Kyiv Theological Academy is the oldest university of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The religious educational institution was founded at the beginning of the 17th century. At that time, the metropolis of the university was under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople. The history of development and information about the graduates and rectors of the Kyiv Theological Academy can be found in our article.
Kyiv Brotherhood School
The primary source of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary is the Kiev Bratsk School, which appeared on the basis of the Epiphany Monastery in 1615. Its appearance was realized according to the idea of Archimandrite Elisey Pletenetsky. According to his plan, classical languages, rhetoric, theology and a number of areas of elementary education were to be studied here. Later, Metropolitan of Kyiv Peter Mohyla contributed to the unification of his school with the Kiev-Bratskaya. After some time, the institution changed its status and became the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium.

Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium
FormatThe work of this institution was similar to foreign counterparts, in which Grave himself received education. As part of the program, students studied languages, arithmetic, poetry, rhetoric, theology, music, catechism and philosophy. Also on Saturdays, the pupils went to classes on conducting disputes. The head of the educational institution was the rector, he delegated some of the powers to the perfect and the superintendent. Famous personalities who studied here are Lazar Baranovich, Feofan Prokopovich, Innokenty Gizel, Stefan Yavorsky.

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
The educational institution received the status of the academy in 1701. In connection with these changes, several more sciences and languages \u200b\u200bare taught here:
- geography;
- math;
- natural history;
- French;
- German;
- Hebrew;
- painting;
- architecture;
- medicine;
- rural and household savings;
- supreme eloquence.
By the end of the 18th century, the staff of teachers consisted of more than twenty people, more than ten thousand books were stored in the local library. The main part of the curriculum was built on the basis of foreign sources. The only exceptions were theology, which was studied according to the Prokopovich system, and rhetoric, the basis of which was spelled out in Lomonosov's manual.
At the end of the 18th century, serious changes began in the life of the academy. During this period, the state began to allocate certain appropriations for its needs, which greatly facilitatedspiritual life. The high level of education allowed the pupils of the school to easily enter the academies and seminaries of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. After some time, her popularity faded significantly due to the emergence of Moscow and Kharkov universities. By decision of the Synod, the Kiev-Mohyla Academy was closed in 1817.
Kyiv Theological Academy
In 1819, a new educational institution in its own way began its activities. It was organized in a historical place - on the basis of the Fraternal Epiphany School Monastery. New teachers worked here, who organized the educational process according to an improved system.

Closing in Soviet times
The official liquidation of the Kyiv Theological Academy took place in 1919 by decision of the Soviet authorities. By their order, the seminary building was converted into a Naval Political School, but despite these changes, religious citizens created a small Orthodox Theological Academy, headed by the former rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy Alexander Glagolev. It was here that those who decided to devote themselves to religious service were trained. It is worth noting that the educational institution did not have its own building. Teachers gave lectures in private apartments. There is information that this format of education existed until 1925.
New life of the academy
After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine gained full independence, and religious trends in the country -new development branch. So, in 1992, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate created the Kyiv Theological Academy on their own initiative - this is how two independent seminaries with the same names appeared. The creators claimed that each of these religious institutions was the successor to the academy that closed in 1919. Later, the Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate nevertheless decided to rename its educational institution to the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy.

Modern "Kyiv Theological Academy"
The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra became the place of foundation of the educational institution. Graduates receive the qualifications of Candidates of Theology and Masters of Theology. The journal "Proceedings of the Kyiv Theological Academy" is considered an honorary publication.
Applicants from different countries want to study at the educational institution. Currently, guests from Serbia, Greece and Poland are being trained. Here they study humanitarian subjects and theology, which allows graduates to be not only religiously educated, but also to gain in-depth knowledge in a variety of areas (languages, philosophy, history, and others). Musically gifted students can try their hand at the choir of the Kyiv Theological Academy, which is known throughout the world.

