What is a method day? Description, features and recommendations

What is a method day? Description, features and recommendations
What is a method day? Description, features and recommendations

Any teacher strives to ensure that children like his subject. In order for students to demonstrate a high quality of knowledge in the final assessment, the teacher must devote time to their own development.

You can't come to an educational institution and give a lesson without first preparing for it. In this case, it is difficult to count on the improvement of interest in the subject, a deep understanding of the material being studied.

Time for self-development

Methodological day is necessary so that the teacher has the opportunity to prepare for lessons, communicate with colleagues, undergo additional professional training in the framework of courses, seminars, conferences.

We must not forget that each lesson involves preliminary preparation, selection of basic material, assignments, exercises.

It is difficult to fully implement such training with full employment at school. That is why in many educational organizations teachersa method day is provided.

self-education of teachers
self-education of teachers

How to spend a "day off"

People who are far from the specifics of the work of a teacher are convinced that during the holidays teachers relax with their children. Methodical day they associate with a day off, not realizing that teachers spend it with special literature, increasing their intellectual level.

Important aspects

Let's try to understand what is the essence of the exemption for a teacher of one working day within the school week. A teacher can use a methodical day at school not only to prepare for lessons and extracurricular activities, but also for self-education.

Improving the professionalism of teachers is especially important. After all, the modern school and its students are rapidly developing. If a teacher does not follow the changes taking place in modern society, he will not be able to give his pupils high-quality and relevant knowledge.

method day at school
method day at school

Science Celebration

In some schools, it has become a good tradition to hold a methodical day in the form of a seminar. The school administration chooses the day during which methodological work will be carried out in the educational institution. How can you schedule work on a single methodical day? Teachers inform in advance about their desire to hold open lessons or extracurricular activities for colleagues. Based on the applications, a schedule of “open lessons” is drawn up, which can be attended not only by school teachers, but also by colleagues from other educational institutions.organizations.

topics for development
topics for development

Features of organizing festivals

All guests are provided with a form in which they can leave their feedback about the extra-curricular activity or thematic educational session attended. In order for the upbringing and education of the younger generation to be fully carried out, there is an exchange of work experience, a “round table” is also organized, in which teachers discuss a certain problem, together they look for a way to rationally solve it. The methodological topics of the days are proposed by the teachers themselves, taking into account the requests and wishes of parents and pupils.

Within the city, for example, one of the schools can become an experimental platform for the introduction of certain methods and techniques of the educational process. In this case, the methodical day will be devoted to these issues.

The scenario of such an event is compiled by the deputy director of the educational organization for educational and methodological work, involving a group of initiative teachers to help.

how to spend a practice day
how to spend a practice day

Payment features

How is payroll done? Methodological day is paid the same as any other working day. In those schools where the administration cares about the professional level of their teachers, directors try to allocate a “free day” to all teachers, regardless of their workload. Such a measure helps to improve the level of training of teachers, increase their motivation for work.

Regulations on the methodical day

In someschools are developing (on the basis of a collective agreement) provisions on the provision of a day for the professional growth of a teacher.

  1. The goal is to create favorable conditions for improving the pedagogical skills of the modern teacher.
  2. Teachers who work full-time at the school have the right to a methodical day.
  3. The provided day is not a teacher's day off.
  4. A teacher is engaged in self-education, studying normative documents and legislative acts on the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

As part of the methodical day, work is carried out in certain areas:

  • mastering innovative teaching methods and technologies, adapting them to the conditions of a particular class team;
  • analysis of best practices in the discipline taught;
  • study of methodological and scientific literature;
  • development of methodological materials on the subject, thinking over extracurricular activities;
  • participation in seminars, conferences, webinars.
  • features of work after classes
    features of work after classes


After the adoption of the professional standard of the teacher, each teacher is obliged to provide the school administration or the head of the methodological association with a plan according to which he will develop his professional qualities and improve his pedagogical skills. As a rule, one methodological topic is selected, on which the teacher will work for 2-3 years, actions are indicated that will contribute to the implementationthe tasks assigned to them. During the academic year, the teacher acquaints colleagues with the accumulated experience at meetings of school, city, district methodological associations, notes those points that have already been achieved.

On the methodical day itself, the teacher should take an active part in those events that are held in the educational organization, as well as outside it.

If necessary (in agreement with the teacher), a sick teacher is replaced. A teacher who is on a methodical day is obliged to attend open lessons of colleagues in the IR. If he fulfills the duties of a class teacher, the teacher comes on duty at the school.

self-improvement of teachers
self-improvement of teachers

Control over compliance with all the basic rules developed for the behavior of teachers of an educational institution on the day provided for self-education is carried out by the deputy director for educational work and the head of the school methodological subject association.

In some Russian schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, once every six months (per year), methodological decades are held within the framework of the school, dedicated to a particular subject area. According to the Internal Regulations in force in the educational institution, teachers who are on a "free day" are required to take an active part in those events that are planned within the subject decade.

Allocating one day in the working week for self-education of teachers is an economically sound and expedient measure. Such actions allowavoid psychological and physical overload of school teachers, contribute to the intellectual self-improvement of teachers, their positive attitude towards their professional duties.

Teachers get an excellent opportunity for emotional relief, studying additional methodological literature, summarizing their professional experience, publishing it in teachers' magazines and newspapers, developing new interesting lessons and extracurricular activities.
