As you know, in production, for the structuring of processes, a technological scheme is used, which is characterized by some physical parameters. In the process of solving problems in production, in practice, it is necessary to make changes in the values of parameters. For these purposes, as well as for the regulation of processes, complex automatic control systems are used. For their analysis, a functional diagram is drawn up.
What does this term mean?
This phrase denotes a visual expression of the links between some elements of an object.

In other words, this is an explanatory drawing of a product or installation, depicting certain types of processes that occur in blocks or circuits of a device.
It can be said that a document in which a view of a product model is graphically represented is a functional diagram. This phrase also implies the meaning of the explication. The use of this explanatory material allows you to reflect the changes that occur in the device and control any microcircuit.
A functional diagram is also called a logical or structural diagram, since this document can be used to determine the formula for the operation of device elements. However, this type of visual systematization does not have any special signs and designations. Therefore, various symbols and indications from electrical, algorithmic and kinematic names can be used to create such a drawing. A combination of these characters may also be used.
Compilation principles
The functional diagram can be made taking into account the following points:

- Define the main elements of the system that perform a specific purpose.
- Highlight the main principles of the device.
- Determine what is OP - an object of regulation, a controlled value, an inciting and establishing influence.
- Design a functional block that is an actuating device - DUT.
- Set which element acts as a sensor and a link that sets the movement.
- Reduce all blocks into one structure, indicating the links and functions that they perform. Each element must be signed, the direction of movement is indicated by arrows.
Additional information
The functional diagram of the network of local connection of computers is performed using organizational chart data, which indicates the number of computingcars, who will own them, and so on.

Also for this you need to highlight what duties will be performed on this or that equipment, what purpose this or that workplace will have.
The functional diagram is carried out in accordance with the rules of ESKD. Segments of the local network are drawn up as separate blocks, the connections between them are shown using arrows. The scheme of organization of equipment and a visual representation of information flows together make up a functional diagram. It is important to note that the preparation of this document should be carried out by specialists who install the network.