Exploratory teaching method: purpose, process and essence

Exploratory teaching method: purpose, process and essence
Exploratory teaching method: purpose, process and essence

What is an exploratory teaching method? This is nothing more than the organization of the cognitive and search activities of students, which is carried out when the teacher sets various tasks. At the same time, they all require children to make a creative independent decision.

teacher in class with tablet
teacher in class with tablet

The essence of the research method of teaching is due to its main functions. With its help, the organization of creative search and application of knowledge is carried out. At the same time, in the process of activity, the mastery of sciences occurs, as well as the formation of interest and the need for self-education and creative activity.

The essence of the method

The use of research in the learning process in pedagogy began more than a century and a half ago. The essence of such a method implies the following:

  • observation followed by questions;
  • assume decisions;
  • examination of available conclusions and selection of only one as the most probable;
  • additional checkproposed hypothesis and its final approval.

Consequently, the research method of teaching is a method of inference when obtaining specific facts during independent observation and study of objects by schoolchildren.

Goals of work

The research method of teaching involves the independent passage of all stages of the experiment by the students up to the analysis of the results.

boy holding an apple
boy holding an apple

Among the goals pursued in this case by the teacher is necessity:

  • involving pupils in the process of obtaining new knowledge;
  • development of non-standard forms of cognitive activity by children;
  • training in the use of practical materials, monographic, educational and normative literature, statistical data, as well as the Internet;
  • develop the ability to work with a computer and its main programs;
  • in providing schoolchildren with the opportunity of public speaking, entering into polemics, bringing their point of view to the audience and reasonably inclining the audience to accept the ideas put forward.

Among the main goals of using the research method of teaching is also the development of the following skills in children:

  • finding and formulating a scientific problem;
  • actualization of contradictions;
  • definitions of the object, as well as the subject of study;
  • hypothesis;
  • planning and conducting an experiment;
  • hypothesis testing;
  • formulation of conclusions;
  • determining the boundaries and scope of the results obtained during the study.


When using the research method of teaching in the classroom, the following happens:

  1. The teacher together with the students formulates the problem.
  2. New knowledge is not communicated to schoolchildren. Students will have to get them on their own during the study of the problem. Their task is also to compare the various answers and determine the means that will achieve the desired result.
  3. The activity of a teacher mainly involves the operational management of the process that is carried out when solving problematic tasks.
  4. Getting new knowledge occurs with high intensity and with increased interest. At the same time, the subject is known quite deeply and firmly.

The research method of teaching involves the implementation of the processes of observation and search for conclusions while working with a book, performing written exercises, as well as laboratory and practical work.

Variety of active ways to gain knowledge

In the learning process, there is a constant interconnected activity of the teacher and students. Its implementation is possible when using a certain method or method of obtaining knowledge.

children with books
children with books

Pedagogical science knows for sure that the development of a student is impossible without his inclusion in independent activities, which involves solving the problems posed to the child. It is this task that is performedresearch and heuristic teaching methods, which involve the search nature of the work of children. The ability for such activities is considered in a fairly wide range, subdivided into the following areas:

  • problem-search statement;
  • active ways;
  • design methods, etc.

Problem-search learning

Research activities of students in a modern school is one of the most effective methods. It promotes the development of children's creativity, activity and independence.

One of the techniques of the research method of teaching is the use of its problem-search form. In this case, students are invited to become pioneers, gaining new knowledge in certain subjects. This becomes possible in the case of such an organization of the educational process, when the pedagogical situation created in the lesson requires children to make a logical assessment of the tasks and an intellectual search for solutions with the adoption of the most balanced and reasonable of them.

Basic moves

With problematic and exploratory research methods of teaching, all students' activities are aimed at acquiring new knowledge.

schoolgirls doing an experiment
schoolgirls doing an experiment

In order to use this direction, the teacher sets practical tasks for students.

Techniques of the research method of teaching in this case are as follows:

  • Creating a problem situation.
  • Organize joint discussion of the mostbest options for its resolution.
  • Choosing the most rational way to solve an existing problem.
  • Summarizing the data obtained.
  • Formulation of conclusions.

Exploratory research method of teaching can be organized at any stage of schoolwork. In this case, the teacher needs to form the internal motivation of the child.

Based on the level of thinking of students of different age categories, in this case, various methods of the research method of teaching can be used. Among them:

  1. Inductive reasoning. It has a direct connection with observation and comparison, analysis and identification of patterns, which should be generalized in the future. Inductive reasoning allows students to develop logical thinking, and also activates the cognitive direction of educational activity.
  2. Problem statement. This technique is the next step towards the implementation of research activities.
  3. Partial-search. This technique involves students receiving questions with a further search for answers to them or performing tasks of a search nature.

The main goal and purpose of the problem-research method of teaching is to overcome the mechanical assimilation of knowledge and enhance the mental activity of children. The creation of a problem situation, initiated by the teacher when posing a certain question or issuing a task, serves as an impetus for finding a way out of it.

Levels of Investigative Learning

Findinganswers to the questions posed by the teacher, children reason, analyze, compare and draw conclusions, which allows them to form strong independent work skills.

Three levels of such activity can be used in the research method of teaching:

  1. The teacher poses a problem to students and at the same time outlines a method for solving it. Students are looking for an answer either on their own or under the direct supervision of a teacher.
  2. The problem is posed by the student. The teacher also helps in solving it. In this case, collective or group search for an answer is often used.
  3. The problem is posed and solved by the student on their own.

