What is an item: concept, definition, word meanings and synonyms

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What is an item: concept, definition, word meanings and synonyms
What is an item: concept, definition, word meanings and synonyms

What is an item? Typically, a word is associated with either a destination or an item in a list numbering. However, this term has a very large number of interpretations. The article will talk about this concept in detail.

The word "item" in the dictionary

Its general prototypical, that is, the initial interpretation is “dot”. It is usually used in a figurative sense. It is often used to indicate a place, for example:

Point in geography
Point in geography

In geography, this is a certain place located on the surface of the Earth. The size of the geographical object in this case does not matter. Example: a geographical point can be defined as any place on the map

  • Place of residence of people, which can be a city, village, settlement. Example: to get to this remote village, you need to use three modes of transport: plane, train and bus.
  • A place where some special work, classes, something is concentrated. Example: grumbling something under his breath, the law enforcement officer advised the woman to go to the reception pointrefugees.
  • An enterprise, an institution that conducts some kind of special work, classes. Example: in Soviet times, rental points were very popular in our country; TVs, tape recorders, refrigerators, cameras and other things were often rented there.
  • A place that serves a purpose has a specific purpose. Example: a very convenient observation post was set up in this place.

Number or letter

Another definition of the word "point" is as follows. This is a separate paragraph, section, article in some text or official document, which is indicated by a number or letter.

Paragraph as paragraph
Paragraph as paragraph

Examples of sentences with the token in question:

  1. The agreement was worked out in such detail that it included more than 60 clauses.
  2. The next item on the agenda was a review of campaign plans for the coming week.
  3. One of the most important items on Svetlana's New Year's list was the purchase of gifts for her beloved parents.

Special attention

Another meaning of the word “point” is a topic, a question, an object that occupies special attention in a person’s thoughts. In this case, the term is used in a diminutive form.

Sample sentences:

  • Co-workers knew that Kolyaev had a thing about germs, so he constantly washed his hands.
  • His father was very kind to the authorship of articles, we can say that this was his main fad.
  • Now I see whyAnna refused dessert, it turns out she has a fad about her figure.


In this meaning, the word being studied is interpreted as a certain period or moment in the development of something.

Sample sentences:

  • Another turning point in the intellectual evolution of this scientist was the break with metaphysics, which for centuries was considered the core of philosophy.
  • According to historians, the adoption of the Constitution was a turning point in the historical development of Poland.
  • However, the war was not over at this turning point - it dragged on for many years.

In music

Here there are also concepts related to the word in question. What is a paragraph in music:

  • One of these is the organ point, which is a sound that repeats or lingers in the bass. At this time there is a movement of the upper voices. And the composition of consonances, which include intervals, concords, chords, changes as if regardless of the bass. Example: as a rule, an organ point is built on either the dominant or the tonic, sometimes it occurs on both steps at once.
  • Second - counterpoint, simultaneous combination of independent melodic voices, two or more. Example: the musical term "counterpoint" is used by art historians, literary critics, and journalists.

In the printing industry

In this industry, the word "point" refers to a unit of typographical measurement. It is used for letters and whitespace and is approximately0.4mm.

Usage examples:

  • In publications intended for students in grades 1-3, when a text of more than 200 characters is printed on a gray or colored background, the font size is used two points more than in the main text.
  • In printing industry, a point is a unit of length that is equal to 1/72 parts of an inch.


The word "point" is of Latin origin. This language has a noun punctum, which means point, prick, point. It was formed from the verb pungere, the meaning of which is "to prick". According to linguists, the specified verb comes from another, which is available in the Proto-Indo-European language - peug, which also means "to prick".

Item as string
Item as string

The studied lexical unit has been found in Russian since 1698. For example, it can be found in Feofan Prokopovich, who was a famous statesman, writer and publicist, poet, philosopher, associate of Peter I. It is believed that the term “point” came to our language from Polish or from German, where there is a noun punkt, meaning point.

Now words that are close in meaning to the one being studied will be considered.


The word "item", which has many meanings, has a large number of synonyms.

Clause in the article of the law
Clause in the article of the law

These include:

  • station;
  • dot;
  • place;
  • condition;
  • article;
  • paragraph;
  • weak spot;
  • fad;
  • chapter;
  • reduit;
  • passion;
  • moment;
  • factory;
  • quarantine;
  • rubric;
  • bridgehead;
  • strangeness;
  • prejudice;
  • position;
  • section;
  • quirk;
  • stage;
  • string;
  • number;
  • remote;
  • start;
  • burg;
  • part;
  • springboard;
  • passing.

You need to select synonyms, focusing on the meaning of the word "point" in the sentence. Many words have a close but not identical meaning, other emotional connotations.

Other word replacements

Among them are:

  • prison;
  • first-aid post;
  • counterpoint;
  • camping point;
  • injury center;
  • corpunt;
  • agitpoint;
  • evacuation center;
  • reduit;
  • block-item;
  • radio station;
  • band;
  • article;
  • paragraph;
  • position;
  • strengthening;
  • skate;
  • post;
  • plot;
  • area;
  • garrison;
  • camp;
  • graph;
  • line;
  • district;
  • outskirts;
  • tip;
  • settlement.

For a better assimilation of what a “point” is, stable phrases with this word will be considered.


There is an item:

  • currency exchange;
  • negotiation;
  • command;
  • observant;
  • exchange;
  • destination;
  • food;
  • contracts;
  • fifth;
  • evacuation;
  • traumatological.
  • Medical Center
    Medical Center

In military affairs

In this field of activity, the word "point" is used in many cases. It is about paragraph:

  • divisional exchange (DOP);
  • checkpoint (checkpoint);
  • command (KP);
  • observational (NP);
  • inhabited;
  • reference (OP);
  • maintenance (PTO);
  • maintenance and repair (MRT);
  • control room (DP);
  • medical (MP);
  • temporarily based;
  • for an overnight stay when moving teams and military units.

In geodesy

Geodesic science also cannot do without this term. Here they talk about points:

  • astronomical;
  • geodetic;
  • trigonometric;
  • support.

To conclude the study of the question of what a paragraph is, a few more cases of using this lexeme will be considered.

Other uses

Among them are the following:

  • In aviation, this is a mandatory reporting point, which is a geographical point on the airway.
  • In economics, this is the smallest change in any indicator.
  • A percentage point is understood as a measure of change in indicators, which is measured as a percentage.

As you can see, the Russian language is extremely diverse. Some words have many meanings, synonyms. The main thing is to apply them correctly. Now you know the meaning of the word in question, as well as the scope of its application.
