Negative particle "neither" and "not": spelling and examples

Negative particle "neither" and "not": spelling and examples
Negative particle "neither" and "not": spelling and examples

In this article we will consider the spelling of the negative particles "not" and "neither", we will give examples of their use and trace the semantic dependence of the position of the particle in the sentence.

particle neither
particle neither

Particle concept

Before we start explaining the spelling of negative particles "not" and "neither", let's analyze the very concept of a particle. It is a service part of speech, which introduces various semantic and emotional shades into the text and serves to form new word forms.

Strengthening, clarification, restriction, indication, denial - these are all additional semantic shades.

when the particle is written not and when neither
when the particle is written not and when neither

How to use "not": examples

Let's consider in detail how you can use the negative particles "not" and "neither".

They denote the negation of an action, object, etc. But, despite the fact that both particles perform the function of negation in a sentence, their use differs significantly from each other. Let's take a closer look at when the particle "not" is written, and when the particle"neither".

"Not" can be used in four ways. First, as the main negation of the word to which it refers in meaning. The particle "not" can be used to negate only one member of the sentence:

  • My sister is not coming today.
  • This meeting will not take place today.

Secondly, let's pay attention to the fact that the particle "not" can be used twice in a sentence, and once in combination with the verb "to be able", then the meaning of what was said acquires a positive meaning. Consider examples:

  • I can't help but reply to this email.
  • A friend can't help but visit me today.
  • You can't help but watch this TV show.

Thirdly, the negative particle "not" is associated with the following words: hardly not, not at all, almost, almost. Also give examples:

Almost the entire stock of grain remained in the hangar

Fourthly, the negative particle "not" can be found in exclamatory and interrogative sentences that start with adverbs, pronouns, particles (where not, like not, who is not):

  • Wherever her belongings were scattered!
  • Who doesn't know this news?
  • Who hasn't heard of this?
  • Where did he go!

How to Use "Ni" Examples

Now consider the use of the negative particle "neither". It can be used in three ways.

Negative particle"neither" is primarily used to reinforce negation, and also in compound sentences with a concessive shade of meaning in order to reinforce the meaning of what was said if there is "not" in the sentence. Here is how the particle "neither" is used, examples:

  • There is not a soul around.
  • No matter how you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it.

Also, the particle "ni" is a part of stable word combinations:

  • neither give nor take;
  • no word of mouth;
  • neither fluff nor feather;
  • not moving;
  • no light no dawn.

Also, it is used to strengthen statements in combination with pronouns, adverbs (whatever, whoever, wherever, wherever, etc.). Consider examples of how the particle "ni" is used in these cases:

  • Peonies bloom everywhere you look.
  • Whoever looks at my work, everyone will admire.
  • Wherever I go, I meet friends everywhere.
particle spelling not and neither
particle spelling not and neither

Spelling "not" and "neither" examples

The article outlined the rules for using negative particles, which, of course, you need to know, but you also need to understand the spelling of particles "not" and "neither".

When writing, very often questions arise - which particle should be used in this or that case? What is the difference between "not" and "neither" particles? Try to understand how important they are in speech, how the meaning of what is said changes from their incorrect spelling.

The point isthe fact that in an unstressed position, the negative particles "not" and "neither" coincide in pronunciation, which can lead to spelling errors. Therefore, it is necessary, based on the context, to distinguish between them by meaning. Consider the simplest and most effective way. If, when reading a sentence, omit the particle, and the meaning of the sentence changes to the opposite, then the particle “not” is written:

  • Sergey didn't learn his lessons (Sergey learned his lessons).
  • I failed to do my homework today (Today I managed to do my homework).

And the particle "neither" is written in the case when, in its absence, the meaning of what was said does not change. Here are some examples:

Mountains and rivers won't stop me (Mountains, rivers won't stop me)

negative particles are neither
negative particles are neither

The meaning of the position of the particles in the sentence

And now we will give an example of how the meaning of what was said does NOT change in the same sentence with a different position of the particle:

  • You haven't been to the National Museum.
  • You weren't at the National Museum.
  • You weren't at the National Museum.

In the first case, the particle "not" comes before the predicate, and the whole sentence is negative. And in the second and third cases, only one fact is denied, but on the whole the sentence remains affirmative.

particle nor examples
particle nor examples

Particle and conjunctions: examples

Besides, the particle "not" is a part of unions and allied words. By the way, it is written separately as part of repeated and double unions. For example:

In our family reigned not so much stinginess, but some kind of special thrift

And the particle "neither" is written in negative adverbs and pronouns in an unstressed position together (nowhere, none, nobody, nowhere). Here is an example:

  • Nothing hides a man like his dream.
  • There is no one in the garden (there is no one).

In addition to the above, we draw the following conclusions, firstly, the described particles can be used before any members of the sentence, including homogeneous members. Secondly, the particles “not” and “neither” are used in sentences of any structure, that is, in both simple and complex ones. Here are some examples:

  • No traveler is able to pass by a life-giving spring, so as not to stop, not to fall into the icy water.
  • Springs are needed not only by people, but also by animals.
  • Neither in rivers nor in lakes is there such clean and tasty water as in springs.
