Quite a few individuals in history have gone unnoticed. All this is due to the lack of any wise or, on the contrary, decisions for the state. However, this article will reveal to you what Catherine 2 was like - once the Empress of Russia.

First of all, you need to know the main facts about the life of the ruler. She was born on April 21 (or May 2) 1729 and her real name was Sophia Frederick Augusta of Anh alt-Zerbst.
Ekaterina was educated at home, learning everything a noble girl needs to know: dance, music, geography, history, as well as various languages. She studied English, French and Italian at the same time. Since childhood, however, many adults were dissatisfied with her boyish behavior - young Sofia was not averse to walking with local guys on the Stettin streets.
She came to the throne after she overthrew her completely unpopular husband, Peter 3, from the throne. Since then, the power of the nobles over the peasants and complete enslavement reigned in Russia. Besidesthe public administration system was completely reformed.
However, it is worth saying that Catherine's noble upbringing was not in vain and she devoted a lot of time and effort to fiction and culture in general. One became one of those in Europe who invested the most in the development of culture. She was seen more than once in correspondence with popular educators, collecting paintings and manuscripts.
Name of Catherine 2

As it is already clear, the name Ekaterina is Russian, and she could get it only in Russia. Having moved, the girl actively began to study culture, customs and traditions, mentality, and, most importantly, language. She wanted to learn it as soon as possible in order to get closer to Russia, because she perceived it as her new homeland.
One day she, once again diligently studying the language, did it at night by the window, from where a frosty winter wind blew. This could not pass for Sofia in vain, and she fell ill with pneumonia. However, instead of the Lutheran pastor, whom she was going to provide, she sent for Dr. Todorsky. It was this act that later became one of those thanks to which she gained such fame in Russian circles.
Already later, the future empress converted to Orthodoxy instead of Lutheranism and she was awarded the name of Ekaterina Alekseevna. After that, they were engaged to Peter 3.
The appearance of Sophia with her mother led to a whole thread of political intrigue. Many wanted to seize power over the emperor through them, but, as stated in the sources, she herselfCatherine was not involved in these intrigues and did not take part in them.
Youth and personal life

Ekaterina was married to Peter Fedorovich at the age of 17. However, immediately after the wedding ceremony, he did not pay any attention to his wife, and there was no marital relationship between them either.
Ekaterina was pregnant twice, but both times failed. Son Pavel was born as a result of the third pregnancy, and he was taken away from his mother almost immediately, after which she did not see him for more than 40 days. There were many rumors and intrigues around the born child, because it was said that Peter could not have children, and Catherine gave birth to a child from her lover. Then there was a version that the emperor had an operation, during which the very defect that prevented them from having descendants was removed. Simply put, palace passions during the time of Catherine 2 aroused quite a lot of interest among society. Historical writings on this topic can be found in large numbers on the Internet.
However, what can I say, the palace really boiled with sheer passions. Peter openly despised his wife, calling her "spare". He made mistresses, but did not prevent his wife from doing this either. Ekaterina, in principle, herself did not mind and started an affair with Stanislav Poniatovsky.
Paints thickened after December 9, 1757, the Empress gave birth to a daughter, who was named Anna. Peter was indignant and perplexed, because he could not know for sure whether this was his daughter, and whether he should accept her into the imperialfamily.
Political intrigues

However, this is not the end of our historical essay. Catherine 2, by her own example, managed to prove back in the 18th century how cunning politicians can be.
To begin with, she had active connections with the British ambassador, whose name was Williams. Ekaterina “presented” confidential information to him on behalf of a man (in order to maintain secrecy) and received money for this, as her receipts repeatedly said.
However, the problem was that England at the time of the seven-year war with Prussia was her ally. The money and the constant receipt of it from the treasury of England led her to promise Williams that she could provide assistance. Russia under Catherine II, unexpectedly for everyone, could become an ally of Prussia.
And during the illness of Elizabeth Petrovna, the future empress launched an active campaign to remove her "loving" husband from the throne. This began after Peter became emperor and began to conclude treaties that were completely unfavorable to Russia and make decisions that practically no one was satisfied with. It was during that period that Catherine 2 decided to participate in the coup and overthrew Peter 3.
Positive side of the board

You can talk endlessly about Catherine 2. Historical writings are full of themes about her reign. However, indeed, many Russians to this day are sure that she ruled quite reasonably.
What is worth only that the empress startedfight various epidemics through vaccinations and independently set an example for their subjects. Exports increased, and Russian ships began to sail in the Mediterranean. In 1783 the Russian Academy was founded. There was also an important moment in the monetary reform - Catherine introduced a paper currency. The role of the empire has also increased in the global economy.
Negative sides of the board
There were some negative aspects in the reign of Catherine II Alekseevna.
Historians note that hunger has been noticed more than once in peasant villages. Many claimed that the famine was caused by frequent crop failures, but later it turned out that it was caused by a large export of wheat, which, of course, was taken from the peasants.
In addition, the power of the nobles increased significantly under her rule. Also, the policy of state power of Catherine 2 has changed radically. A historical essay on the topic of her reign shows exactly for which parties she is called the Great and whether this is really so.
Contribution to the life of Russia

Although each of the rulers had some peculiarities of his stay on the throne, it is safe to say that Ekaterina Alekseevna was one of those who raised Russia to a higher level.
Ekaterina 2 is a personality in history that is discussed to this day. Through intrigues, conspiracies and gossip, she nevertheless did a lot, for which the Russians still remember her.