Principle of admission to the academy
The term of study at the Kyiv Theological Academy is two years. Students of an educational institution can only becomemen under the age of thirty-five. All applicants are preliminarily trained in the seminary and receive the first category. It is worth noting that the seminary diploma must be without triples. Before becoming students, applicants must successfully pass an interview and pass exams in such subjects as church history, English, dogmatic theology, New and Old Testament Scripture. A complete list of documents required for admission is presented on the official website of the Academy. You must come to the entrance exams with a passport and a military ID. Students enrolled in the academy are provided with free meals and accommodation in a hostel with personal services. Education here is absolutely free. Scholarships for excellent students at the Kyiv Theological Academy are not provided.

During the existence of the seminary, more than twenty talented rectors stood at its leadership. Kyiv Theological Seminary in different periods was ruled by the following legendary figures:
- Archbishop Moses - the period of his service in this position 1819 -1823
- Innokenty Borisov - the legendary rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary. He worked in this position from 1830 for nine years. Considered a very famous preacher, a member of the Russian Academy. He also has a place of honor in the Holy Synod.
- Metropolitan Ioanniky - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and rector of the Kyiv Theological Seminary in the period from 1859-1860. He is knownworld by founding three spiritual journals. In 2016, he was canonized as a locally venerated saint.
- Bishop Michael - led the academy from 1877 to 1883. The spiritual writer and theologian wrote dozens of works known in religious circles. "Bible Science", "Essay on the History of Bible Interpretation", "Prophetic Books of the Old Testament" are his works.
- Plato Rozhdestvensky - was at the helm from 1902 to 1907. After the Kyiv Theological Academy, he led the North American Diocese. He was suspended from this position three times.
- Nikolay Zabuga - rector from 1994 to 2007. From 2005 to 2007 he was the chairman of the department for external church relations of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.
- Metropolitan Anthony - led the seminary for ten years from 2007 to 2017. Author of such important religious books as "Simple Truths", "Learning to Trust God", "Don't Walk Alone".
- Bishop Sylvester - assumed the position of rector in 2017 and bears this title to this day. Possesses the Order of St. Peter the Mohyla and St. Nestor the Chronicler.
All representatives of the leading positions of the "Kyiv Theological Seminary" are outstanding personalities and excellent mentors.

Employees of this category are engaged in the control of educational processes in the academy. This position was held by various prominent personalities. Now it has been abolished. The last inspector was Vasily Bogdashevsky, who worked in thispositions from 1909 to 1913. He is known for writing such wonderful books:
- "About the church",
- "Law and Gospel",
- "About Christian charity" and others.
Also at different times, Grigory Mitkevich, Ioanniky Gorsky, Dmitry Kovalnitsky worked as inspectors.
During the entire period of its existence, the Kyiv Theological Academy has produced many legendary personalities. They achieved tremendous success both in religious affairs and in science. One of the most talented graduates of the Kyiv Theological Academy is Didenko Eleutherius. It was he who became the first governor of the revived Lavra. Here are some more graduates of the Kyiv Theological Academy:
- Theophan the Recluse - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1988 he was canonized as a saint. His relics are kept in the Kazan Cathedral of the Vyshensky Monastery. At one time, Theophan the Recluse wrote many monumental works. Among them: "The Way to Salvation", "Collection of Letters", "What is Spiritual Life and How to Attune to It".
- Popov Konstantin Dmitrievich - a graduate and teacher of patristics of an educational institution. The list of his significant works for the Kyiv Theological Academy is as follows: "Teaching of the Twelve Apostles", "Tertullian", "Blessed Diahod".
- Pamfil Danilovich Yurkevich is the son of a priest and a pupil of the seminary. From 1869 to 1873 he was dean of the teacher's seminary of the military department. He had several philosophical ideas that were included inworks of the Kyiv Theological Academy and published in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education.
Also, students of this educational institution are Nazariy Favorov, Nikolai Stelletsky, Nicodemus Milash and other famous theologians.

Address of the academy: Kyiv, st. Lavrskaya, 15.