Good grades have always been not only a plus for the future certificate / diploma, but also a reason for a great mood, joy. Not everyone is given the opportunity to be straight A's, but everyone wants to get an A.

Only sometimes it is not easy to achieve such success. Let's look at how to get an "A" easily and without hints / cheat sheets. It should only be remembered that everything depends only on yourself, on your desire to understand the material covered.
Listen carefully to the teacher in class
It is very important to listen carefully to the teacher from the very beginning of the lesson. As a rule, first the teacher briefly explains the essence of the material being studied, then dictates a definition and then explains the lesson with examples. It is at this moment that you need to be extremely careful. Even if it is completely unclear what it is about, you should not immediately interrupt the teacher. It is better to wait until he offers to ask questions. There are, of course, moments when you can raise your hand and immediately clarifywhich is unclear as long as the situation is current.
Attention is needed especially in such subjects as physics, chemistry, mathematics. How to get an "A" in these difficult sciences? Just listening to the teacher and doing homework. You can also ask for explanations of examples and tasks after the lesson.
What educators expect from us
Every responsible teacher wants his work not to be in vain. The more students who understand his subject, the better for everyone. It often happens, unfortunately, that the teacher does not know how or does not want to explain something, referring to textbooks or excellent classmates. What to do in this case? You have to act exactly as he says.

But any teacher actually knows his science much deeper than he gives in the classroom. It is impossible and absolutely unnecessary to delve into the topic so that there is no ambiguity on the part of the students. Simplicity and clarity are very important. Therefore, in a regular high school, the basics are studied. In specialized classes, in-depth study is practiced.
Despite the fact that the teacher gives the material concisely, the student must navigate the topic. For example, we are studying a topic in physics on radiation. There are few examples in the book. But the teacher may ask to list what is the source of radiation in everyday life. If the student figured it out, then he can easily list and get an "A".
Correct preparation for the lesson
When you get home, rest, then start studying. You should not treat the lessons learned andhomework carelessly. You can’t think like this: “I’m tired, the morning is wiser than the evening.” Actually this is a big mistake. In the morning, hastily, barely waking up, you can not do anything. And in the evening there is enough time to master the topics. During the day and in the evening, you can have time to memorize something, repeat it before going to bed, and remember in the morning.
How to get a "five" guaranteed? Only responsible preparation the day before or earlier. In addition, the topic still needs to be worked out.
What questions might be asked
Be prepared for the fact that you may be called to the board at any time, or the test will begin without warning. Your job is to always be ready. In addition, the habit of learning also needs to be developed.

How to get an "A" without difficulty and rejoice? Only careful preparation. There is a golden proverb “Without labor, you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond.” This also applies to the hard work of learning. You can't succeed without putting in the effort.
Additional sources of knowledge
Textbooks give only the most basic information. Often children get bored of reading them, they fail to remember anything. Therefore, involuntarily, books are not taken seriously. To make science interesting, it is better to use additional materials. For example, an encyclopedia, specialized literature or the Internet. In the latter, you can find free video tutorials in all subjects.

How to get an "A" at school if there is no way to get the right onematerial? You can ask high school students, adults. It is also recommended to approach the teacher after the lesson and ask. Teachers like it when students are interested. At the same time, this will be a plus for you.
Positive attitude to life
To become a good student or an excellent student, you should change your outlook on life, learn to love everything around. A good relationship with others, including classmates, teachers, always leads to a positive result.
In order for the mood to be good, you need to ask yourself not how many fives you need to get, but how to prepare for the lesson so that it is both interesting and useful for the future.
You need to train your memory and develop thinking
At a young age, memory should definitely be trained. Much that was learned before school and in elementary grades is remembered for a lifetime. Thinking should also be developed in order to learn how to make responsible decisions in difficult situations in life.
Let's say how to get an "A" in English, and what will it give? Firstly, for a high mark, you need to prepare, learn unfamiliar words, translate texts, memorize the rules. In the future, this item may come in handy both when traveling and at work.
How to make friends with the sciences and the collective
How to build relationships? Be sure to be interested in everything that is relevant. But don't be intrusive. In addition, the acquired knowledge can be discussed with classmates. It will be great if you take part in events and projects.

How to get "five" more and more? Let your work, together with attentiveness and interest, become companions for the entire time of study. We wish you success and good mood!