A lot of confusion arises when using concepts such as programmed learning and programming learning. The first is technology, the second is the study of programming languages. You can see that both expressions sound very similar, but have a different categorical base. And if the process of learning and using programming languages does not raise questions among the majority of the population, then the emergence and functions of programmed learning are not clear to everyone.
Programmed learning concept
It is officially customary to consider programmed learning as a new modern stage in the development of pedagogical thought and practice. It is well known that any pedagogical experience (from the point of view of science) “must have sufficient validity based on the research of scientists”, be reflected and, since we are talking about technology, lead to a consistently positive result when applied. What is the technology of programmed learning based on?

It all started with the American psychologist and inventor Burres Frederick Skinner, who owns the patent for the so-called "boxSkinner." The professor, known as the author of the theory of operant conditioning (it was created as a kind of response to Pavlov’s experiments, with the difference that the conditioned reflex is formed not on the basis of a stimulus, but on the basis of reinforcement of a “spontaneously” occurring reaction), took part in the “race” to study the personality of a person and its management (conducted between the USSR, USA, Great Britain, Germany). As one of the by-products of research and study, the concept and then (in the 1960s) the technology of programmed learning by Burres Frederick Skinner appeared in 1954.
It is worth noting that the comparison of Skinner's technology with Socrates' dialogues about calculating the area of a quadrilateral is at least unreasonable and does not give the professor's work more weight and significance. With the same success, one can compare the Tula Russian harmonica tunes (the main dance genre at gatherings in Tsarist Russia) with modern rock. But indeed there are many common characteristics - this is the rhythm, and the assertiveness of the presentation of musical material, and even the content of the text in some cases. But rock is a musical genre that arose with the advent of electronic instruments, amplifiers, so to say that great-great-grandfathers had fun with “harmonica rock” is at least unethical.
As for the theory of B. F. Skinner, the name of the technology of programmed learning is borrowed from the technocratic dictionary (from the word "program") and also denotes a system of methods, teaching aids, control, algorithmization, which ensures the achievement of certain planned results. HeuristicSocrates' conversation, by definition, cannot be technology and is not similar to it, if only because the ancient thinkers taught and educated students "in their own image and likeness." As the classic of the pedagogical thought of the Soviet Union stated: “Only a person can educate a person.”

The role of the development of computer technology in the formation of a new pedagogical concept
December 1969 was marked by the launch of the Network, which linked four leading American universities and was the prototype of the modern Internet. And in 1973, with the help of a transatlantic cable, Great Britain and Norway were connected to the Network, which automatically transferred it to international status. Computer technologies are developing by leaps and bounds. It is worth noting that the computer acquired its current look and functions only in 1986 (then they began to produce machines with multimedia capabilities). Up to this point, information machines have been used as an indispensable assistant to the accountant and secretary. With the use of new technology, it becomes possible to quickly process and transmit large amounts of information, which greatly facilitates the work of research. It is natural that in 1996 the use of information technology was declared a strategic resource of education. For many years (1960-1996), work was carried out to improve the technology of programmed learning, which made it possible to master new work algorithms and identify "weak" points. Ultimately, the pedagogical community recognized that this development was notcan claim to be universal and applicable in certain areas that lend themselves to algorithmization.

Method or technology
It is worth paying attention to some of the confusions that arise in modern pedagogy. Often the term "technology" is replaced by the term "method", which cannot be considered legitimate.
Initially, the term "technology" migrated to the pedagogical space from manufactories. In the 19th and 20th centuries, education was conducted only in certain strata of society and had an individual character. But with the advent of the idea of “universal education”, the question arose of how to simultaneously train a large number of students, while achieving the ultimate goal (an educated person). Probably, for the first time the question arose about the control of acquired knowledge and skills. And since the human brain is used to “buzzing by analogies”, the solution was the technology used in the manufacture of the product in the factory. Of course, pedagogical technology under the "product" meant a trained person who knows how to apply knowledge according to the situation. However, the fact that the handiwork of a master is valued more than the same product from a manufactory is still undeniable (we will not delve into the wilds of the economy, but consider only the practical component of this issue). Another question is that the state considers education in classes of 30 people economically feasible. Therefore, technology is the choice of the "lesser evil", a system of educational programs for children with a focus on the learning process (for example, as a main featureof programmed learning was the automation of the process of studying, consolidating and controlling knowledge).
The methodology, with the variability of the learning process and an individual approach, is mainly focused on the result (masterwork). But applying the technique in an audience of 30 people is problematic.
Based on the above data, we can conclude that the term "technology" is applicable to programmed learning.

New learning tools
Special attention should be paid to the learning process itself (the end justifies the means) and its equipment. Initially, the methods of programmed learning were designed to maximally formalize the communication between the teacher and the student (the less the teacher has an impact on the student, the more correctly the technology algorithm is executed). And in the “age of computer technology”, the means of programmed learning are replenished with each new invention (whether it be a program or a new simulator). You can argue for and against the use of a computer and information technology in the learning process for a long time, but the fact that only the personality of a teacher influences the formation of a student's personality is an indisputable fact (in elementary school, what a teacher says is more weighty than the statements of the most authoritative parents). Thus, the teacher takes on the function of controlling the psychosomatic state of the student and mastering the stages of the training program.
In practice, this technology often comes down to automating the control and assessment of students' knowledge, while the process itselflearning is missed.
Meanwhile, teaching aids include school textbooks compiled according to the requirements of technology and machines. The most important and developed factor in programmed learning is the text (training programs for children). Textbooks are divided into three types according to the learning algorithm (linear, branched or mixed). But the machines are different: information, examiners and tutors, training and polyfunctional. Some versatile machines are able to adapt to the user's learning pace.
The choice between textbooks and machines will probably never be resolved unequivocally, since it is easier to “copy” from a textbook, it costs less, but machines always signal the “cheating tendencies” of pupils.

