Some words in Russian are pronounced one way but spelled completely differently. Because of this inconsistency, spelling errors are often made. In this article, we will find a test word for the word "delicious" and indicate how to write this adjective.
Common mistake
Delicious is an adjective. Its lexical meaning is having a pleasant taste.
We ate a delicious steak

The cake was delicious, with light custard
This adjective often makes one spelling mistake. The problem lies in the letter combination of the consonants "sn". By analogy with the words "private", "godfather" and "lenten", this adjective mistakenly uses the consonant "t".
Let's deal with the composition of the word "delicious":
- "-taste-" - the root of the word;
- "-n-" is a suffix;
- "-th-" - the end of the word.
In the flow of speech, the word delicious looks like this:[fk`usny].
It is precisely because of the peculiarities of pronunciation that the adjective tasty is often mistakenly written without the consonant "t". In order not to make a mistake, you need to choose a test word for the word "delicious".
What words are called test words
First you need to figure out what words are called test words. This is the name of the words with which you can check the spelling of a problematic speech unit. That is, they should clearly hear a vowel or consonant sound that causes you doubts. You need to find a suitable test word for the word "delicious" so that the sound [t] is clearly distinguishable.

Let's give examples of how to select test words. Suppose you want to check the adjective "famous". It contains the letter combination "stn", in the flow of speech the sound [t] is deafened.
There is one single-root word that can be used to check spelling: known. This is the short form of the adjective. The sound [t] is clearly audible in the word, so in the adjective "known" you also need to write the consonant "t".
Selecting a test word
Is it necessary to write the consonant "t" in the adjective "delicious"? To do this, it is worth choosing a test word for the word "delicious". If the sound [t] is clearly heard in it, then the consonant "t" is required.
Let's specify the test word - delicious. This is the short form of the adjective. There is no sound [t] here, therefore in the word"delicious" letter "t" should not be written.
If you again have a question about the spelling of the adjective tasty, just remember its short form. By the way, it can be used in all genders and numbers: tasty, tasty, tasty. The main thing is that there is no sound [t] in the pronunciation.
Examples of usage
Now you know how to spell delicious. This adjective can be written correctly if you use the test word. For quick memorization, it is recommended to use this word as often as possible in written speech in order to clearly see how it is spelled.
We bought delicious vanilla ice cream

- Delicious cakes always sell out fast.
- I don't think this cake tastes too good.
- I've always liked delicious food, I'm exactly the kind of person who is ready to conjure for hours on another culinary masterpiece.
- Mom makes extraordinarily delicious cakes with buttercream and cottage cheese.
- Children ate a delicious loaf and drank apple juice.
- Fish is tasty only when it is fresh, and if it has been on the counter for several hours, it loses its taste.
Now you know how to choose the right test word for the word "delicious".