The multifaceted and complex processes of the origin of peoples and cultures constantly attract the attention of researchers of various years. The centuries-old history of the Ukrainian nation has made it possible to create its own cultural heritage and make a significant contribution to world culture.
Origins. Trypillia culture
The history of Ukrainian culture dates back to the 4th millennium BC. e. It was to this time that scientists attribute the heyday of the Trypillia culture. The first inhabitants of Ukrainian lands were farmers and cattle breeders. They cultivated the land, raised cattle, and engaged in various crafts.

Trypillians lived in rather large cities, the number of which was about 10 thousand inhabitants. They worshiped their own gods, kept their own calendar, regularly observed the movement of celestial bodies.
Ukraine between the old and the new era
Cimmerians settled the territory of modern Ukraine in the 9th-7th centuries. BC. This nomadic tribe did not have a developed culture, leaving behind many reminders. The pottery and copper products of the Cimmerians, which have survived to this day, amazesubtlety of work and elegance of finishing even for sophisticated connoisseurs.
The culture of Ukraine received a powerful impetus during the heyday of the Scythian state. Archaeologists find many works of art and household items during excavations of Scythian burial mounds. The heyday of the Scythian state falls on the 4th century BC. e. Subsequently, the Scythian state was conquered and assimilated by the Sarmatians. Cultural monuments of Ukraine of that time are ceramics, jewelry made of precious metals, weapons.

The patterns had a zoomorphic character - the Scythians descended from various real and mythical animals. Among the creatures they revered were horses, goats, deer and even griffins.
The Scythians and Sarmatians had extensive trade and cultural ties with the Greek policies that flourished on the shores of the Black Sea. It is from the written sources of the Greeks that contemporaries draw information about the culture of the ancient Ukrainian peoples of those times. Greek cities were already in decline by the 5th century AD. e., when a new Slavic state began to be built - Kievan Rus.
Culture of Kievan Rus
At the beginning of the 1st millennium, the civilization of the Eastern Slavs began to form. Small tribes united in alliances, cities and defensive fortifications arose. Our ancestors perfectly knew the nature of their land, worshiped their gods. Even before the adoption of Christianity, the Slavs had developed architecture, had a written language and a set of beliefs that explained the origin of the elements and natural phenomena.
Kievan Rus existed in the 9th-13th centuries. culture of the peopleUkraine draws its origin precisely from the heritage of this great state. Together with Christianity, writing came to these lands, trade and cultural ties with other countries revived. The culture of Ukraine of the era of Kievan Rus is known to us thanks to the literature of that time, magnificent examples of temple and secular architecture, iconography and oral folklore. The Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kyiv dates back to the times of Kievan Rus - a wonderful example of ancient Ukrainian architecture.

The constant invasions of nomads and bloody civil strife have turned a great country into many small principalities. So Kievan Rus ceased to exist.
Culture of Ukraine in the 14th-17th centuries
Most of the territory of modern Ukraine in the 14th century became part of the Principality of Lithuania. The cultural traditions of Russia gave an impetus to the formation of educational and cultural processes in the Lithuanian principality.
The Bulgarian Ivan Fedorov became the first book printer in Ukraine. Having mastered typography in Moscow, he arrived in Ukraine in 1566, where he founded the first printing house in Zabludovo. During these years, the first Ukrainian books were published - "Abetka" and "The Teaching Gospel". Later, a branch was opened in Ostrog. He became famous for the fact that the Ostrog Bible was printed there.

Ukrainian architecture is being transformed during this period. Defense elements disappear in buildings and castles, castles become more comfortable and spacious. Old buildings are being restored, wood is being replacedstone.
Notable changes have taken place in Ukrainian icon painting. The Ukrainian icon acquires its own recognizable features, the images become warm and humane. More everyday and genre scenes appear in painting.
Education in Ukraine
The development of culture in Ukraine after the collapse of the Lithuanian principality has slowed down somewhat. This is due to the fact that most of the Ukrainian lands became part of the Commonwe alth. Ukrainian culture and the Orthodox Church began to come under pressure from the Polish authorities. During this period, a special literary genre emerged - polemical literature, in which Ukrainian authors defended their national and religious authenticity. The level of education increases, a large number of schools and theological institutions are formed, and in 1701 the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, the first higher educational institution of the Eastern Slavs, was founded.

Ukrainian Baroque
The impetus for the further development of the Ukrainian nation was the national revolution in 1648-1676. The culture of Ukraine in the 18th century is characterized by the emergence of a special artistic style, called "Ukrainian Baroque". The art of this trend is characterized by dynamism, a penchant for allegory, pomp and theatricalization of reality.
Ukrainian culture of the 18th century
Architectural cultural monuments of Ukraine give an idea of this special style, which successfully combined the European style with the traditions of ancient Russian architecture. Excellent examples of Ukrainian baroquein architecture is the Pokrovsky Cathedral in Kharkov and St. George's Church of the Vydubytsky Monastery in Kyiv.

Painting of the 18th century reflected the worldwide direction of the Baroque style - rich decorations, gilding and complex semantic composition. This trend also affected icon painting. In the images, the introduction of the Ukrainian ethnic type is observed, historical figures are also iconized. An icon-painting school opens in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
The development of culture in Ukraine is impossible to imagine without the literary masterpieces of that time. New directions appear in literature: in contrast to dogmatic religious literature, secular works of various genres are created - satire, epigram, poetry and others. The famous "Aeneid" by Kotlyarevsky, the odes of G. Skovoroda and the scientific works of F. Prokopovich belong to this time.
Summing up, we can say that the culture of Ukraine in the 17-18th century gained a second wind and began to master and develop new trends in art, painting and literature.