What does "timid" mean? Antonym to this word - "resolute" or "self-confident"? Can any adjective replace this word?
Indecisive, timid, modest, shy - these are all synonyms for the word "timid". Antonyms are harder to find. You can, of course, say that the words opposite in meaning to this adjective are resolute, courageous, immodest, etc. But this will not be entirely true. After all, the concept of "timid", the antonym in which we are trying to pick up, has no pronounced negative or positive connotations.

It is this adjective that is most suitable as a synonym for the word "timid". The antonym in this case is decisive. Here are examples with opposite words:
- He entered the boss's office and, lowering his eyes, timidly reminded of the promised vacation.
- He entered the boss's office and, looking him straight in the eyes, resolutely announced his desire to go on vacation.
In the first example, the word "timid" does not have a negative connotation. The antonym for him, perhaps, will be arrogant, self-confident. However, andthe person referred to in the second sentence does not cause negative emotions. People like him are said to be "not timid".
A timid person is one who is unable to claim what is due to him. Sometimes, depending on the context, the adjective whose meaning we are now considering can be replaced by the word "intelligent". And the antonym in this case will be the word "unintelligent", that is, impudent, unceremonious, impudent.

Oddly enough, "timid", as well as the words of the same root ("timidity", "to be timid"), today contains less negativity than a hundred or two hundred years ago. This adjective is found in the works of Russian classics, for example, the comedy Woe from Wit. What did Griboyedov mean by this word?
The protagonist of the comedy is a determined, intelligent young man. His antipode is Molchalin. Sophia is in love with this seemingly modest person, calling him "smart, timid." But as you know, Molchalin's modesty hides careerism and prudence. Thus, according to Griboedov, a synonym for the word "timid" is cunning, cautious. The antonym is direct, open.