Scientists say that being angry for no reason is extremely harmful. Negative emotions accelerate the aging process and depress the emotional state. An evil person does not cause positive feelings at all. I do not want to communicate with him, so as not to fall under the hot hand. But in this article, we will replace evil with good and choose an antonym for the word "evil".
Minus plus plus
First you need to clearly understand what an antonym is. In Russian, there are words that are endowed with the exact opposite lexical meaning. All antonyms can be classified into several groups.
- Actions: come - leave.
- Natural phenomena: sunset - dawn.
- Feelings: respect - contempt.
- The concepts of time and space: close - far, early - late.
- Quality: beautiful - ugly.
Please note that antonyms must always refer to the same part of speech. It is impossible to find antonyms for some speech units, because there is no such concept that would be directly opposite. For example, it is impossible to find antonyms for the words "philosophy","washbasin", "boot".

Meaning of the word "evil"
Before we start choosing an antonym for the word "evil", we need to understand what meaning this adjective is endowed with. Agree, it is difficult to find the opposite concept without knowing the meaning of the keyword.
The following values are given in Ozhegov's dictionary.
- The one that contains evil: evil intent, evil fate.
- Full of malice: angry teacher, angry dog.
- Causing severe pain, discomfort, burning; very strong and intense: evil grief, evil frost.
- He who is filled with malice (used in short form): angry at the whole world, angry at himself.
- Doing things with passion and passion: angry at work.

Selection of antonyms for the adjective "evil"
Now we can start looking for an antonym for the word "evil". Please note that this adjective has several meanings, so the antonyms must be selected in accordance with the specific context.
- Good. Fate was kind to me, adversity all passed by.
- Kindly. The character of the dog is not evil.
- Hearty. How did such a warm-hearted person turn into a soulless monster?
- Soft (an antonym for the word "evil" characterizes the weather here). The frost was soft, he gently pinched our cheeks.
- Good. If a good opportunity presents itself, II will definitely break out of this swamp and go to the city.

- Responsive. Our neighbor was such a helpful person, he is always ready to help.
- Human. Do humane deeds, remember that only the kindness of the soul is the measure of your we alth.
- Compassionate. The benevolent citizen was sitting on a bench, squinting in the sun and feeding pigeons with bread crumbs.
- Human. You look so humane, but your soul is covered with darkness.
- Soulful. You are a sincere person, Ivan Filippovich, it is always a pleasure to have a conversation with you.
Please note that the antonyms for the word "evil", "evil" and "evil" will be exactly the same. They do not depend on the gender or number of the adjective. The main condition is that the word must fit into the context. Also, make sure that these are the same parts of speech.
For example, the antonym for "evil" can be: sympathetic (personality), mild (weather), humane (girl), kind (nurse). If necessary, put the adjective in a short form: humane, good, sympathetic, kind.