Internet discussions are scary when commentators can learn a lot about their family members and themselves. Insults are original, complex, classic obscene. But in some cases, the interlocutors resort to traditional definitions, among which there was a place for the word "idiot". This is a short curse, known to all segments of the population, and therefore used regularly. It has long become a curse, and what does it mean in its basic interpretation? Can it be used without the intention of hurting others?
Mediterranean tradition
The term originated in Greece. In particular, in the homeland of democracy, it characterized those citizens who tried to distance themselves from public duties and did not take a special part in the life of the city-state. This "idiot" was interpreted relatively harmlessly:
- separate;
- private.
It was formed from ἴδιος, the literal translation of which is "special, own". However, withover time, the concept has changed, and already in the Roman Empire, idiota acquired a negative message:
- uneducated;
- ignorant
In this form, the word "idiot" came into Russian speech through the German and / or French idiot. However, the cultural prism of Dostoevsky's novel of the same name somewhat ennobled the capacious definition, brought it closer in the 19th century to such epithets as:
- crazy;
- holy fool.
The speaker pointed to the isolation of a person from philistine interests, from everyday life. They called him rather meek and naive than crazy and stupid.

Modern interpretation
Recorded the insulting meaning of the doctors when they created the corresponding term. It is thanks to their efforts that today "idiot" is one of two options:
- a man sick with idiocy;
- stupid, stupid person.
In terms of psychiatry, an idiot is a patient with a serious developmental delay, when thought processes and speech are noticeably behind the level of their peers. At the same time, the emotional life and desires of the individual are as primitive as possible, sometimes incoherent and illogical. There are three degrees of backwardness:
- debility;
- imbecility;
- idiocy.
Today names are excluded from official medicine. They began to be used at the everyday level to indicate the stupidity of the interlocutor, which made it impossible to use them as a diagnosis.

Daily communication
Is it appropriate to say so? Unfortunately, in isolation from the discussion of the history of medicine and classical literature, the word “idiot” is endowed with the worst meanings. In the 21st century, this is exclusively an insult, an attempt to belittle mental abilities or express indignation at a poorly done job. Try to remove the concept from your vocabulary - it is unacceptable in any situation!