Installation - what is it? Meanings and synonyms for the word "installation"

Installation - what is it? Meanings and synonyms for the word "installation"
Installation - what is it? Meanings and synonyms for the word "installation"

Considering such a concept as "installation", first of all, it should be determined that it is divided into three completely different meanings. These meanings cover various spheres of human activity and carry a completely different semantic load. For a complete coverage of this term, each of the areas should be considered separately.


First and easiest is installation (when it comes to computer software). Installation is a synonym for the word "installation", which has a more scientific connotation. All programs available for sale are compressed. In order to subsequently place them on a computer with the fulfillment of all the rules, a number of technical operations (installation) should be carried out. Nowadays, this happens automatically, thanks to special programs that are already present in the computer's operating system.

setting it up
setting it up

This definition also covers drivers and plug-ins that are not themselvesprograms, but include the same concept. Some archivers also have installers that carry out a similar process. This is the simplest answer to the question of what is installation. The next two meanings are worth considering in more detail, since they are not 100% synonyms, but rather similar meanings that are only relevant in a particular context.

Psychological process

In psychology, the word "attitude" has a special meaning. Installation is an unconscious mental engine (a person's readiness for a specific reaction in a given situation). What is meant? It is believed that on the basis of experience gained mainly in childhood, each person draws in his subconscious a certain pattern of reactions. And as soon as an event occurs for which a specific reaction is programmed, a person uses it.

psychological attitude
psychological attitude

In simple terms, an attitude is an illusion, "glasses" through which people see the world around them. This is both a subjective thing - an inner worldview and understanding of what is happening, and an objective one, since it manifests itself only under created external circumstances. The psychological attitude acts in this case as a connecting bridge between consciousness (subconscious) and reality. This concept was introduced into psychology by the German scientist L. Lange in 1888. But completely worked out, using numerous experiments, D. N. Uznadze and his students. Since then, the "attitude" has been transformed, refined and differentiated by many great psychologists. Now this concept can be divided intothe following categories.

Categories of attitudes in psychology

  • motor unit (ready for action);
  • sensory set (readiness for perception);
  • social attitude (readiness for action and perception);
  • mental attitude (readiness for certain stereotypes of thinking);
  • diffuse setting (setting in situations that occurred once in the experience).

A good example of a psychological attitude is the phenomenon when a person is given a text to read, in which words are specially inserted with the wrong sequence of letters (extraordinary - non-ordinary, narrative - storytelling). When reading this text, the installation affects the majority so that such errors are not noticed. The brain certainly perceives the written word correctly, since in the previous experience this word was encountered more than once in the correct form.

what is installation
what is installation

Psychological setting is a complex and very broad concept. It is with him that such concepts as "goal", "morality", "desire" are closely connected. It also plays an important role in cases where failures occur in the human psyche. All mental illnesses are mainly associated with the wrong response - the wrong attitude, or, in principle, with the operation of the attitude, which does not correspond to reality.

Technical value

Installation is a part of the technological process, during which the equipment that is involved in the work is permanently fixed in a permanent position, and thenis activated.

equipment installation
equipment installation

This concept includes both production and engineering solutions. Everyone knows such a phrase as "equipment installation" - in this case, we can talk about a computer, a car, or production in general, etc. But the above definition is the same for all types of installation.

Power plant

This concept, of course, is considered from the side of the technical meaning of the word. But in aviation, it has a special interpretation, which means it claims separate attention. In this case, the installation is the mechanism that sets the aircraft in motion.

power point
power point

It can have a completely different composition, depending on the principle of operation of the aircraft, but in any case it includes an engine and a propeller. But this concept does not apply only to aircraft. The power plant is available in all driven mechanisms. Although this phrase in a broader sense is not as popular as in aviation, it is worth considering the types of power plants from the position of generalization.

Types of power plants

Power plants vary depending on the engine, which can be gas, diesel or gasoline.

You can also differentiate from the mover, but then it is necessary to consider a specific mechanism (airplane, car, train). The types of propellers are very diverse even in a narrow view.


Another area wherethe word "installation" is in constant use. There is also a place to be the power plant of construction vehicles. Unlike aviation, this term in construction means only the engine itself, and not the engine-propulsion system. Based on this, there are the following types of power plants: internal combustion engines, AC and DC electric motors, pneumatic drives, hydraulic drives, combined drives.

synonym for setting
synonym for setting

In general, this is a simplified version of aircraft installations, minus one component.


So, installation is a combined concept that includes different areas of human activity. Considering the above examples, consider the synonyms of this word. If we are talking about psychology, this is direction, goal, reaction, motivation, opinion. If we are talking about technologies, this is an engine, equipment, device, mechanism, machine. In programming, this is an installation.

The Russian language is great and powerful. Therefore, one should not be surprised that for one word "installation" there were so many different meanings in their meanings. Do not confuse one with the other. And, of course, it is necessary to clearly separate them from each other. The correct use of words favors not only mutual understanding between people, but also inner harmony.
