Organic solvents: description, classification, types and features of use

Organic solvents: description, classification, types and features of use
Organic solvents: description, classification, types and features of use

Let's start with the fact that organic and inorganic solvents are emitted. Let us consider in more detail the features of the first group. Let us present information about those compounds that are considered the most common solvents. We will pay special attention to the rules for the safe use of these compounds.


Organic solvents can belong to certain classes of compounds: aromatic, aliphatic, nitro derivatives, carboxylic acids, amides, ketones, ethers and esters. There is also a class of halogenated substances with the properties of solvents.

organic solvents
organic solvents


It is an excellent solvent for organic fat, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons with a boiling point range of 30 to 205 degrees. In the human lungs, gasoline enters with air through the respiratory tract. This substance is dangerous at all stages of its production, transportation, and direct use.

Its maximum permissible concentration is from 100 to 300 mg/m3. ATin case of acute poisoning, a headache occurs, a strong cough appears, discomfort in the throat. In case of serious poisoning, the pulse slows down, mental overexcitation occurs, the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes is irritated. In severe cases, loss of consciousness, severe dizziness is possible. To remove from such conditions, it is necessary to place the victim in fresh air, provide oxygen access, give him sedatives and heart medications.

If gasoline enters the stomach, it is necessary to take 30-40 grams of vegetable oil. In everyday life, this organic solvent is used when carrying out painting and finishing work, not always observing safety regulations. For example, it is forbidden to use gasoline in enclosed small spaces, as well as to carry out work with this solvent near an open source of fire.

solvents for organic substances
solvents for organic substances


All organic solvents, including acetone, have a characteristic odor. This liquid is included in quality solvents of organic substances: cellulose acetates and nitrates. Having a fairly low toxicity, acetone is used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. It is this representative of the class of carbonyl compounds that is the raw material for the technological process for the production of diacetone alcohol, acetic anhydride, koten.

The composition of organic solvents of this type includes carbon, oxygen, hydrogen. In the process of inhalation, accumulation of acetone vapors in the human body is observed. Due to the slowexcretion, there is a risk of chronic poisoning. When the first symptoms appear, the affected person must be removed from the room in which the concentration of acetone vapors is exceeded.

composition of organic solvents
composition of organic solvents


In industry, a mixture of organic solvents is often used: methanol and ethanol. Methyl alcohol is required for the preparation of some external medicines, as well as for dissolving paints. Under normal conditions, it is a colorless transparent liquid with a specific wine smell. A small amount of methanol, getting inside the body, contributes to death (death of the injured person).

Good solubility in organic solvents of this representative of the class of monohydric saturated alcohols made it one of the main substances used in the chemical industry. When poisoning with methanol, there are severe headaches, spasms of the limbs. The mucous membrane and skin become bluish, shortness of breath occurs, coordination of movements is lost, respiratory paralysis is possible.

Among the preventive measures that contribute to the safe use of methanol as an organic solvent, sealing, mandatory cleaning of overalls, and high-quality ventilation are noted.

organic fat solvent
organic fat solvent


Organic solvents are used in agriculture, in various industrial productions, in everyday life. Among aliphatic hydrocarbons with propertiessolvents, select octane, hexane, pentane.

Fat dissolves well in organic solvents, which is used to purify substances in technological production.

All types of such substances have toxicological properties, act depressingly on the central nervous system, have a narcotic effect.

solubility in organic solvents
solubility in organic solvents


As commercial solvents, a mixture of sulfur- and nitrogen-containing organic substances is considered. Such compounds are used in the production of varnishes, paints, adhesives, organic dyes. Poisoning by such products is explained precisely by the content of toxic organic substances in them.

Depending on the volatility of solvents, there are three groups. Let's dwell on the features of each of them.

Ethyl alcohol can be represented as a highly volatile compound. The organic solvent of this group has a high evaporation rate, therefore it poses a serious danger to the air environment of industrial premises.

Products of coke and petroleum production, esters, ketones, terpenes in a separate form or as mixtures, are excellent means for preliminary degreasing of surfaces of metal products.

Medium volatile compounds, such as xylene, butyl alcohol, have a much lower negative effect on the atmosphere.

Depending on the coefficient of solubility of vapors in water, the possibility of acute poisoning changes significantly. Apart fromnarcotic action, solvents tend to irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, stimulate the occurrence of skin diseases.

soluble in organic solvents
soluble in organic solvents

Carbon disulfide

This compound is a volatile colorless liquid. In its pure form, this solvent has a pleasant smell, and the smell of rotten radish is characteristic of a technical product. This compound is used in the viscose industry as a solvent for oils, fats, phosphorus, waxes, and rubber. In addition, carbon disulfide is in demand in the production of organic glass, is an accelerator in the vulcanization of rubber, the manufacture of rayon.

Carbon disulphide is a solvent that can cause serious damage to the nervous system of an organic nature. When dissolved in lipids, it quickly penetrates the skin. The excretion of this chemical compound from the body is carried out through the intestines, kidneys.

With a long stay in the nervous tissue, carbon disulfide affects the metabolism of serotonin, acts as a retarder of reactive amino groups. Carbon disulfide is called not only "nervous", but also vascular poison. Even with minor intoxication, serious changes occur in the activity of the cardiovascular system.

For the prevention of carbon disulfide poisoning, it is important to monitor the sealing of production equipment used in the manufacture of silk.

Employees in areas where there is a high content of carbon disulfide should use special industrial filterbrand A gas masks.

mixture of organic solvents
mixture of organic solvents


This chemical compound is a colorless liquid that readily evaporates at room temperature. Among the C6H6 homologues, styrene (vinylbenzene), xylene (dimethylbenzene) received the maximum use as organic solvents.

Benzene is used to make maleicaldehyde, nitrobenzene, in the production of phenol. This compound is prohibited from use as a separate solvent, replaced by xylene or toluene.

Benzene vapor poisoning is quite rare. They are associated with work in rooms with poor ventilation, the use of quick-drying paints in unventilated rooms.

In case of slight poisoning with benzene vapor, a person becomes intoxicated, in severe cases, loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis of the vascular and respiratory centers are possible.

For prevention, the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons in production facilities is constantly monitored, reliable respiratory protection is provided with a gas mask, and overalls are used.


Organic solvents include a wide variety of properties and composition of substances. These include various chlorine derivatives, esters and ethers, alcohols, nitro compounds used in various branches of the chemical industry. They often act as catalysts for technological processes, allowing you to speed up chemical reactions. Amongorganic solvents that are safe and indispensable for human life and activity, we will isolate water. It is she who acts as a catalyst in metabolic processes, promotes the development of plants.

With their correct use, careful observance of safety precautions, it is possible to protect all people in contact with these organic compounds from various poisonings, damage to the nervous system, and to avoid disturbances in the activity of the heart muscle.