Learning management or collaboration
Based on all of the above, it can be argued that during a lesson using programmed learning technology, there is not cooperation, but management of the passage of the planned stages of educational material. Moreover, partly the control function is assigned to the machine, in the case of using a computer, and partly to the teacher. When working with textbooks, the control function lies entirely with the teacher.
What is the essence of management? Initially, this is an impact on the constituent components of the system for a specific purpose. In control theory, two types are distinguished: open-loop and cyclic. If you make a choice in favor of a control system that provides feedback and regulationcontrolled process, then this is a cyclic type (it is also the most efficient). Its components fit well into the "program" (or educational material) of teaching technology, providing:
• defining the goal (final result) of training;
• analysis of the actual state of the managed object (initially, the technology did not pay any attention to the initial state at all, but over time, turning to this area became relevant);
• interaction program (or educational material, divided into parts according to the requirements of the technology algorithm);
• monitoring the state of the managed system (this stage in working with computers is completely under the control of the machine);
• feedback and adjustment of impacts based on the current situation.
Managing the educational process according to this scheme, taking into account the specifics of the educational space, will effectively achieve the final result.

Linear learning algorithm
The algorithm is instructions for performing certain operations in a given sequence. The well-known linear algorithm model was proposed by B. F. Skinner with the definition of the basic principles:
• dividing the educational material into small parts, as this approach excluded overwork and satiety with the material;
• relatively low level of complexity of parts of the material (this allowed to reduce the proportion of incorrect answers, which, according to Skinner, allows you to set in motion "positive reinforcement");
• useopen questions in the system of control and consolidation of knowledge (text entry, not a choice from the list);
• observing the basics of positive reinforcement, confirm the correctness (or falsity) of the answer immediately after its presentation;
• the ability to work at a pace convenient for the student (a kind of individualization);
• fixing the material on a wide variety of examples, excluding mechanical repetition;
• one-way passage of the "program" (does not take into account the abilities of students, it is assumed that everyone will master the same program, but for a different period of time).
It should be noted that the linear algorithm has been repeatedly (and not without reason) criticized by teachers. And, as mentioned above, it cannot claim to be universal.

Branched learning algorithm
Somewhat later, a different algorithm for presenting educational material was developed, but by Norman Allison Crowder. The difference between a branched algorithm and a linear one was the introduction of a kind of individual approach to the process. The path through the program depends on the answers of the student. N. A. Crowder's branched algorithm is based on the following principles:
• presentation of the material according to the principle from complex to simple (the program is served in large pieces, if the student does not cope with the given level of complexity, then it is automatically transferred to a simpler level);
• use of closed questions (choosing the correct answer from the presentedoptions);
• each answer (both correct and wrong) is provided with explanations;
• versatility of the program (it all depends on the preparedness of the student).
Opponents of this version of the algorithm argue that it is problematic to form a complete and systematic view of the material being studied in this way. Yes, and the learning process itself is artificial and ugly simplified, does not embody such a complex and multifaceted type of activity as learning.
Mixed learning algorithm
Combining the two previous algorithms led to the emergence of the third one. The mixed learning algorithm is represented by Sheffield (developed by psychologists in England) and block technologies.
Basic principles of the English learning algorithm:
- when dividing the material into parts or steps, the maximum number of factors are taken into account (features of the topic, the age of the child, the purpose of studying this fragment, etc.);
- mixed form of answers (selection and filling in the gaps), determined by the purpose of the "program";
- passing the next stage is possible only with the successful development of the previous one;
- individual approach to the content and pace of studying the program (it all depends on the abilities of students and the degree of knowledge of this subject).
The block technology of programmed learning consists of a program that takes into account all the variety of actions when studying the material in order to solve the tasks. Naturally, school textbooks of the block system will qualitatively differ from analogues of previous technologies. Inthe problem block is put at the forefront, the solution of which requires the student to mobilize knowledge, ingenuity, and will.

Programmed learning in modern education
The pros and cons of the technology under consideration allow us to draw the following conclusions:
• accustoming the student to diligence, accuracy of actions, it slows down the formation of such skills as finding new ways to solve a problem, creative thinking, putting forward one's own hypotheses;
• programmed learning is not a universal problem solving method and requires conscious application;
• as an auxiliary method, this technology is good for solving many problems (acquaintance with information, consolidating knowledge, monitoring and evaluating learning, etc.);
• as practice has shown, the automation of the learning process works only if it is used by a teacher who is well prepared to use it in the classroom.
Unified state exam
Whatever one may say, the USE is a test form of programmed learning. Many copies have been broken in the dispute about the usefulness and harm of this product, but today it is one of the ways to quickly and with a sufficient degree of certainty to conduct mass control of knowledge.
However, it should be borne in mind that the majority of gifted children do not show good results in the exam due to various objective reasons. Therefore, overestimating and underestimating the technology of programmed learning is fraught with consequences.