All kids, without exception, love to spend time with moms and dads, especially if they are offered an exciting game. Riddles with a trick are an opportunity not only to improve the child's thinking, but also to make him think outside the box. Therefore, it is worth considering what the questions will be and preparing them for your son or daughter.
Why do children need riddles
In order for boys and girls to fully develop, they need to constantly come up with new games that will help them have fun. In addition to the fact that trick riddles are a way to develop your child in an unusual and fun way, such questions also help:
- Develop perseverance in a child.
- Expand your horizons.
- Improve memory.
- Engage boys and girls in society.
- Understand the child's level of knowledge.
- Learn something new about your child.
- Improve logical thinking skills.

These are all important qualities that directly affect the development of the child. Therefore, riddles with a trick are a great way to conduct a useful lesson in a playful way. Worth onlychoose questions according to the age of the boy or girl.
What is the catch
To make it clear to parents what content to choose tasks for which you need to find answers, you should figure out what these questions are. A trick is an attempt to confuse, mislead. Such riddles will help the child to act correctly in non-standard situations and learn to get out of an uncomfortable position. But these skills are very important both in childhood and in adult life
Tricky riddles for kids
Moms and dads need to prepare in advance. And if parents realized that trick riddles are what their child needs for a fun and useful pastime, then we can take the following questions as an example:
How to say? Can't see yellow egg white or can't see yellow egg white?
(No way, protein can't be yellow)
Four watermelons grew on a birch, and three melons grew on a chestnut tree. How many fruits grow on trees?
(Not at all. Melons and watermelons don't grow on trees)
The hare went out into the forest for a walk, how many paws does a hare have?
(Not five, but four)

Is it possible to jump down a twenty-meter ladder and remain unharmed?
(Yes, if you jump from the first step)
Can a rooster safely call itself a bird?
(No, because roosters don't talk)
Under which bush does a squirrel hide when it rains?
(Under Wet)
Two brothers, very small, bought in the summer on their feet…
(Not boots, they don't wear boots in summer. They bought sandals)
A dog named Sharik went for a walk in the park, This doggie's paws are exactly…
(Not five, but four)
Such puzzles will cheer up the kids and help them spend their leisure time in an exciting and useful way. Mom and dad should come up with motivation for their child, for example, a delicious surprise at the end of a developmental lesson. Then finding answers will be even more interesting and fun.