How many faces does a parallelepiped have and what kind of shape is it

How many faces does a parallelepiped have and what kind of shape is it
How many faces does a parallelepiped have and what kind of shape is it

Starting to take stereometry at school, not everyone can immediately orient themselves in space: it's not a plane. Sometimes even the simplest questions are confusing. For example, how many faces does a box have? This is not so easy to answer the first time, because most of us are likely to begin to count, imagining a figure in our head. In this article, we will figure out what a parallelepiped is, why it was called that and how many faces a parallelepiped has. You will learn all this and much more from this article.

How many faces does a box have and what is it

Based on the name, we can already conclude that there are parallel lines. So, a parallelepiped is a three-dimensional figure, or rather, a polyhedron that has six faces, each of which is a parallelogram.

Classic parallelepiped
Classic parallelepiped

What is a parallelogram? This is a quadrilateralplanimetry, in which opposite sides are pairwise parallel and equal. A parallelogram that has at least one right angle (the rest are automatically equal to 90 degrees) is a rectangle. If all the sides are also equal, and the angles are right, then this is a square.

From the definition, we understood how many faces a parallelepiped has. Answer: there are 6.

And how many faces does a rectangular and square parallelepiped have? In fact, all types of these polyhedra have the same number of faces: in all cases there are six of them.

A rectangular box is a polyhedron whose faces are not parallelograms, but rectangles.

Square has squares instead of parallelograms. Such a parallelepiped is called a cube. It has equal all faces, edges and diagonals.

Parallelepiped cube
Parallelepiped cube


So, in this article we looked at what a box is, what it is made of and how many faces a box has. And also what are the varieties.

Geometry is an exact and interesting science that is worth studying, because it will come in handy in life if you need to design something. Don't be lazy, learn new stuff!
