Is teaching just a job or a calling? To understand what the ideal teacher of the future should be, you need to correlate the requirements of progress with the qualities that a truly talented teacher should have.

The ability to interest
Writing an essay on this topic is not an easy task. Before starting work, it is necessary to reflect on the main qualities of teachers of the XXI century. The teacher of the future is the one who is able to transfer the knowledge he has to students, to control in time that this knowledge is correctly understood by his audience. In addition, from a subject that at first glance may seem completely uninteresting, such a teacher is able to make something fascinating, enchanting. Students will want to return to the classroom of the teacher of the future again and again.
Teachers need different
One cannot, of course, say that such a teacher must necessarily be ideal. After all, the ideal is always unattainable - and this is the beauty of perfection. It is the guiding beacon to which a person of any profession should strive. The teacher who seemsperfect for one person, absolutely not suitable for his friend or girlfriend. After all, each teacher has their own teaching methods and assessment criteria.
Someone definitely needs a strict teacher who will maintain a high level of discipline and control homework. To another, on the contrary, learning will be easier with a gentle and patient teacher. Such a student has more than enough discipline, and excessive strictness will only hinder successful learning. Therefore, the teacher of the future is, first of all, the one who knows how to notice the needs of his student or group of students.

Passion for the subject
In an essay on this topic, a student can indicate that a teacher of the 21st century must have a high skill in correcting the student's complex relationship with the outside world, balancing his interests and the educational process. Without passion, learning turns into a routine and, over time, is abandoned. If there is no passion for the subject, then the goals of the educational process are not achieved. The teacher of the future must be a master of discussion, he also needs the ability to produce an educational process in the form of a dialogue. It is always important for teenagers to be heard.
And the teacher should show respect for the opinion expressed by students. Indeed, otherwise the child closes in on himself, a conflict does not arise in him, which prompts reflection. Respect for the opinion of the student contributes to the fact that faith appears in himinto your own strength. A talented teacher helps the student to independently find this or that truth. By skillfully asking questions, he develops a discussion in the group, so that the subject ceases to be boring or routine. Each of the students is involved in the discussion process, and the question of how to "force" children to study disappears by itself.

The talent to make an activity special
Those who say with confidence: “My future profession is a teacher” understand how creative this work is. After all, it is necessary not only to follow certain standards, but also to develop your own teaching methods. Only in this way the educational process will be really effective. By developing his algorithm for conducting a lesson, selecting those materials that the teacher can convey to the students with benefit, thereby the teacher makes his classes more vivid and individual. None of the schoolchildren or students want to spend time in boring classes or lessons where the teacher monotonously outlines the essence of the lesson according to the plan.
When working on an essay about the teachers of the future, the student can emphasize: the teacher who provides the lesson with examples from his own experience or tells an interesting story related to the topic of the lesson will always be remembered. And, most importantly, the information that was discussed in the lesson will be deposited in the memory of schoolchildren. That is why they say that teaching is a calling. Without love for this work, it is impossible to make the lesson interesting. Without passion, the study of a subject gradually turns into a routine, andstudents are not eager to attend such classes.

Skills in using modern technology
For a modern student, communication is the most important part of life. And the teacher of the future should always be in touch. He must be ready for any form of communication - via e-mail, Skype, social networks or instant messengers. Only such a person who keeps up with the times can be of interest to schoolchildren.
Besides this, the teacher of the future must be able to properly use the most modern gadgets. After all, more and more technology is used in schools every year. There is a process of informatization. Hardware and software become obsolete very quickly. Therefore, the preparation of a future teacher must necessarily include a course in computer science. The teacher should not only be able to use certain gadgets, but also be able to master their new versions.
Also, the teacher of the future should be able to use such an achievement of modern technology as an interactive whiteboard. For example, in a chemistry lesson, it makes it possible to construct formulas from the proposed elements, substitute bonds, oxidation states, and charges. The usefulness of the interactive whiteboard is also noted by English teachers. Indeed, with the help of this device, information from the electronic manual can be duplicated using a voice recording. The professional future of a teacher today largely depends on how able he is to master such modern devices.

Promotion of self-reliance
Modern children, starting from the age of 8-9, demonstrate a high level of independence. They quickly develop a sense of individualism, and with age, their own "I" more and more makes itself felt. Many educators take this with disapproval. However, educating a leader is one of the most important tasks of the teacher of the future. In each of his students, such a teacher should be able to see a personality with all its interests, hobbies, needs. Of course, one cannot argue with the fact that the skill of working in a team is necessary for each of the students. However, the more diverse the group, the more interesting the learning process becomes.

Strong personality
In the essay, the student can also talk about the fact that, on the one hand, the teacher of the school of the future should be quite loyal. But on the other hand, he must have his own point of view, an established view of the world. After all, you can often encounter a situation where students come to classes with the same teacher. This, of course, does not mean that other teachers are worse; it's just that this teacher has such personal qualities that others do not have.
Professional Knowledge
The job of a teacher is not easy. And those who decide to embark on this path must always first soberly assess their capabilities, their desire to selflessly work in this difficult field. Despite all the difficulties, many schoolchildren are confidentsay: "My future profession is a teacher." The quality of students' knowledge directly depends on professional knowledge.
A teacher who can be called a professional spends most of his time teaching children. Moreover, the mastery of the teacher lies not only in the impeccable knowledge of the subject being taught, close to perfection. It also includes the personal qualities of the teacher. For example, this is psychological competence, the ability to work innovatively. After all, the work of the teacher is also the work of creating the personality of the student. Therefore, a professional teacher must have a high level of civic responsibility, sincere love for children, and genuine intelligence. He must have a pronounced need for constant self-education, as well as be physically and mentally he althy.

Essay plan for the teacher of the future
If a student has received as homework to write an essay about what the teacher of the future should be like, the plan of his work can be as follows:
- What is the teaching profession?
- Professional competencies of a 21st century teacher.
- Personal qualities.
- The ability to keep up with the times.
- The role of the teacher in the development of schoolchildren and students.
Examples of congratulations to the future teacher
Everyone knows how to congratulate teachers. But sometimes it is necessary to prepare wishes for someone who is just getting ready to embark on this professional path. In suchcase, you can use the following wish:
We will call the work of a teacher special -
He brings knowledge to schoolchildren.
Every student can become capable, Kohl will find a sensible mentor.
A future teacher is a choice
Follow the calling of the soul.
In order not to make fatal mistakes, Graduate, take your time with business.
And for those who already know for sure, That he will work as a teacher, Our group of joy wishes, Gives congratulations and bows.
At the end of such a poem, you can add: "Happy Teacher's Day, future teachers!" Surely all those who have chosen the difficult path of a teacher for themselves will be pleased with such wishes. Every student who will become a teacher in the future will rejoice with them from the bottom of his heart.