Ancestral heritage: sayings about studying

Ancestral heritage: sayings about studying
Ancestral heritage: sayings about studying

Study is the acquisition of knowledge. There are many paths in life that cannot be followed without knowledge. It is also about gaining experience in the process of life. They are obtained by studying something of their own free will or by coincidence. The concept of "study" includes: school, college, institute, work and in general the whole life. The article will contain several sayings and proverbs about study and school.

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness

The meaning of the saying about learning is that a person develops when he studies. Gaining knowledge in certain areas, he adapts to them. He becomes invulnerable to the difficulties of life. And the one who does not study, degrades. That is, the world around is changing, and he stands still. For example, how to stay in the dark and not be aware of what is happening around.

Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster

Here we are talking about learning, which must be backed up by practice. In some cases, it is impossible to learn something without an internship. Knowing the work in theory, but never taking part in it, a person can make a mistake.

sayings about learning
sayings about learning

Repetition is the mother of learning

The essence of the saying about learning is to repeat the passed stage for the sake of preserving knowledge. People constantly need to reinforce their knowledge through repetition. Once learned business will someday be forgotten if not practiced for a long time.

Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage

In this proverb about learning, the author conveys to people that lack of knowledge encourages insecurity. When a person is faced with a situation in which he does not understand, he is afraid to make the wrong choice. Therefore, behind knowledge lies courage and confidence.

He who loves science does not see boredom

The proverb says that a person who loves science cannot get bored. After all, it is impossible to learn everything, since there are a lot of sciences. Loving a business that has no end, you can live your whole life without melancholy and sadness.

Science does not ask for bread, but gives it

The proverb about learning says that learning requires desire and work, not money. But the acquired knowledge can bring income. In modern society, it may sound irrelevant, but in the old days it was exactly that.

proverbs and sayings about learning
proverbs and sayings about learning

Be proud not of title, but of knowledge

The meaning of the proverb is that one should not be proud of a title in which there is no knowledge. There are different ways to reach a high rank. A person can hold a post due to the prevailing circumstances, but at the same time turn out to be an incompetent boss. The correspondence of knowledge with the position held is more important than the position itself.

If you haven't finished your own studies, never teach others

The whole essence of the proverb is the uselessness of teaching people to a person who really knows nothing. Having superficially studied this or that question, you can mislead not only yourself, but also other people. Also, a person can be directed to the wrong path. So in this case, it is better to refrain from advice and teachings.

Live and learn

The truth of this saying comes to every reasonable person at a certain period of life. At the age of 30, looking back and reflecting on the past years, an intelligent person will say: “How stupid I was.” At 40, he will say the same about the last 10 years of his life. You have to study all your life. With age comes wisdom, experience, prudence. The need for study, according to this saying, does not disappear with the end of school, with seniority or retirement. It ends with life.

proverbs and sayings about school and study
proverbs and sayings about school and study

Knows not the one who has lived a lot, but the one who has gained knowledge

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning a proverb that will dispel many obscure thoughts. She talks about the fact that, having lived for many years, one cannot gain intelligence, wisdom, experience. These qualities should be striven for all these years. 100 years of life lived without zeal for knowledge will not make a sage. Only those who have worked hard to acquire knowledge will become their possessors.

The article contains the most famous proverbs and sayings about studying, the meaning of which became more clear after reading it.
