Aluminum hydrochloride: chemical properties, method of obtaining, effect on the body, application

Aluminum hydrochloride: chemical properties, method of obtaining, effect on the body, application
Aluminum hydrochloride: chemical properties, method of obtaining, effect on the body, application

Aluminum hydrochloride is a member of a group of specific aluminum s alts that share a common chemical formula. This substance is actively used in modern cosmetology, in antiperspirants and deodorants. He also found his application as a coagulant in devices that purify water.

Aluminum s alts in stock
Aluminum s alts in stock

Aluminum s alts

Aluminum chlorohydrate is usually a white or colorless s alt with no odor. Over the past decades, it has been used as an active ingredient in most antiperspirants and deodorants. The presence of aluminum hydrochloride in these cosmetic products leads to a decrease in sweating, has a local antibacterial effect, and eliminates the smell of sweat. Its active use occurs because manufacturers and buyers have come to the conclusion that the effect is the best option for ridding a person of unpleasant physiological factors caused by sweat and its accompanying manifestations.

Cosmetology andhydrochloride

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without cosmetics, which include antiperspirants and deodorants. They, along with a toothbrush, soap, shampoo, are in the bathroom on the shelves in each apartment. Their use allows a person to protect himself from the sweat that accompanies his unpleasant odor, not to think about how to hide wet spots in the armpits.

The appearance of sweat on clothes
The appearance of sweat on clothes

Modern and classic deodorants and antiperspirants contain a significant amount of aluminum s alts (aluminum hydrochloride) as the main active ingredient. Its share in them sometimes reaches 40%.

In this regard, consumers of cosmetics, which include this substance, the question arises whether aluminum hydrochloride is harmful. If so, how does it manifest itself.

Principles of skin exposure

It should be understood here that through the use of this s alt, aluminum penetrates the cell membrane, entering the body as a free radical. It can also get inside a person through the bloodstream, penetrating into it through cuts formed during shaving or other procedures. At the same time, with blood streams, aluminum s alts penetrate into the liver, kidneys, and brain. If human organs work normally, then they are subsequently successfully excreted. Otherwise, they may contribute to the development of various diseases.

Aluminum s alt, getting on the epidermis of the skin, is hydrolyzed, starting the polymerization reaction. The molecules of these s alts are extremely small. As a result, in the processpolymerization, an amorphous gel is formed, which easily clogs the microscopic ducts of the sweat glands, affecting them. Aluminum ions begin to influence the membrane potential of secretory cells. This leads to the fact that the secretion of sweat stops until the membrane structures are restored.

Crystalline aluminum hydrochloride from the manufacturer
Crystalline aluminum hydrochloride from the manufacturer

Antiperspirant particles containing aluminum chlorohydrate can stay in the excretory ducts of the sweat glands for 7 to 14 days, depending on the individual characteristics of human skin. At the same time, cosmetologists assure that the best and maximum effect from exposure to antiperspirants begins only after about 10 days have passed since the start of its use. Its action ceases 2 weeks after the end of the application of the cosmetic product.

Side effects

Manufacturers of deodorants and antiperspirants claim that cosmetic substances containing aluminum chlorohydrate are used as recommended, they are safe. However, they note that certain inconveniences may arise, namely:

  • the presence of discomfort on the skin after applying these funds;
  • applied substances containing aluminum s alts can stain clothes, leave marks on the skin;
  • in some cases, there are some side effects in the form of skin erythema and burning in the places of their application.

It should be emphasized that the use of deodorants with aluminum chlorohydrateharm to the body can be caused by the fact that they contribute to the accumulation of sweat in the ducts of the sweat glands. This may cause skin irritation.

About harm

In the media, as well as on the Internet, you can find quite a lot of messages that tell about the dangers of aluminum chlorohydrate. Basically, such information boils down to reasoning that aluminum s alts can lead to malignant tumors, cause dementia, and cause irreparable damage to the kidneys. The conclusions of British scientists are usually cited as scientific data. However, it should be noted that these assumptions are not supported by any scientific evidence and research results.

A significant amount of negative information regarding aluminum chlorohydrate is associated with its negative effect, leading to the development of oncological problems, mainly breast cancer. However, it is worth noting that no serious studies have been conducted on this subject so far.

