Negative particle "not" and "neither": rules, examples

Negative particle "not" and "neither": rules, examples
Negative particle "not" and "neither": rules, examples

It would be hard for us to have to say no if it wasn't for the negative particle. As one of the most used service parts of speech, it helps us express our attitude to a particular situation. We will talk about its role in the Russian language, as well as its varieties in our article.

negative particle
negative particle


All parts of speech are usually divided into two large groups. The first includes independent words. They have their own meaning and are the basis of our speech. However, it would be difficult for us to compose a text using only this group. Therefore, the so-called service parts of speech come to their aid. They include the negative particle. However, this is not the only variety of this group.

not and neither
not and neither

The following also exist:

  • Shaping: let it go.
  • Interrogative: is it really, is it.
  • Exclamation points: how, what.
  • Requirement: then, ka, s.
  • Doubt: whether.

Each of them has its specific purpose and a special role in Russianlanguage. It would be difficult to express emotions without using particles.


Difficulties often arise in writing negative particles. It turns out that "not" and "neither" have completely different meanings. Each of the rules has a historical basis.

particle not with nouns
particle not with nouns

We will write "ni":

When we want to reinforce an existing denial. Compare two sentences:

There were no fish in the lake. 2. We didn't see any fish in the lake

The second sentence has a stronger negative than the first. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in the reservoir the fishermen did not observe any fish at all, absolutely none.

In complex sentences. This particle is very often used in the dependent part

For example: Everywhere I go, I think about the sea.

I can't learn the rules no matter how hard I try.

When using homogeneous and enumerated members

For example: I couldn't eat, drink or read when I was sick.

Neither mathematics, nor biology, nor physics were done by Petya in time.

Missing predicate. Very often, you can substitute the words “no” or “no” for them

For example: No fire, no smoke (no).

Neither lie down nor rest (you can't).

The main function that this negative particle conveys is amplification.


This official part of speech has a slightly different meaning. Usually we use "not" when we want to refuse something or give the word an antonymous meaning. Let's consider other cases when"not" is a negative particle:

Double "not" is pronounced when affirming

For example: I couldn't help but mention it. I understood that it was impossible not to confess.

In some exclamatory sentences denoting surprise, we also write “not”:

How can you not admire this city! What color did the sky shimmer during a thunderstorm!

It is worth distinguishing between the spelling "not" and "neither" in pronouns. In this situation, it all depends on the accent. In a strong position we write "E": nobody, NOT with anyone, NOT with anyone. We use “I” without stress: No way, NONE, NONE about anyone.

"Not" with verbs and participles

when not a negative particle
when not a negative particle

It is not easy for schoolchildren to memorize the spelling rules of a given particle with different groups of speech. Each of them has its own orthographic features. How is the particle "Not" spelled with gerunds? The answer to this question is simple: always separate. Immediately recall its similar spelling with the verb. The participle is formed just from it. Hence the same principle of their writing. For example: do not do - do not do, do not sunbathe - do not sunbathe.

However, there are times when a word without this important particle is simply not used. In this case, we will write it together. Consider an example: Resent about the rain - shout, indignant about the rain. Both with a verb and with a similar gerund, the negative particle is written together.

This rule is the easiest for learners to remember because there are very few exceptions.

Particle "not" with nouns

The spelling rules are not always simple. For example, im.noun, as well as im.adj. and adverbs have their own scheme of using them with the particle "not".

when a negative particle is written
when a negative particle is written

We will write it together in cases:

  • Antonym formations with "not". For example: friend - foe, weather - bad weather, beautiful - ugly, little - a lot.
  • Impossible to use words without "not": Clumsy, scoundrel, slob, furious.

Separately "not" is written if:

  • There is a clear opposition. It is usually expressed with the union "a". For example: The man turned out to be not a friend, but an enemy. Not luck, but complete failure and disappointment awaited us.
  • The denial is emphasized: It was not my mother who called on the phone (but someone else). We did not come in the evening, but at night.
  • There is a gain. For example: Our neighbor is not tall at all. My sister is by no means a sneak.

We present the main cases when the particle "not" with nouns is written both together and separately. Do not forget that adverbs with adjectives also fall under this rule. If you keep this important feature in mind, then you do not have to remember the spelling "not" for each part of speech separately.

"Not" with participles

Another case when the negative particle “not” is written, and not “neither”, is its use with participles. Many confuse its spelling with gerunds. These parts of speech were formed from verbs, but with "not" they are written in completely different ways.

particle not with gerunds
particle not with gerunds

Everyone knows that participles have the ability to form turns with the help of dependent words. In the case when it is used precisely as part of a turnover, we will write it separately from “not”. Example: A student who did not complete the exercise received a deuce. As you can see, the participle "not fulfilled" is written separately from "not", since it has the dependent word "exercise" with it. In this case, it is participial, which explains its spelling with a negative particle.

However, there is another side to this rule. In the case when there is no turnover, the participle changes its spelling. Consider an example: The exercise remained unfulfilled.

It would seem that the meaning of the sentence has not changed. However, the syntax is completely different. Now the sacrament does not carry any dependent words. This means that there is no reason to write it with a separate particle.

Let's change this example with just one word: The exercise remained unfulfilled by the students. We note the difference: now a word has appeared that forms a participial turnover (by the students). In such a situation, we will already write it separately from "not".

Well, of course, as with every rule, there are exceptions. If the participle without this particle is not used, then we will write it together, regardless of whether there is a turnover or not. For example: The raging wind did not let up until dawn.


In this article, we examined the main cases when "not" is a negative particle, and when it performs other roles. Do not confuse it with "neither": they have differentspelling features. However, the main function of "not" is still negation. In some interrogative-exclamatory sentences, we can use it as an affirmative. Also, do not forget that with each part of speech it is written differently.
