How many organs does a person have: characteristics of organ systems

How many organs does a person have: characteristics of organ systems
How many organs does a person have: characteristics of organ systems

Have you ever wondered how many main organs a person has? After all, the human body is a complex system consisting of organizational structures of different levels. How are they interconnected? Let's figure it out together.

The human body as a biological system

Before you say how many organs a person has, you need to formulate a definition of this concept. An organ is a part of the body that occupies a certain position, has its own structural features and performs the functions associated with it. Each organ is made up of several tissues. For example, the heart includes muscle and connective tissue.

Scientists have not come to a consensus about how many organs a person has. The main figure that is called is 79. All of them are combined into organ systems. There are nine such structures.

There are two ways to regulate functions in the body - nervous and humoral. They are closely related. The first way of regulation is carried out with the help of the nervous system. It consists of two parts. The central nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord. To the peripheralinclude cranial and spinal nerves. The nervous system provides the interconnection of individual parts of the body with each other and the environment.

Another type of regulation of functions - humoral. This is the result of the activity of the endocrine system. It consists of several dozen glands that secrete hormones.

man and his organs
man and his organs

Movement is life

The system of organs of support and movement is represented by the skeleton and muscles. These organs develop and function as a whole. The connection of bones in the skeleton can be fixed (sutures of the skull), semi-movable (vertebrae with cartilage) and mobile (joints).

The musculoskeletal system also includes ligaments and tendons. These are completely different structures, although they are part of the joints. Ligaments are short and are made up of connective tissue. Their function is to fix the articular bag and prevent dislocation. Tendons are made up of muscle tissue and perform a motor function. They provide attachment of muscles to bones, and hence the movement of the joint.

human skeleton and lungs
human skeleton and lungs

Respiration and circulation

These two processes in the human body are closely interrelated. How many organs does the human respiratory system have? Only six. These are the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. But here you can also include the diaphragm. This is an unpaired muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity, and is also involved in the act of breathing.

The human circulatory system is a closed type. It consists of a four-chambered heart and blood vessels:arteries, veins and capillaries. The only liquid human tissue circulates through them - blood.

Along with the circulatory vital activity of the body, the lymphatic system also provides. It consists of vessels and nodes through which lymph circulates. In chemical composition, it resembles blood plasma. Among the formed elements, leukocytes predominate.

internal structure of a person
internal structure of a person

Nutrition and excretion

Now let's look at how many organs a person provides for the breakdown, absorption and removal of nutrients from the body. The digestive tract consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines. But with the help of these organs, only the movement and excretion of food masses is carried out. Grinding food occurs with the help of teeth and tongue. The breakdown of complex organic substances into simple ones is provided by the enzymes of the digestive glands - salivary, pancreas and liver.

The main excretory organ in the human body are the kidneys. From the blood they form the end products of metabolism - urine. Through the ureters, it enters the bladder, from which it is reflexively removed.

various human organs
various human organs


The reproductive system provides the process of reproduction of their own kind. According to the type of reproductive system, a person is a dioecious organism with internal fertilization.

Female reproductive organs include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. For men - testicles, genital canals and penis. The female gamete, the ovum, is formed in the ovary. Forfertilization, it moves into the fallopian tube, where it meets with the male germ cell - sperm. This is how a zygote is formed. It divides many times, resulting in the formation of a complex structure - the human body.

How many main senses does a person have

Information about all changes in the environment and the internal state of a person receives with the help of sensory systems. It is not difficult to remember how many sense organs a person has. There are five of them: visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory and gustatory. Sometimes they talk about the sixth sense of a person - intuition.

Each sensory system consists of three sections: peripheral, conductive and central. The first is represented by receptors - special sensitive cells. They perceive different types of energy and convert them into nerve impulses. The conduction section is formed by nerve fibers. Through them, impulses arrive at the nerve centers of the cerebral cortex. This is the central section. Here the information is analyzed, as a result of which certain sensations are formed.

So, the human body is a complex structure formed by physiological and functional systems. Their coordinated work ensures the normal functioning of all life processes.
