Historical events and facts are very informative and interesting. They give us a unique opportunity to understand what is happening in a given period of development of human society, nations and countries. Almost all peoples have interesting historical facts. Russia has a lot of them. This is easily explained by the rich centuries-old past of our country. Widespread legends about rulers, about scientific and technological progress, about art and culture have always attracted and continue to attract citizens of other states. The following are examples of such historical facts.
Interesting about modern Russia

About rulers
From the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I in 1825, the rulers in our country alternate according to the principle “bald - hairy”. This pattern has survived to this day.
About TV
In 1992, the televised chimes on New Year's Eve were delayed by one minute.
About money
The double-headed eagle on the coins is not the coat of arms of the country, but the emblemBank of Russia.
Scientific-historical fact
The only time traveler in the world lives in Russia. This person is Sergey Krikalev. He spent more than 800 hours in space, moving at high speed. According to the theory of relativity, time slows down at high speeds. It has been calculated that the astronaut returned to Earth 0.02 seconds younger.
About laws
In 1994, the government passed a law prohibiting dogs from barking between 11 pm and 7 am. This law is valid even now, but only on the territory of Moscow. It is also noteworthy that the legislative act does not spell out what punishment the violator will suffer.
Geography Facts
RF is almost twice the size of the US. St. Petersburg metro is the deepest in the whole world. The Trans-Siberian Railway connects the capital and the city of Vladivostok and is the longest railway line in the world. Siberian taiga - 8% of the earth's land.
There are more Kalashnikov assault rifles in the world than all other weapon models combined.
On the rulers and laws of Tsarist Russia

Interesting historical facts about Russia are not always accurate and scientifically verified. For example, according to some historians, Ivan the Terrible did not kill his son.
Equality between men and women was proclaimed in Russia 2 years earlier than in the USA.
Peter the Great had his own way of dealing with drunkenness in the country. He ordered to give medals, which weighed more than 7 kg, to all the guilty. They were obliged not to remove it forseven days.
Racketmaker - the department that was in charge of receiving petitions under Peter the Great.
The interesting history of Russia is rich in facts from the life of the tsarist army: Nicholas the First, as a punishment for delinquent officers, provided a choice between keeping watch out of turn and listening to opera.
Denbey is the first Japanese who came to Russia. In 1695 he arrived in Kamchatka, and in 1701 he reached Moscow. Peter the Great ordered him to teach Japanese to Russian children in schools.
"Here lies Suvorov" - the inscription on the plate at the monument to the commander.
Boris and Gleb are the first Russians canonized as saints (1072).
Interesting historical facts in pre-revolutionary Russia

About the army and navy
On the Russian imperial fleet, the command "Cover up!" meant to wear a hat.
In the army of imperial times there was the rank of cornet, and in the modern one - ensign, in the army of imperial times - the rank of lieutenant, and in the modern one - lieutenant.
Geography Facts
1740 is the coldest winter in Russia.
After 1703 Poganye Prudy in Moscow began to be called… Chistye Prudy!
About science
M. V. Lomonosov is the founder of Moscow State University, but he himself never attended this university.
About the people
In ancient Russia, grasshoppers were called dragonflies.
In Russia, the "original" is a stick used to beat a witness to a crime.
An interesting historical fact is that the anthemThailand was written in 1902 by a Russian composer.
Interesting about the politics of the USSR. Historical truth

What was called the Cuban Crisis in the USSR was called the Cuban Crisis in the USA, and the October Crisis in Cuba itself.
An interesting historical fact is that legally the war between Germany and the USSR ended on January 21, 1955. The decision was made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
The Red Army and the White Guard fought on the same side in 1931, at the request of the Governor-General of the Chinese province Sheng Shicai, they suppressed the uprising of the Turkic population.
Unusual historical facts of the USSR
Machine gunner Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler fought in the Red Army in World War II.
The USSR at the beginning of World War II used tractors in battles due to a lack of combat vehicles.
During the entire period of the Cold War, the world twice stood on the verge of a nuclear catastrophe due to failures in computer systems in the USSR and the USA. A nuclear war was averted only thanks to the experienced military leaders of both superpowers.
During the Great Patriotic War, mines were cleared by dogs specially trained for this, they were the main assistants to sappers.
In the USSR, the main opponent of the Nazis, according to Hitler, was the announcer Yuri Levitan, and not Stalin, as many believe.
Entertaining science and technology in the USSR