Conducting research activities with the problem-search method of teaching allows children to be in the learning process in an active position. It involves not just the assimilation of the knowledge that the teacher presents to schoolchildren, but their independent acquisition.

Active learning

Under such acquisition of knowledge is understood the methods by which students are motivated to think and practice in order to master the educational material. In this case, the teacher also does not produce a presentation of ready-made knowledge for their memorization and further reproduction. He encourages schoolchildren to independently acquire skills during their practical and mental activities.

four schoolchildren at one desk
four schoolchildren at one desk

Active learning methods are characterized by the fact that they are based on the motivation to receiveknowledge, without which it is impossible to move forward. Such pedagogical methods arose due to the fact that society began to set new tasks for the educational system. Today, schools should ensure the formation of young people's cognitive abilities and interests, creative thinking, as well as skills and abilities for independent work. The emergence of such tasks was a consequence of the rapid development of the information flow. And if in the old days the knowledge gained in the education system could serve people for a long time, now they require constant updating.

The exploratory method of active learning comes in many forms. Among them:

  1. Case study. This form of learning allows you to develop the ability to analyze a particular problem. When faced with her, the student must determine her main question.
  2. Role-playing. This is the most commonly used research method of teaching in preschool educational institutions. This is a playful way of active learning. When using it, tasks are set and specific roles are distributed among the participants, their interaction, the conclusion of the teacher and the evaluation of results.
  3. Seminar-discussion. This method is usually used for high school students. At such seminars, schoolchildren learn to accurately express their thoughts during speeches and reports, actively defend their own point of view, reasoned objection and refutation of the opponent's erroneous position. This method allows the student to build a specific activity. This leads to an increase in the levelhis personal and intellectual activity, as well as involvement in the processes of educational cognition.
  4. Round table. A similar method of active learning is used to consolidate the knowledge that was acquired by children earlier. In addition, holding round tables allows schoolchildren to get additional information, learn cultural conversation and develop the ability to solve problems that arise. A characteristic feature of this method is the combination of thematic discussions with group consultation.
  5. Brainstorming. This method is widely used in solving practical and scientific problems, as well as for producing new interesting ideas. The purpose of brainstorming is to organize a collective activity aimed at finding non-traditional ways to solve a problem. Such a method allows schoolchildren to creatively assimilate educational material, discover the connection between theory and practice, intensify their educational and cognitive activity, form the ability to concentrate attention, as well as direct mental efforts to solve a problem.

Project method

Under such a pedagogical method is understood such an organization of learning activities, the result of which is expressed in obtaining a certain product. At the same time, such educational technology implies a close connection with life practice.

children review study guides
children review study guides

The method of projects is a research method of teaching. It allows children to form specific skills, knowledge and skills due to the system organization.educational search, which has a problem-oriented character. When using the project method, the student is included in the cognitive process, independently formulates the problem, selects the necessary information, develops options for solving it, draws the necessary conclusions and analyzes his own activities. Thus, the student gradually forms experience (both educational and life).

Recently, the method of projects is increasingly used in the education system. It allows:

  1. Not only to transfer a certain amount of knowledge to students, but also to teach them to acquire them on their own, as well as to use them in the future.
  2. Get communication skills. The child in this case learns to work in a group, playing the role of an intermediary, performer, leader, etc.
  3. To get to know different points of view on a certain problem and to acquire wide human contacts.
  4. Improve the ability to use research methods, collect facts and information, and analyze data when considered from various points of view, putting forward hypotheses and drawing conclusions and conclusions.

When acquiring the skills described above, the student becomes more adapted to life, able to adapt to changing conditions and navigate in a variety of situations.

In literal translation from Latin, the project is “thrown forward”. That is, it is a prototype or logo of a particular type of activity or object. The word "project" means a proposal, plan, preliminarythe written text of the document, etc. But if this term is attributed to educational activities, then it means a whole range of research, search, graphic, calculation and other types of work performed by students on their own, which aim at a theoretical or practical solution to an urgent problem.

The use of the project method implies such a construction of the educational process, in which the expedient activity of the student is consistent with his personal goals and his own interest. After all, the external result of the work done can be seen and comprehended in the future. Its value lies in its application in practice. The internal result is the acquisition of activity experience. This is an invaluable asset of a student, which combines skills and knowledge, values and competencies.

Classification of elements of active cognitive activity

Each of the teaching and research methods of teaching involves working in different directions.

children and teacher laughing
children and teacher laughing

At the same time, all of it can be differentiated by purpose, object of study, place and time, etc. So, they distinguish:

  1. Research on purpose. They are innovative, that is, they involve obtaining the latest scientific results, as well as reproductive, that is, previously obtained by someone.
  2. Research by content. On the one hand, they are divided into theoretical and experimental, and on the other, into natural sciences and the humanities. The first of these studiescarried out when students conduct their own experiments and observations. The latter are produced in the study and further generalization of materials and facts that are contained in various sources. In addition, according to their content, educational research is divided into mono-, inter-subject, as well as over-subject. When using the first of them, students receive skills and abilities within only one scientific direction. Interdisciplinary research is able to solve the problem when attracting knowledge from several disciplines. The oversubject work of students goes beyond the curricula that are available in an educational institution.
  3. Research on methods. For example, in physics they can be calorimetric, spectral, etc.
  4. Research by place, as well as by the time of their conduct. In this case, they are extracurricular or lesson.
  5. Studies by duration can be long-term, conducted over several years or months, medium-term (several weeks or days) and short-term (a lesson or a certain part of it).
