:
- Enough drinking water should be consumed during the day.
- It is recommended to choose a mineral or table liquid, but not carbonated liquid.
- The main source of minerals are fruits and vegetables. In this regard, it is necessary to consume them every day along with other foods.
- Currently, there are dietary supplements - dietary supplements. In some cases, their use is necessary when you need to quickly saturate the human body with all the necessary minerals.
Role of some ions in metabolism

Some ions play a much larger role in metabolism than others. In this case, we are talking about sodium and potassium ions. These two groups of elements are responsible for the pH level, for osmotic pressure, and also for the volume of fluid in the human body. In addition, they are actively involved in the transport of amino acids, sugars, and some other ions through the cell membrane.
Minerals in children
It is worth noting separately the course of the process of exchange of these components in children. They have a rapid and constant growth and development of all systems and organs. And this affects the exchange of mineral components. The main feature is that the intake of these substances and their excretion from the body are not balanced among themselves, as in adults.
Intensive growth and development, as well as the formation of new tissues actively absorb all mineralsubstances. However, at the same time, it is worth paying attention to the ionic component of blood plasma and the composition of the extracellular fluid. Almost throughout the entire period of life, it remains unchanged. Differences are observed only in newborns or young children.
Summing up, we can say that the metabolism of these substances in the body, its stable operation and maintaining all the elements at the proper level is the key to the full and he althy development of children and the absence of diseases in adults.