Today, the changes caused by new technologies have had a significant impact on the lives of people living in all corners of the globe. The traditional process of teaching and learning has been replaced by new and emerging technologies. Information technology has a major impact on all areas of education: curriculum, teaching methods, classroom interactions, etc.
Rapid communication with increased access to IT at home, in the workplace and in schools makes education productive. IT helps to promote knowledge sharing opportunities around the world. They can help teachers and students get the latest information and knowledge. Effective teaching and learning requires the right approach. Information technology is a set of tools that can help people find the right information at their convenience. In our article, you will learn how important IT is in the education sector, what is its impact on teaching in the classroom, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages of information technology in education.
Information is a resource that has no value until it is retrieved, processed and used. IT concerns the information system, data storage, access, search, analysis and intelligent decision making. IT refers to the creation, collection, processing, storage, presentation and dissemination of information, as well as the processes and devices that make it all possible.

IT affects both the individual and society as a whole. They stand firmly on the hardware and software of the computer and telecommunications infrastructure. Scholars compare the rapid development and expansion of IT to the industrial revolution in terms of its potential reach and impact on society. Few other modern advances in technology have the potential to significantly affect the way people work, learn, and manage themselves. As with the Industrial Revolution, it is difficult to predict the timing and direction of many changes.
IT reflects the combination of three technologies: digital computing, data storage and the ability to transmit a digital signal through a telecommunications network.
The rapid change in semiconductor systems, information storage and networking, coupled with advances in software, has enabled new applications, reduced costs, and widespread dissemination of information technology. Accordingly, massively expanding applications make them more useful and further promote their distribution.
Influence of information technology oneducation
The combination of education and technology is considered the main key to human progress. Education feeds technology, which in turn forms the basis of education. Therefore, it is clear that IT has influenced changes in the methods, goals and perceived potential of education.

The use of information technology in education has made it possible to access large databases of information. This approach radically changes education, since now students can be creators and collaborators in accessing and building the discourse of information. Through their technological literacy, young people can draw cultural capital from their understanding of modern information technology learning and thereby contribute to educational change. The same technology facilitates the rapid exchange of information between researchers on specific topics, so that the speed of dissemination of information is greatly increased. Increasing access to vast amounts of data means that students need help selecting, evaluating and analyzing information. They need to learn how to determine the value and validity of data. All these changes in the education of young people make their own adjustments to teaching practice.
Pedagogical and information technologies of education - the highest level of changes taking place in relation to IT and education. This is because learning is increasingly seen as happening through technology, rather than using technology as a complementary material in the classroom. ITespecially affect course content and teaching methods, as well as the recruitment and training of teaching staff. IT requires teachers to learn new skills. The use of computer technology improves the educational experience of students - not so much because of the media itself, but because the programs require teachers to think laterally and systematically.
The role of teachers is changing with the development of information technology in education. Students do not lack information, but rather the time to find, analyze, understand and apply the information received. Therefore, the role of the teacher is to help students develop the skills to determine how to find, analyze and interpret relevant data.
Thus, information technology education is an important part of the process of modernization and development of education. IT includes the use of information in the form of sound, graphics, text, numbers, etc. To convert information into the desired type of document and send it to its intended destination, certain techniques and devices are used.
Information technology learning tools are various devices, computers with the necessary software and telecommunications, along with the information placed on them. They allow remote interaction between teachers and students.
Remote learning
Distance learning is a synthesis of an independent interactive process of obtaining knowledge and consulting support. Thus, e-learning can be considered as one of thetools TO.
Distance learning information technology is a set of opportunities that provide students with the delivery of the main part of educational materials and interactive interaction between students and teachers in the process of obtaining knowledge. In this case, the acceptance of information can be carried out without the participation of computers and the Internet.

