The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus said: "It is not so important for a person to receive help, as it is important to know that he will be able to receive it." The problem of humanity has interested thinkers of all times, and in our time it is more relevant than ever. What is the basis of such a concept as humanity? How can we understand whether our work colleague or just a casual acquaintance is humane and sympathetic?

The main property of Homo Sapiens
A person without humanity will not be able to lead a normal life - he will suffer himself. Usually those who do not show humanity, do not do good deeds, feel inner emptiness. Often those people who lack mercy in life suffer from loneliness. They get the feeling that others are simply using them. However, this feeling comes just at the moment when the person himself begins to use others only for the sake of satisfying his needs - at least that's what psychologists say.
Man and humanity - these two concepts are inseparable, since humanity itself is a propertyany member of the Homo sapiens species. Each object has certain properties. The snow is cold and white; the sky is deep and blue; The Universe is boundless and mysterious; and a real person, unlike animals, can only be called one who shows the qualities that are inherent in his kind.

To show mercy, humanism, compassion, it is necessary to draw strength throughout life. And not everyone knows where to get them. Humanity, on the other hand, cannot manifest itself in a person who is not able to take care even of himself. When an individual is completely at the mercy of circumstances, absorbed in a depressive state, does not see joy in life, then often one can only dream of mercy and compassion for others in this situation.

To give, you must take
This is not surprising - after all, he himself is the object that needs love and compassion at this moment in time. Usually these resources can only be given by another person. Humanity towards one's neighbor is one of the noblest acts that people can do. After all, when mercy was shown to someone who experiences misfortune and suffering, then he will also be happy to do good deeds, to give his love. But feedback also works here.

Psychology of cruelty
Often, a child who has not been given enough attention by parents or who may have suffered from unfair treatment by peers often grows up to be a cruel person. Humanity for him is a quality about which he knows nothing and cannot know. Indeed, in relation to him, aggression was constantly manifested in one form or another. How can he give to others what he does not possess himself? Schoolchildren do not study psychology in the middle classes. The subject on which it is necessary to go through the topic "Man and humanity" is social science. In 6th grade, however, students are old enough to deal with fairly complex issues. In high school and in higher educational institutions, this topic will be related to the field of philosophy, psychology, sociology.
Energy sources
There are many more sources from which a person can draw energy. Humanity, as we have already considered, is a consequence of an excess of internal forces, but by no means a lack. It is possible to make a noble deed or the right choice only under the condition of constant accumulation of vital energy, as a result of which the personality forms its inner core. Where do people usually get these powers from?
For some, the main value in life is knowledge. Such a person usually draws inspiration from devoting his time to the study of various scientific fields. For other people, the most important thing is to work for the good of society. Psychologists have noticed: if people choose goals for themselves that are not directly related to other people, often these goals are never achieved. Indeed, in the case where there is nothe need to interact with others, to bear obligations to them, then there may simply not be enough motivation to complete the task.

Life as creativity
For the third source of energy is creativity - one of the greatest sources of positive that only a person can use. Humanity (Grade 6 - usually students at this stage are considering such a difficult issue) is not always a property of a creative person. A classic example is Adolf Hitler, who wanted to be an artist but became the worst tyrant of the last century. However, when in the process of creation a person realizes himself, enjoys a flight of fantasy, shows interest in the subject of his work, this cannot but affect him. Those people who really find themselves in creativity find peace and harmony with the world around them, which often makes them more human.
An example of humanity in literature
One of the writers who sought to denounce any justification for cruelty is F. M. Dostoevsky. A real example in his work "Crime and Punishment" is Sonya Marmeladova. This heroine is the complete opposite of Raskolnikov. She shows true humanity with her actions - in order to save children from hunger, she goes to sell her own body. Raskolnikov, on the contrary, believes that the “common good” can be acceptable at the cost of the blood of individual people, who, moreover, do not benefit society. He has no trueCompassion is a word that has two parts. Compassion literally means "to suffer together."
Raskolnikov believes that the crime that was committed "in good conscience" is not actually a crime. Sonya, on the contrary, retains true philanthropy. She sacrifices her life for the sake of higher principles. Despite the fact that she is visited by difficult thoughts, she wants to commit suicide, the image of starving children stops her from this act. And here also the heroine shows philanthropy, thinking not about her own interests. And with the same dedication with which she saves the lives of children, Sonya rushes to save Raskolnikov.

"Man and humanity": presentation (grade 6, social studies)
And sometimes students get the task of preparing a presentation on a given topic. Such work for some may even be more interesting than simply reading a paragraph or writing an essay. How can it be arranged? Consider examples that can be used in creating a presentation.
- Slide 1: Definition of the concepts of "man and humanity" in social science.
- Slide 2: Examples of humanity from various sources: media, literature, cinema.
- Slide 3: Categories of people who may need mercy.
- Slide 4: Distinctive features of man as a species.
- Slide 5: A story about great humanists. For example, it can be such personalities as Thomas More, Erasmus of Rotterdam.
- Slide 6: Attitude towards the elderly, parents.
- Slide7: Description of actions that can be regarded as humane.
This is just a rough outline of how to create a Human and Humanity presentation. Social studies in the 6th grade is one of the most interesting subjects. And with the help of this task, you can both show your creative abilities and learn a lot of new information about mercy, humanism. However, this plan can be used in their work not only for children to study the topic “Man and Humanity” in the 6th grade. GEF (Federal State Educational Standard) of the lesson largely overlaps with the theses that are covered in the presentation plan, so it will be useful for teachers as well.

Respect for old age
It is also necessary to remember about such a manifestation of mercy and humanism as respect for venerable age. In many religious movements, the elderly are treated with respect. This is not only a moral and ethical requirement. In youth, there is a lot of strength, and in old age it is already more difficult to do ordinary movements, sluggishness appears. This is the reality of man. Humanity in the 6th grade passes for a reason - this is another way to teach students about respect for elders.