In the village of Baikonur, in the Kazakh SSR, a woodenspaceport. This was done in order to mislead enemy states. The real spaceport is located more than 350 km from this village.
During the Second World War in the USSR, a flying tank was designed based on the design of the A-40 tank, but the project was closed due to a lack of powerful tugs.
The laser pistol was invented in the Soviet Union in 1984.
The Americans offered the USSR to be the first to launch into space not dogs, but Indians.
GAZ-21 has a wide range of models, including a right-hand drive model with an automatic transmission.
The T-28 tank could cross "lunar landscapes". This was the name of the territory, seriously affected by the hostilities.
Scientific-historical fact: a space device that the Soviet Union wanted to launch into space to explore Mars, during tests showed that there is no life on Earth. After this incident, he was sent for revision.
Other interesting facts about the Soviet Union

About famous people
The gift list for Stalin's 70th birthday has been printed in newspapers for more than three years.
Khrushchev was the advertising face of the American company Pepsi.
Rokossovsky is a marshal of both the USSR and Poland.
Khrushchev subjected to ridicule and harsh criticism of the paintings written by artists in the direction of avant-garde. At the same time, he often used obscene language.
Vladimir Putin, when he served in the KGB, hadcallsign "Mol".
About laws
There was a tax on childlessness in the Soviet Union.
About sports
Lev Yashin - famous football goalkeeper, took bronze at the USSR ice hockey championship in 1953.
The main prize in Sportloto has only been won twice in the history of this game.
Music and TV
Evgeny Leonov in cartoons voiced such a character as Winnie the Pooh.
The group "Aria" has a song called "Will and Reason", few people know that this is the motto of the Nazis in fascist Italy.
Geography Facts
In the early 1920s, the city of Novosibirsk had two time zones. On the left bank of the Ob River, the difference with the capital was 3 hours, and on the right bank, 4 hours.
In the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century, Vladikavkaz was the center of both the Ingush and North Ossetian Republics.
On the meaning of words
The word "zek" means "prisoner of the Red Army".
"Unknown" world history

This or that historical fact does not always sound plausible and understandable for a contemporary. See examples below.
During the time of Genghis Khan in Mongolia, everyone who dared to urinate in any body of water was executed. Because water in the desert was more valuable than gold.
In England in 1665-1666, the plague devastated entire villages. It was then that medicine recognized the usefulness of smoking, which supposedly destroyed the deadly infection. Children and teenagers were punished if they refused to smoke.
Ancient Egyptian beautiesevenly distributed over the hair pieces of fat. In the sun, they melted and evenly covered the hair with a greasy shiny layer, which was considered very fashionable.
The famous inventor of the sewing machine Isaac Singer was married to five women at the same time. In general, from all the women he had 15 children. He named all his daughters Mary. Probably not to be mistaken…
Interesting historical facts of the funeral theme: the English admiral Nelson, who lived from 1758 to 1805, slept in his cabin in a coffin that was cut from the mast of an enemy French ship. His "feat" was repeated by the French actress Sarah Bernard, who taught her texts while lying in a coffin. She often took this prop on tour, which made those around her very nervous. In the Middle Ages, sailors deliberately inserted at least one gold tooth, even sacrificing a he althy one. What for? It turns out that for a rainy day, so that in case of death he could be honorably buried away from home.
Approximately half of New Yorkers speak more than one language other than their native American English by the age of 5.
In 2007, about 46 million tourists visited New York, leaving more than $28 billion in the city!
The shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes. So many "fought" Zanzibar and England in 1896. England won.
A few more myths. Or is it true?

Historians say that on Cocos Island, located 300 miles south of Costa Rica, pirates hid a treasure worthtwo billion dollars. Archaeologists are searching.
The most incomprehensible mystery of mankind is death. What happens to a person after he dies? Modern scientists are conducting large-scale and multi-million dollar research in this area. So far, there is only a 100% conclusion that human consciousness continues to exist after physical death.
Official figures from the British Admir alty claim that as a result of shipwrecks, an eighth of all gold and silver mined on earth rests on the seabed. Today, on the black market, you can buy an old map with the coordinates of the treasure. Is this true or a scam? In 1985, using such a map, Mel Fisher found the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora off the coast of Florida, which sank in the distant 1622. From the bottom of the ship, he managed to raise valuables worth 450 (!) million dollars.
In some countries, every movement of citizens is tracked by special services with the help of Internet tracking programs. Sensors are built into modern phones, TVs, computers. Global espionage is rampant. Is it true? Who knows…