Education using distance learning information technology has many advantages:
- Opportunity to study at the place of residence. Not always the inhabitants of the province have the opportunity to go to a large city to enter the university. Remote technologies in education allow you to study without leaving your hometown.
- The ability to combine work and study. Not all students have the opportunity to get an education without leaving their jobs. This is especially important for those who want to improve their skills or get a second degree.
- Access to high quality technology and educational content. The student can learn from excellent quality materials, interact with teachers, and create customized study programs.
- Objectivity of certification. Distance learning technology requires constant monitoring of learned knowledge, impartial evaluation of results and the absence of opportunities for bribes to ensure the quality of the process.
- Individual approach to learning. Flexible schedules, the ability to combine study and work, and adapt learning materials to individual learning rates.
At the moment, distance learning has become an integral part of the educational world, its trends point to constant growth. A growing number of universities are providing distance learning opportunities as they find it convenient for everyone.
Information technology and educational goals
Education and learning are both life cycle processes, they have no limit and no deadlines governing when to start and stop. Although education in the past has been focused on teaching, IT has influenced the purpose of information technology education. Therefore, at present, education is increasingly perceived as a process of creating, preserving, integrating, transferring and applying knowledge. The perception of knowledge itself has also changed, where knowledge may once have been perceived as unchanging, it must now be perceived as “revisionist, creative, personal and pluralistic.”

The use of modern information technologies in education is developing more and more every day.
Based on this, there are certain goals:
- learning technology is known as the implementation of models, consideration of teaching methods and scientific knowledge about the learning process;
- learning technology acts as a factor and element of change in teaching didactics.
Educational technology is determined by several factors such as:
- ways, tools and forms of educational work;
- learning factors: teacher - student;
- communication inthe process of obtaining and transferring knowledge;
- educational programs designed for today's technology.
The future of education is not predetermined by modern information technologies. Rather, it will depend on how the place of technology in the educational process is constructed and interpreted. In everyday life, we learn something new every day, and this helps us change the way we look at the world. Education provides us with information that we must study and process in order to use it. It is very important to ensure that education is accessible to everyone and at any time. This will help improve the literacy rate of the population. Learning information technology has the ability to speed up the delivery of data, and this ability can be used to improve overall education.
New technologies in education

New technologies are changing the way we learn and also changing the learning process. Both teachers and students are using newly created educational technologies to archive specific academic purposes. The only problem is that IT is expensive, so those who can't afford to pay tend to have a hard time using IT learning opportunities. For example, increased use of broadband Internet access allows students to get the information they need in a timely manner. Educators use these features to create and deliver academic data using videos and graphic illustrations.
Penetration of new information technologies into education allows to qualitatively change organizational methods and forms, making the process more accessible and convenient. IT allows you to access academic information at any time. Both students and teachers use IT to acquire and share learning materials. For example, teachers can easily provide visual and audio data to their students using computers and broadband Internet access. This breaks the boundaries of access to information, because the student will be present at a virtual lecture, and not in a physical classroom. Also, teachers can give assignments to students on special educational forums.
Importance of information technology in training and education
Today, IT serves as a useful tool in enhancing teaching skills and learning ability. Audiovisual education can be easily delivered with the help of IT. The computer is a useful tool in all areas of learning. Multimedia technologies are used in schools, colleges to exchange ideas between students and teachers. Therefore, it is very important to know the place of information technology in training and education in our time.

Today, technological education is provided at universities in developed countries. More advanced schools have made the leap to virtual teaching. Online and distance learning is one of the leading forms of education in the new century. Developing learning environments at the beginning of the 21st century, society placed on the shoulders of educationalinstitutions and their traditional structures are more responsible for the growing need for education.
Now we cannot do without the participation of various communication and information technologies in developmental education and upbringing. Students use mobile, recording, playback systems, motion pictures, tape strips, television, audio cassettes, records, teaching machines, computers, and videodiscs to communicate and display information. The online library helps teachers and students to get a lot of information.
The possibilities of information technology in teaching help teaching in groups. As part of the IT curriculum, students are encouraged to view computers as tools to be used in all aspects of their studies. In particular, they need to use new multimedia technologies to exchange ideas, describe projects and inform about their work. This requires them to choose the medium most suitable for conveying the message, structuring information in a hierarchical manner, and linking data to create a multi-dimensional document.
Information learning technologies provide effective methods for the professional development of teachers.
IT classroom teaching for children with special needs

