Very many people know the phrase "Veni vidi vici", the translation of which sounds like "I came, I saw, I conquered." This saying, especially in Russian, is so popular and so often used even in everyday life that the question of where it came from and to whom it belongs arises for many.
Latin is out of fashion now, but if I tell you the truth…

At the time of A. S. Pushkin, Latin only “went out of fashion”, although its knowledge characterized a person only from the best side. But even then it had long since lost its status as a spoken language. But even if we omit its fundamental role in medicine, especially in pharmacology, we can state that Latin quotes and expressions will live for centuries. It is also quite difficult for jurisprudence to do without the help of Latin, the name of which was given by the region in Italy - Latia, the center of which is Rome. Sayings in Latin serve not only as a decoration of the language, sometimes only these phrases can express the essence of the issue. exist and usepopular collections of Latin proverbs. Some phrases from them are familiar even to people who are far from Latin and science in general.
Jewel Phrase
First of all, such quotes include the greeting “Ave!” and the sacramental "Veni, vidi, vici". Dictionaries and reference books rely on the evidence of Greek and Roman philosophers and historians, such as Plutarch's Sayings of Kings and Generals, from where this phrase was taken. The high culture of the ancient Mediterranean - the "cradle of civilization" - is covered with beautiful legends. Famous kings and generals who were smart and educated are credited with vivid sayings, and if they are not long and beautiful, then capacious, short and accurate.

The phrase "Veni vidi vici" belongs to Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC). She meets all the standards of historical catchphrases - graceful in style and appearance, smart and, most importantly, she was fully consistent with the events of that time.
Events prior to the appearance of the phrase
Caesar didn't have the best time in his career. The huge, well-armed army of Pharnaces, the son of the Pontic king Mithridates defeated by the Roman dictator, landed in Asia Minor and began to win one victory after another. The son avenged his father. Julius Caesar could not return to Italy, where urgent business called him, leaving everything as it was. And in the year 47, at the end of summer, near the city of Zela, the troops led by the brilliant commander completely defeated the army of Farnak. The victory was easy and quick, Caesar returned to Rome in triumph. It's brillianthe immortalized the event with a letter to his friend Amincius, where this phrase was written.
A brilliant saying from a brilliant man

“Veni vidi vici” is not boasting, it is a statement of an easy, brilliant and very significant victory - “I came, I saw, I conquered”. Naturally, the phrase scattered instantly, and, according to the historian Suetonius, the author of the work The Life of the Twelve Caesars, it was she who was inscribed on the banner that was carried in front of Gaius Julius when his victorious army entered Rome. Mountains of literature have been written about Caesar, his popularity is not decreasing, but increasing thanks to cinema and salad. He is quoted because the phrase "Veni vidi vici" is not the only expression that has gone down in history. But it was she who became the exact symbolic name of everything that was done on time, brilliantly, without a hitch. And, of course, she, so beautiful, is used in the form of slogans on the emblems of various companies, the most famous of which is the Philip Maurice tobacco company. Words adorn packs of Marlboro cigarettes.
Julius Caesar was the author of so many phrases - smart, prophetic, cynical. He said that it is impossible to offend guests, that every person is the blacksmith of his own destiny, that he, Caesar, does not care if they hate him, the main thing is to be afraid. Dozens of sayings remained for posterity, but "I came, I saw, I conquered" - a saying that announces itself. I read it - and it captivated you, and you understand that no one was able to declare victory more accurately, smarter, more gracefully.