Aluminum production workshop
Aluminum production workshop

Indeed, medical studies have documented that aluminum s alts, which include aluminum chlorohydrate, has similar characteristics to the effects of the human hormone estrogen on the body. At the same time, it was reliably established that the level of this hormone (estrogen) unequivocally affects the occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland. It stimulates the growth of malignant cells. But at the same time, hormone therapy procedures and oral contraceptives are also known to be sources of estrogen.

In the 20th century, medical experts made a suggestion, which was seriously discussed among specialists, that aluminum contributes to the development of senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease). However, no scientific relationship has been found between them.

Among the contraindications for the use of deodorants, antiperspirants containing aluminum hydrochloride or other s alts of this metal, there is a ban on their use by persons who have kidney disease. This is especially true for those who carry out hemodialysis procedures. Affected kidneys become unable to effectively and quickly eliminate aluminum from the body, resulting in its accumulation in large quantities.

A little about the risks

It is believed that the presence of the harmful effects of aluminum chlorohydrate was scientifically recorded in 1988. Then, in one of the English cities, a significant amount of aluminum sulfate s alts got into the water tank, which was used by the population. After some time, a rare type of Alzheimer's disease was diagnosed in people who consumed this water. In the brain of patients found aluminum, 20 times higher than normal. This gave reason to believe that aluminum acted as a neurotoxin that provoked a dangerous disease.

Is aluminum chlorohydrate harmful to the body?

It can accumulate in human bones, causing osteoporosis. Also, this metal is able to settle in the liver, bone marrow, cartilage tissues, kidneys. The accumulation of aluminum s alts has also been established in the tissues of the mammary glands, where theyincrease the rate of cell oxidation.

Fighting sweat
Fighting sweat

At present, a fairly active company has been launched by independent specialists who consider themselves to be opponents of the use of aluminum s alts in cosmetology and not only. They invite those who intend to start active contacts with products containing aluminum hydrochloride and other s alts of this metal to clarify the following positions for themselves:

  • Aluminum is a heavy metal that is not a normal substance for the human body. As a result, there is a risk of its accumulation in various human organs, which with a high degree of probability can lead to irreversible negative consequences.
  • Aluminum hydrochloride is produced by contacting metal with sulfuric acid. In its natural form, it does not occur in nature and is artificially formed. Given that its production and use in cosmetology began relatively recently, its effects on humans have not been thoroughly studied.
  • Also, opponents of aluminum chlorohydrate do not believe that the use of deodorants and antiperspirants with this substance passes without harm to he alth. Attention is drawn to the fact that the areas of their use are quite close to important human organs. So, next to the axillary areas in women, the mammary glands are located, and men put the work of the heart at risk.

Whether aluminum chlorohydrate in deodorants is harmful is for everyone to decide for themselves after reading the above information.

Potassium alum

Theybelong to the class of so-called double s alts. These are inorganic substances. The powder is usually white. Sometimes colorless. Alum has no smell. This s alt dissolves quickly in warm and hot water. At a temperature of just over 90 degrees, potassium alum melts. At 120 degrees Celsius, they become so-called burnt alum, that is, a white powder that is insoluble in water. Found in nature, found in mineral s alts.

Potassium alum
Potassium alum

The properties of potassium alum have been known since ancient times. Then they were used mainly for dyeing yarn.

Application of alum

As well as aluminum hydrochloride, potassium alum has found application in cosmetology. They are used as the main component in hair and body care products. Successfully used in the treatment of oily seborrhea, in the presence of skin problems (lethargy, porosity, oiliness).

Potassium alum is an ingredient in antiperspirants that has the same effect as aluminum hydrochloride in reducing sebaceous and sweat gland secretions. They have a deodorizing effect.

Compared to aluminum hydrochloride, potassium alum has certain advantages. They do not penetrate deep into the sweat glands and do not disrupt their functioning. The principle of their work is not in blockage and blockage of the glands, but in absorption. As a result, they have found wide application in medicine. With their help, it treats thrush, prevents the spread of itching and swelling due to insect bites, etc.

Natural deodorant from aluminum potassium alum
Natural deodorant from aluminum potassium alum

Potassium alum has also found application in the food industry. They are usually designated by the additive E522. It is a stabilizer, baking powder and acidity regulator. Refers to completely safe substances.

However, mishandling this chemical can cause some harm to he alth. Potassium alum without special treatment and not approved by doctors for use can lead to severe irritation of the eyes, skin, and if ingested, disrupt the respiratory function and the digestive tract.