Children with disabilities face multiple forms of discrimination, which leads to their exclusion from society and school. Attitudes towards children with disabilities, as well as a lack of resources formeeting their needs exacerbate the problems they face in accessing education. Lack of access to school is a problem that is tantamount to the failure of the system to provide quality education for children with disabilities.
IT has revolutionized the education of children with special needs. Modern computer technology has opened up classroom communication for children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, mobility impairments, etc. This allows visually impaired children to use Braille computers to take notes and conduct tests in the classroom, as well as prepare assignments and documents at home. A special machine called the Cranmer Abacus helps them learn number concepts and perform calculations.
Telecommunication devices are used for students with hearing impairments. Other technological aids include cochlear implants, hearing aids, assistive listening devices, public address devices, television and movie theaters, and text phones that facilitate these children's learning activities in the classroom.
Hyper-text technology is used for children with learning disabilities as they cannot follow the textbook like their normal peers. They also use hypermedia technology to listen, view and search for various information. Sometimes talking books, written text and lectures are also used in the classroom to teach children with disabilities.
Key Benefits of Information Technology
Student benefits:
- Promote independent learning. Students can receive information without the help of parents and teachers.
- Easier access to information.
- Encourage student learning to be fun and motivate to learn.
- Accessibility and greater participation. The advent of online classes opens the door for many students who otherwise could not participate in educational programs due to time and financial constraints.
- Prepares students for the future. It is now clear that the future will be digital and technological. Good use of technology will help students collaborate, communicate, compete and find better jobs in the future.
- Search for research materials. There are many more resources online that a college or university library cannot provide.
- Acquiring a variety of writing skills - The Internet helps students develop their hypertext skills.
Benefits for teachers:
- IT facilitates the sharing of resources, expertise and advice.
- They provide more flexibility for teachers to complete different tasks at different times.
- IT builds the skills, confidence and enthusiasm of teachers and provides opportunities for a variety of teaching methods.
- Help teachers facilitate planning, preparing lessons and developing learning materials.
- Through graphics, drawings, teachers can present material in more interesting and engaging ways.
- Teachercan help students find quality content.
- Students learn interactive technologies, and the teacher helps them in this. He can diagnose problems and help students find solutions.
- Using modern technological devices, teachers can expand their knowledge and develop their professional teaching skills.
The main disadvantages of information technology
As in any other business, there were some negative points here too:
- Lack of interest in learning. Since everything is accessible through data stored on a computer or mobile devices, a lack of habit of learning and a lazy attitude to study develop.
- Finding unusual things in the computer - The Internet does not always help students in finding things that are valuable to them.
- Hinder academic achievement.
- Expensive – No IT facilities in schools. The cost of laptops, a broadband wireless projector, for example, is a significant part of the school budget.
- Lack of sufficient knowledge about the use of applications and the benefits of IT by teachers, the head of the institution and educational authorities.
- Today's teachers are poorly trained in the modern use of technology. There is a large shortage of competent and experienced teachers in these matters.
- The prescribed curriculum in schools, colleges and universities, the system of examinations and assessments, the available teaching materials and infrastructure are not able to provide the desired support for the use andapplication of IT in the educational process.
- Lessons learned through digital resources reduce the face-to-face interaction between teacher and student, eliminating personal experience.
Pedagogical and information technologies of education help teachers and their wards to participate in the educational process together. They expand the boundaries of their thinking, knowledge and perform various educational activities. Different kinds of technologies both hardware and software make the learning process more interesting.
The use of information technology in education provides great opportunities to improve the products and processes of education. For example, such as the individualization of learning, the use of multi-sensory and multimedia materials and the effective management of various educational institutions. The IT leadership is more actively developing the learning process. Now the teacher plays the role of a coach or mentor.
Today, the Internet serves as a fundamental source of global information for millions of students, teachers and administrators. Therefore, the launch of the Internet in classrooms, as well as in administrative areas, significantly expands the possibilities of modern education and allows people to use online resources without restrictions.