Suddenly - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

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Suddenly - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms
Suddenly - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

Death sometimes sneaks up unnoticed. A person does not even realize that in a few moments his life path can be cut short. This happens during catastrophes, sudden attacks of illness. Brick, as you know, just never falls on your head. This article talks about the adjective "sudden". This word is often associated with death.

The lexical meaning of the word

Let's get down to the meaning of the word. In Ozhegov's dictionary, you can find what interpretation the adjective "suddenly" is endowed with. It's the same as sudden.

This is how you can characterize the death, which came very unexpectedly. For example, when a person dies in the prime of his life, they say that his death was sudden. He still has to live and live, but fate decreed otherwise.

In some cases, "sudden" is used not only in such a sad context. For example, in the movie "Chasing Two Hares" the main character Svirid Golokhvosty says the following phrase: "I suddenly want to get married."

sudden synonyms
sudden synonyms

If you watched the movie, you probably know that marriage was for profit, and the bride was not so pretty. That is, such a pun turned out here: the future wedding is clearly not to the liking of the newly-born groom.

Examples of usage

It's worth noting that "suddenly" is a bookish word. It is rarely used in colloquial speech. To remember the meaning of this language unit, we will make several sentences:

  • The sudden death of a young singer excited the public.
  • No one knows when you say goodbye to life, whether your death will be sudden.
  • I want to marry you soon.
  • When I learned about the sudden death of the poet, I could not believe my ears.
sad man
sad man

They didn't even dare to imagine that death can be so sudden and unfair

Synonym selection

Almost every word in Russian can be matched with speech units with a similar interpretation. To diversify speech and avoid repetition, it is better to use a synonym. "Suddenly" is an adjective that can be replaced as follows:

  • Sudden. And remember, my children, that the end of life can be sudden.
  • Unexpected. The unexpected death of the commander crippled the entire army.
  • Unexpected. Sometimes an accident leads to unfortunate consequences.
  • Immediately. We could not understand how the life path of such a beautiful and successfulman has come to an end.
  • Overnight. And then overnight the life of a good soldier was cut short, the enemy bullet was to blame.

Suddenly is an adjective that characterizes the sudden end of life.