What subjects you need to take for a programmer, how to successfully prepare for exams

What subjects you need to take for a programmer, how to successfully prepare for exams
What subjects you need to take for a programmer, how to successfully prepare for exams

Those who want to study at a university in a speci alty related to computer technology and informatics often ask the question: “What subjects should I take for a programmer?” In this article, the reader will find answers to such questions:

  • how to become a specialist;
  • what subjects should be studied at school;
  • who applies for this profession.

To become a good specialist, knowledge alone will not be enough, you also need to have talent, love for the profession. The fact is that programming is not a field of activity for everyone, but only for those who could “make friends” with such a difficult job.

Who is a programmer

Not only adults, but also schoolchildren know that there are people who are called programmers. But far from each of us is aware of what the tasks of a professional are. In addition, programming has several directions:

  • creating programs and applications;
  • analytics, economics;
  • electronics and nanotechnology;
  • computer science and engineering;
  • instrumentation.

There are other different areas that can be associated with completely different sciences. For example, for a person working in the field of analytics and economics, higher mathematics is important, and for someone who creates new programs or devices, physics is important.

what you need to know to become a programmer
what you need to know to become a programmer

Therefore, in this case, answering the question of what subjects to take for a programmer, it is impossible to unambiguously list all school subjects, but the main ones are still mathematics and the Russian language.

How to prepare a student

The real professionals are those who have a calling. Often, talent is revealed even in adolescence, when, in their free time, a student happily takes up work on a computer, learns programming languages and hone his knowledge in practice.

mathematics and programming
mathematics and programming

It is important for a talented student to know what subjects to take in order to become a programmer. But first of all, you should decide on the direction of training: the creation of programs, analytics, design development or, for example, instrumentation. The fact is that a "programmer" is a qualification of a specialist, but there are several speci alties themselves. You need to decide in advance what you want to do. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with all existing speci alties, choose the most suitable one. Next, you need to find out which entrance exams you should take.

Basic schoolitems

And now let's list what USE subjects you need to take for a programmer, what you should generally know quite well:

  • mathematics (algebra and geometry, higher mathematics);
  • computer science;
  • Russian;
  • physics.

But, depending on the chosen speci alty, there will be differences in two sciences: physics and computer science. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for applicants several years before admission. But it is still desirable to know well both the subject in case there is a desire to change the field of activity. For example, a first-year student expected to be the creator of programs (games, applications), but eventually moved to the banking sector by the end of his studies and became a systems analyst. In the first case, physics is needed, and in the second, computer science.

different areas of programming
different areas of programming

In addition, programming implies knowledge of the English language, so you should take the study of this subject seriously at school. What disciplines should be taken as a programmer if an adult working in a different speci alty decided to go to study? Of course, the same ones. But you need to prepare for a long time and seriously.

Student disciplines and sciences

Starting from the first year of the institute, you will have to study various technical sciences: cybernetics, database theory, programming languages, analytical mechanics, economics and others.

The student must have logical thinking, be able to present ideas that have not yet been created, understand what will beresult. Therefore, you should focus not only on what subjects you need to take for a programmer, but also on your own abilities for certain tasks.

analytics in programming
analytics in programming

A specialist often has to work for several hours to reach the final result. In addition, only he, as the creator of this or that information product, can correct the identified errors and failures.

You learned what kind of profession it is - a programmer, what subjects you need to take. Make the right choice. We wish you good luck in your admission and success in your future work!
